'Quamplurimi et quam aptissimi" (As many as possible of the very best)
It will be only 3 days before the US election. Presidentiable Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are neck to neck with 46 % surveyed in favor of Clinton and 45% to Donald Trump. The gap was wide before until the FBI resumed its investigation on private emails of Clinton while still Secy of State. Trump lagged behind when issue of sexual misconduct surfaced.
Fil Ams Chinese, and South Koreans want a Clinton victory. Trump is xenophobic and threatened to bring back manufacturing back to US and renegotiate trade deals
I predict a Clinton win. Clinton knows how to counter the acrimonious ranting of Trump
Leadership subject at AGSB is an Ateneo advantage. It emphasizes leadership from within, authentic leadership. One of its pillars is love. This is odd in a cold steely corporate world. The others are heroism, ingenuity and self awareness. The goal of leadership is not only to develop oneself but to clone other leaders. Everybody has potential to be leader. What we do, even if we do not have followers influences/affects others. It is time to define Filipino leadership too
The Cebu Leaders Class in Action
Cebu Regis Leaders
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Monday, May 16, 2016
Duterte bares plan for his new govt
'Quamplurimi et quam aptissimi" (As many as possible of the very best)
Philippine May 16, 2016
From Sunstar
Presumptive President Rodrigo Duterte bared his plan of govt in a ;press con held in Davao City today. Duterte said that he is not an expert in economics, if he disappointed the MBC, but he is ready to handle the law and order the problems that ;prevent us from achieving our growth and full potential.
In a typical Malcolm Gladwell turning point broken window passion, he plans:
1 To restore death penalty, by hanging for heinous crimes
2. To prohibit drunken driving/and or penalize the same, and no more drinking rowdiness beyond 10 pm. He cites the difficulties of a common suffering family stressed by traffic and lack of sleep commuting, suffering from broken down MRT trains.
3 He will ;prohibit the collection of fees from school children, because he said this is extortion;
4. He will remove obstructions from roadway.
5. He does not want any govt official to go to his office currying for promotion (all ready hordes are flocking to Davao to precisely do that) He will make the final decision on who gets the job even with the screening committee
6. He warns taxi drivers vs not giving any change. Taxi drivers in MM watch out.
7. He wants govt officials especially police involved in crimes, like drugs to resign now or else suffer the consequences. (This is bad news for some political kingpins in my province and nearby whose top dogs are alleged to be involved in crimes. They get rich and destroy the lives of youth. They are hypocrites and therefore must die by hanging
8. He will prohibit the licensing of heavy firearms
9. No more Lakbay Aral
Duterte is in a way announcing he is the boss, he knows what he is doingj. By working on small things around the big problems, he is laying down the foundation for discipline and obedience.. He talks about common small problems that have high impact on many Filipinos (at the risk of being called a micromanager, a just of the city mayor type of leadership)1. but that is a good start.
He welcomes member of the CPP for cabinet positions in the govt like /DAR, DOLE, DENR. He plans to free political prisoners (GMA) as part of confidence building.
Some possible cabinet members: From Rappler - Duterte names possible cabinet members
1. Presidential Spokesperson - Salvador Medialdea
2. Executive Secretary - Salvador Panelo
3 Art Tugade (formerly from CDC) for DOTC sec
4 Sonny Dominguez (his campaign manager ) for DOF
5. Peter Alan Cayetano for DOF or DOJ (but after one year) Perfecto Yasay could be the OIC
6. Peter Laurel of Lyceum - Dep Ed
Dureza will be for peace process. He is not a laude student, but the valedictorians: Dureza and Sonny Dominguez will be working for him to help him run our country well (good selector of great people)
As an adroit politician, Duterte loves to integrate and get various people working together sometimes with opposing views (hehe to get them on their toes and make them competitive). He will get normal people, NPA, even ROTC for drug campaign working together. While the Press Con was going on, NP leaders arrived for signing of coalition agreement. The NP heads included former Sen. Manny Villar.
Philippine May 16, 2016
From Sunstar
Presumptive President Rodrigo Duterte bared his plan of govt in a ;press con held in Davao City today. Duterte said that he is not an expert in economics, if he disappointed the MBC, but he is ready to handle the law and order the problems that ;prevent us from achieving our growth and full potential.
In a typical Malcolm Gladwell turning point broken window passion, he plans:
1 To restore death penalty, by hanging for heinous crimes
2. To prohibit drunken driving/and or penalize the same, and no more drinking rowdiness beyond 10 pm. He cites the difficulties of a common suffering family stressed by traffic and lack of sleep commuting, suffering from broken down MRT trains.
