Rizal Philippines
December 2, 2015
From Huffington Post

On the occasion of the birth of their child, Max, Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla, are donating 99% of their Facebook stock to a cause named Chan Priscilla Initiative. It will focus on "personalized learning, curing disease, connecting people and building strong communities."
It was sort of a letter addressed to their baby, saying that there is so much this generation can do for the children to have a better world. It resonates well with the song "Greatest Love of All"
1. This is the kind of thing we want our student leaders, to find out their passion, to fill in the needs of this world. This is what we want to address as we make our brainstorming (mind mapping). There is so much to be done that neither civil society nor business, nor government has addressed.
2. This is the area of concern of social entrepreneurship, where CSR and business principles meet.
3. This is the kind of passion, the right kind of passion, the calling that is nice to see among our business leaders in the likes of Bill Gates, Warrent Buffett, and now Mark Zuckerberg. The wealth and the gifts that they got, so huge are ultimately to be used for the benefit of mankind. All in keeping with Genesis,1:28. ie that we are all mandated to take care of the creation of this world. As we, like Mark are blessed to be in the corridor of wealth and power, we too find that ultimately, wealth must be used to benefit not just our personal wants and needs, but the world,
4. As with regards to his vision, mission in life one begins to think:
1. Did Mark start out with the idea that his mission is to help heal the world and/or make it better for future generation?
2. Was getting rich/very wealthy all ready a planned trajectory? Or was it serendepity?
3. Or was it the birth of his son Max, make him rethink his objective, mission in life. Now that that is clear to him, will he become richer, or will this new advocacy slow him down in his journey of wealth creation.
Are your purpose/s in life clear to you as of now?
We have a student in MM and Clark whose advocacies are very clear to them. Their higher purpose.
Our good doctor Leader in Clark has a foundation to send poor students, and even their maid to school. We have Cath espousing taking care of abandoned pets.
As I publish this post, I am pursuing in our organization, lower and affordable memorialization costs via cremation, BC rentals and the like. I would like to be given two more decades to live, so that whatever can be earned can be used in the pursuit of lower health care and simply helping others through a foundation, those who really have nothing - for food, fare, place to sleep, clothes, etc.
This is very admirable of Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla. The world has become a scary place to live in. It has become a jungle - a dog-eat-dog world, where everyone is out to look out for their own.
ReplyDeleteWe are all more capable, influential, and powerful than we think we are. If only we can all work together looking out for one another and not just ourselves, then this world can be a better place - a beautiful place.
I also admire your commitment to help others, Prof. I also would want to have a foundation, and hopefully by the time I reach 30, I can already start sending kids to school. Education is the best armor against poverty. We need not equip our children with all the money and luxury in the world. I believe, all we need to provide them is the fair chance to quality education. After that, the world is for them to conquer. Their legacy is for them to build. And their own mark in this world is for them to create - hopefully one which also aims to pull other people up.
That would be great. God bless. The world is still blessed despite its failings and troubles to have people like you and Mark Z to heal this world, to make a world a better place to live in. Thank you and may your tribe increase to answer the call for Leadership