Thursday, July 23, 2015

Find your #passion

'Quamplurimi et quam aptisimi" (As many as possible of the very best)

You must find your passion, what you love doing.   Do what you love....

What shapes you?  It could be internal - that which comes from your strength and inner desires, or external  that which comes from external sources -  opportunities, situation, your mentor, your role model, family members.  This is the topic of your 2nd reflection paper


  1. Thanks Prof for sharing these slides. Very enlightening indeed! Going through the slides, I was able to discover that there are passion that I have already done, some I am currently doing, but still have those that I have not yet done. It was also interesting to find out that true leaders are passionate which makes them energized and productive. I am writing now my Reflection Paper No. 3. More power Prof. God bless! - Cora Q. Guevarra

  2. Leader Dr. SuzetteJuly 25, 2015 at 8:22 PM

    Those were inspiring slides Prof. After going through them, I could say I have no doubt at all about my passion. Thank you so much for sharing them with us. God bless always.

  3. Thanks so much Prof for these slides. These gave me insights on PASSION. Maybe the most that I need now is time . There are many things I want to do and accomplish . I am sure my Passion to make our world a better place to live in has always been . I may have been working in small ways there i needs mor time and effort to nurture my Passion. have a great week sir

    1. Thanks Leader Daisy You could live a hundred years to pursue your Passion. I hope too with my self Too much to do, to little time. " Dream as if you will live forever"

  4. Those slides were very inspiring. I also believed that money is not that important when it come to finding ones passion/career. What's important is that you are enjoying on what you are doing, and by there you can be more successful. Thank you for sharing these to us Prof.

    1. Thank you Leader Kay for the conversation. Keep this up

  5. Thank you for the inspiration prof :)

    1. I have a hint of your real inspiration Leader Dr. Alan

  6. Good Eve Prof Jorge,

    I now view my passion search as a grand adventure. Thank you for sharing us these slides about passion, it leads me to something amazing, and to an exciting new life of seeking out a hidden treasure.