3 He will ;prohibit the collection of fees from school children, because he said this is extortion;
4. He will remove obstructions from roadway.
5. He does not want any govt official to go to his office currying for promotion (all ready hordes are flocking to Davao to precisely do that) He will make the final decision on who gets the job even with the screening committee
6. He warns taxi drivers vs not giving any change. Taxi drivers in MM watch out.
7. He wants govt officials especially police involved in crimes, like drugs to resign now or else suffer the consequences. (This is bad news for some political kingpins in my province and nearby whose top dogs are alleged to be involved in crimes. They get rich and destroy the lives of youth. They are hypocrites and therefore must die by hanging
8. He will prohibit the licensing of heavy firearms
9. No more Lakbay Aral
Duterte is in a way announcing he is the boss, he knows what he is doingj. By working on small things around the big problems, he is laying down the foundation for discipline and obedience.. He talks about common small problems that have high impact on many Filipinos (at the risk of being called a micromanager, a just of the city mayor type of leadership)1. but that is a good start.
He welcomes member of the CPP for cabinet positions in the govt like /DAR, DOLE, DENR. He plans to free political prisoners (GMA) as part of confidence building.
Some possible cabinet members: From Rappler - Duterte names possible cabinet members
1. Presidential Spokesperson - Salvador Medialdea
2. Executive Secretary - Salvador Panelo
3 Art Tugade (formerly from CDC) for DOTC sec
4 Sonny Dominguez (his campaign manager ) for DOF
5. Peter Alan Cayetano for DOF or DOJ (but after one year) Perfecto Yasay could be the OIC
6. Peter Laurel of Lyceum - Dep Ed
Dureza will be for peace process. He is not a laude student, but the valedictorians: Dureza and Sonny Dominguez will be working for him to help him run our country well (good selector of great people)
As an adroit politician, Duterte loves to integrate and get various people working together sometimes with opposing views (hehe to get them on their toes and make them competitive). He will get normal people, NPA, even ROTC for drug campaign working together. While the Press Con was going on, NP leaders arrived for signing of coalition agreement. The NP heads included former Sen. Manny Villar.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Leadership at the frontlines - the story of Chris Kyle - the "American Assassin"
'Quamplurimi et quam aptissimi" (As many as possible of the very best)
Rizal Philippines
March 3, 2013
HBO feature of the week was "The American Assassin" directed by Clint Eastwood. It is a story about Chris Kyle a Navy Seal, known as "Legend" Devil of Ramadi and credited with 160 kills as a sniper. It is a true story and based on the book he wrote. He served four tours in the ME campaign.
As a sniper, he is tasked with saving the lives of other combatants, and to take out other snipers. He is credited with one of the longest (about 2 km) shot of an opponent.
The movie portrays his conflict with his wife/family as he struggles with his tour of duty to to defend fellow Americans. He saw the value in what he was doing - to protect and save lives of other Marines
It was unfortunate, that one of the soldiers whom he tried to help, a psychotic, killed him and a companion. The killer Eddie Ray Routh was sentenced to life imprisonment with out parole. People lined up the street for 200 km to watch his funeral procession
Thus by being good at something you can be a leader
Some question though if Chris was to be considered a hero after knowing the circumstances behind the Iraq war.
But these were the things at the head of Chris:
"A warrior has a job to do," she writes. "It is a noble job. It is a hard job. He takes those moments upon himself so the rest of us will not have to. He looks evil in the eye and stands up to it so we can sleep soundly."
Rizal Philippines
March 3, 2013

HBO feature of the week was "The American Assassin" directed by Clint Eastwood. It is a story about Chris Kyle a Navy Seal, known as "Legend" Devil of Ramadi and credited with 160 kills as a sniper. It is a true story and based on the book he wrote. He served four tours in the ME campaign.
As a sniper, he is tasked with saving the lives of other combatants, and to take out other snipers. He is credited with one of the longest (about 2 km) shot of an opponent.
The movie portrays his conflict with his wife/family as he struggles with his tour of duty to to defend fellow Americans. He saw the value in what he was doing - to protect and save lives of other Marines
It was unfortunate, that one of the soldiers whom he tried to help, a psychotic, killed him and a companion. The killer Eddie Ray Routh was sentenced to life imprisonment with out parole. People lined up the street for 200 km to watch his funeral procession
Thus by being good at something you can be a leader
Some question though if Chris was to be considered a hero after knowing the circumstances behind the Iraq war.
But these were the things at the head of Chris:
"A warrior has a job to do," she writes. "It is a noble job. It is a hard job. He takes those moments upon himself so the rest of us will not have to. He looks evil in the eye and stands up to it so we can sleep soundly."
