Rizal Philippines
March 3, 2013

HBO feature of the week was "The American Assassin" directed by Clint Eastwood. It is a story about Chris Kyle a Navy Seal, known as "Legend" Devil of Ramadi and credited with 160 kills as a sniper. It is a true story and based on the book he wrote. He served four tours in the ME campaign.
As a sniper, he is tasked with saving the lives of other combatants, and to take out other snipers. He is credited with one of the longest (about 2 km) shot of an opponent.
The movie portrays his conflict with his wife/family as he struggles with his tour of duty to to defend fellow Americans. He saw the value in what he was doing - to protect and save lives of other Marines
It was unfortunate, that one of the soldiers whom he tried to help, a psychotic, killed him and a companion. The killer Eddie Ray Routh was sentenced to life imprisonment with out parole. People lined up the street for 200 km to watch his funeral procession
Thus by being good at something you can be a leader
Some question though if Chris was to be considered a hero after knowing the circumstances behind the Iraq war.
But these were the things at the head of Chris:
"A warrior has a job to do," she writes. "It is a noble job. It is a hard job. He takes those moments upon himself so the rest of us will not have to. He looks evil in the eye and stands up to it so we can sleep soundly."
In a 2012 interview with the BBC, Kyle made that point directly.
"Every person I killed I strongly believe that they were bad," he said. "When I do go face God there is going to be lots of things I will have to account for, but killing any of those people is not one of them."