Sunday, November 15, 2015

What kind of leader do you want to be?

'Quamplurimi et quam aptissimi" (As many as possible of the very best)

AGSB, Cebu Holdings Building
Ayala Center Cebu
November 14, 2015

                                   Leader Lt. Cmdr Andre with Leaders Maricel and Melissa

What kind of leader do you want to be?

This was the third question in the self  introduction, the first part of the session for Leadership.

There were two notable answers:

                             Leaders Bryan and Oliver;  Leader Oliver broke ice in recitation and
                                 he said he needs to be a disciplinarian leader at his power plant

1.  To be a disciplinarian leader.  Two managers involved in operations (running a power plant and

equipment buying selling, and leasing) said this.  This resonated with a seatmate at the plane coming in from Manila, Marco Borromeo (formerly living in Australia, a Sacred Heart grad - also an SJ school in Cebu.) a former AMEX financial analyst in Sydney for foreign exchange and equity trading, and now involved in family business, said that who need as a leader should be disciplinarian far stricter than Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore to get acts together.  This also jibes with the learning from Jim Collins that companies become good to great because of disciplined thoughts, people, and execution

2. Leader  Andre Ladan, the head of the communications group of PN, a PMA grad, a Lt. Commander (Lt Colonel in PA) of PN said that his leadership mantra is summarized in pusoy (Russian poker) order:   good better best:




These resonate with Pillars of Leadership and what the course wants to inculcate

Good relationship involves LOVE

Better self needs SELF AWARENESS

Dealing with others - involve HEROISM:

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