In a 2012 interview with the BBC, Kyle made that point directly.
"Every person I killed I strongly believe that they were bad," he said. "When I do go face God there is going to be lots of things I will have to account for, but killing any of those people is not one of them."

Leadership talk for a an agri venture company (chicken business)
'Quamplurimi et quam aptissimi" (As many as possible of the very best)
Rizal Philippines
March 3, 2016
Last Saturday, I had a talk before a group of employees, sons and daughters of the owners of an agri venture. It was at the initiative of an uncle who heads the company as the President. The talk covered: 1. duties and responsibilities of board of directors 2. leadership by the board of directors and 3. the future of the chicken business in the Philippines
The first part was the legal and business aspect of managing the business. What should be the role of the board of directors as the highest governing body of the corporation. At this aspect, I noted that the current board resisted the new roles as being pointed out in the presentation. Why do all of these things being prescribed, when there is the President. The President takes the initiative, he directs and executes. The Board merely watches, as passive observer. As in other enterprise which this body tried to assist, the enemy is always from within. There has to be change from within.
The good thing about the presentation, was this writer noted that there are 3 people whom the President can trust and rely upon. The President said that what we need are not more knowledge but more passion. I suggested to the President that this talents must be nurtured.
As for the chicken industry he noted that the opportunity is in the household (90% of the total market) so they left the hri market, and went to the wet market. And now he sees that faster turn over could be made in eggs and he plans to increase the number of layers from current l00,000 to 200,000. Shall he borrow at 4 to 5% vs margins of 10 to 15% on eggs. But his executive gave the answer. She wants to be sure of the market and doubling the number of layers at once may not synch with their ability to sell
The chicken a la carte presentation resonated well with the President. As a student of DVM, while in Manila, he noticed the same stuff that a lot of hungry citizens scrounge, scavenge for food, and these were mishandled by the food server. He took steps that they be handled well as food for the hungry and homeless
Rizal Philippines
March 3, 2016
Last Saturday, I had a talk before a group of employees, sons and daughters of the owners of an agri venture. It was at the initiative of an uncle who heads the company as the President. The talk covered: 1. duties and responsibilities of board of directors 2. leadership by the board of directors and 3. the future of the chicken business in the Philippines
The first part was the legal and business aspect of managing the business. What should be the role of the board of directors as the highest governing body of the corporation. At this aspect, I noted that the current board resisted the new roles as being pointed out in the presentation. Why do all of these things being prescribed, when there is the President. The President takes the initiative, he directs and executes. The Board merely watches, as passive observer. As in other enterprise which this body tried to assist, the enemy is always from within. There has to be change from within.
The good thing about the presentation, was this writer noted that there are 3 people whom the President can trust and rely upon. The President said that what we need are not more knowledge but more passion. I suggested to the President that this talents must be nurtured.
As for the chicken industry he noted that the opportunity is in the household (90% of the total market) so they left the hri market, and went to the wet market. And now he sees that faster turn over could be made in eggs and he plans to increase the number of layers from current l00,000 to 200,000. Shall he borrow at 4 to 5% vs margins of 10 to 15% on eggs. But his executive gave the answer. She wants to be sure of the market and doubling the number of layers at once may not synch with their ability to sell
The chicken a la carte presentation resonated well with the President. As a student of DVM, while in Manila, he noticed the same stuff that a lot of hungry citizens scrounge, scavenge for food, and these were mishandled by the food server. He took steps that they be handled well as food for the hungry and homeless
Friday, February 26, 2016
Leadership inspiration from Alan Turing - featured in the movie Imitation Games
'Quamplurimi et quam aptissimi" (As many as possible of the very best)
Rizal Philippines
February 26, 2016
Enigma Encryption machine
Alan Turings greatest triumph
I watched the movie "Imitation Game" at HBO last night. It was a story about Alan Turing, and a group of cryptographers to decode the German crypt code especially the enigma which they thought was unbreakable. It took a while and his superiors at British Intelligence was furious for not having decoded a single message, and having spent a hundred thousand pounds (a great sum of money) on the machine known as bombe. When they did, they could have averted a UBoat attack and saved hundreds of lives (including that of a colleagues brother) but Alan did not allow that. Why - the Germans would conclude that the enigma code has been broken and would change it. Alan there is a difference between what is right and what is logical. What is logical is to have statistically accepted number of hits and misses so that the Germans would not suspect that they have been found out. Truly brilliant.
