Rizal Philippines
November 8, 2015
From New Philosopher

You have heard this quote a hundred times before.
This course does not wish you to understand Socrates but invites you to engage in self awareness. Your papers are to be graded on the reflection/on the examination of your stories, your life story, of the movies
This does not mean just examining your life but the world around us. There is portion of this course where there is a brainstorming/mind mapping of the world around us. We can make this world a better place to live in (heal the world)
When you examine your life, you understand your story (where you have been) set to determine your goal (where are you going) and plot the map how to get there (strategy). Somebody who has looked deeper into his life experience and connected the dots would obviously lead a richer life than the one who did not.
Examining the world around him and discussing how to make the world a better place. Without his "examined life" there was no point in living. So he suggested that Athens reward him for his service to society. The result, of course, is that they had no alternative and were forced to vote for a punishment of death.
Luckily, we don't have to choose between an examined life and death. But the sad thing is, most people avoid leading an examined life. It's not that they don't have time or make time. They actively avoid examining their lives.
People who do examine their lives, who think about where they've been, how they got here, and where they're going, are much happier people. No one has all the answers. And no one's life is free from trouble and strife. But those who have some sense of where they belong in the universe also have a context for understanding how all the elements of their life fit together.

When you set aside time to examine your life,
You get to choose your destination; You get to set the goals;
You get to determine the path; You get to decide how long it will take;
You get to decide whether you're on the right path or the wrong path.
In other words, you begin to know your self and to take control of your life. You decide who you want to be and begin to become the person you want to be.
Examining your life brings tremendous freedom. You can take control of your life and all you have to do is set aside half an hour a day to get started. For specifics on getting started, go to /Articles and view the article entitled Know Yourself. You will also find the following related articles: A Consensus on Meditation; Contemplation; Working Toward Balance; and Relaxation Breathing.
The hardest thing about examining your life is getting started. You have to sit your butt in a chair and get used to not doing anything. Just relax. Focus. Well, you understand . . ..
Starting to examine your own life is like shifting to another road, and starting a new journey. It is a decision that you may need to give up everything and start from scratch. And I think this is the right step to start a real introspection of yourself from within. You have to let go of things and go back to where you have started. Sometime you have to go back as far from your childhood memories. Let me share the time that I have given up my career in BPO and decided to get a day job with a lower pay and lower position. It started as I already felt the emptiness of not being able to sleep at night with my son. For 11 years, I have deprived that opportunity to be able to hum him a lullabye or put him to sleep at night. It was like 6 months of thinking and I have to plan everything, and that I may end up getting a job with lower pay and lower level of title. But I decided to shift. Indeed there were shortcomings, but it changed me since then. I have found more light as far as my passion and my career revolves on and I feel much closer to my son. All I needed was go back and ask myself why I am working so hard.