Monday, November 16, 2015

Writing your own Personal Strategic Plan

'Quamplurimi et quam aptissimi" (As many as possible of the very best)

Ateneo Professional Schools
Makati City, Philippines
November 16, 2015

Those who reflect well on what we are doing at Leadership should have discerned that we are actually writing having worksheets/studies of our our Personal Strama/Strategic Plan.  This is a prelude to writing a Business Strategic Plan.

Why do we say so:

What is strategy? 

 It is a choice of



to achieve a desired goal/objective

It answers the question:

1.  Where am I going?     -  Objective

2.  How do I get there -      Strategic map/action plans

3.  Where am I now -    SW and other analysis

So how do we comply with this template?

       1.  Where am I going -  Objective;  In our learning agreement, we asked for your 5 year goal.  We also asked you in the final AVP your passion - that should be your goal  We may even ask you to put up your Own vision board

      2.  How do I get there -  In your paper reflection RP1, 2 and 3 your should be able to write down your action plans to reach 1.  Your final integrative paper should gather all your thoughts on how to get to your goal/personal vision/where are you going

     3.  Where am I now:    your SW analysis, Enneagram, Genogram, Life Story, movie synopsis and JCampbell.  RP 1 2 and 3.

You must be able to integrate, make your paper relevant to your vision/passion all the time.  You are now doing your first strama paper - FOR YOURSELF

You should be happy that there is such a course.  During our time, we did not have this opportunity.  We had to figure out ourselves the whole stuff  -  personal strategy for success as a business leader


  1. As a 26 year-old, this course will definitely be particularly useful for me. I believe it comes at the perfect time in my life, and just right before I graduate, as I am about to start the new chapters of my life soon after. There are so many things I want to achieve in relation to my passion and vision but as the "relatively young" person that I am, I know I lack the focus and personal awareness that I would need in order to achieve such things.

    I am looking forward to realizing a well-rounded direction that these activities can and will bring about.

    1. Thank you for the reflection and having so early completed the minimum # of comments for the course. A true Y.... treasure

    2. This is a very clear instruction for the FIP. Thanks for the guidance and inspiration on my personal quest on my authentic leadership abilities

  2. Thank you for the outline prof. Very helpful in collecting my otherwise scattered thoughts