The movie got 8 Oscar nominations
It was remarked on the movie that Alan discovery was prelude to the modern day computer. At the movie, they focused on the hardware. Later, postwar, Alan in his dissertation proposed software - programming. It was said, Von Nuemann though to be the father of computers, learned from Alan
While Turing was depressed as he was about to be prosecuted as homosexual (things have changed a lot) he was reassured by a former fiancee that many cities and many other things still exist because of Alan. Leaders are responsible for many things. (like the computer's coming to be)
Rizal Philippines
February 26, 2016

Alan Turings greatest triumph
I watched the movie "Imitation Game" at HBO last night. It was a story about Alan Turing, and a group of cryptographers to decode the German crypt code especially the enigma which they thought was unbreakable. It took a while and his superiors at British Intelligence was furious for not having decoded a single message, and having spent a hundred thousand pounds (a great sum of money) on the machine known as bombe. When they did, they could have averted a UBoat attack and saved hundreds of lives (including that of a colleagues brother) but Alan did not allow that. Why - the Germans would conclude that the enigma code has been broken and would change it. Alan there is a difference between what is right and what is logical. What is logical is to have statistically accepted number of hits and misses so that the Germans would not suspect that they have been found out. Truly brilliant.
The movie got 8 Oscar nominations
It was remarked on the movie that Alan discovery was prelude to the modern day computer. At the movie, they focused on the hardware. Later, postwar, Alan in his dissertation proposed software - programming. It was said, Von Nuemann though to be the father of computers, learned from Alan
While Turing was depressed as he was about to be prosecuted as homosexual (things have changed a lot) he was reassured by a former fiancee that many cities and many other things still exist because of Alan. Leaders are responsible for many things. (like the computer's coming to be)

Monday, January 25, 2016
China on schedule towards world dominance?
'Quamplurimi et quam aptissimi" (As many as possible of the very best)
Rizal Philippines
January 25, 2016
China Pres Xi with African leaders
From USC China Institute
China's leadership may be on its time schedule to achieve the China dream being espoused by its President Xi Jin Ping The China dream covers united, strong China whose citizens are prosperous. It means world dominance in trade, economics and even military hardware. (A former student in ADB said China would reclaim its rightful place in the World History (he was connected at ADB then, China is a shareholder at ADB.
What are the signs that China is pursuing world dominance.
1. Xi visited South Africa to strengthen ties with African leaders. China has all ready a strong presence in Africa.
2. Recent visit to the Middle East. Here Xi promised loans and other financial assistance. The US influence in the region is declining - thanks to pacifist current US leadership. All ready US is rubbing the KSA leaders over its handling of the Iran deal (led by Shiite) KSA is dominated by Sunnis
3. Build up of its military (China would build additional aircraft carrier. Did you see its display of military hardware in the Beijing anniversary of its victory over Japan?
4. It establishment, albeit illegal (from our point of view) of disputed territories in West Philippine Sea. China would be needing this to have strong global presence (military) in the region to control the shipping lanes and possibly the air space and the rich fuel resources that the territory contains.
5. The establishment of AIIB would seem to challenge the US financial system and dominance of the dollar. China has the biggest currency reserve of $3 trillion, and many observers are saying that China and Russia are orchestrating moves to remove the dominace of the dollar as currency for international trade. Yuan would be next?
Call that bullying or Chinese imperialism?
But one thing for sure, China has got balls now and they know it and using their might and resources to the hilt.
But the Western countries did just that when they were strong economically and militarily. China is aware that it is the second (some say the biggest) world economy has biggest cash reserve. And Xi has made forays all over the world to extend its influence (the latest visit to Africa and ME countries) Who can stop Xi/China?
Rizal Philippines
January 25, 2016

From USC China Institute
China's leadership may be on its time schedule to achieve the China dream being espoused by its President Xi Jin Ping The China dream covers united, strong China whose citizens are prosperous. It means world dominance in trade, economics and even military hardware. (A former student in ADB said China would reclaim its rightful place in the World History (he was connected at ADB then, China is a shareholder at ADB.
What are the signs that China is pursuing world dominance.
1. Xi visited South Africa to strengthen ties with African leaders. China has all ready a strong presence in Africa.
2. Recent visit to the Middle East. Here Xi promised loans and other financial assistance. The US influence in the region is declining - thanks to pacifist current US leadership. All ready US is rubbing the KSA leaders over its handling of the Iran deal (led by Shiite) KSA is dominated by Sunnis
3. Build up of its military (China would build additional aircraft carrier. Did you see its display of military hardware in the Beijing anniversary of its victory over Japan?
4. It establishment, albeit illegal (from our point of view) of disputed territories in West Philippine Sea. China would be needing this to have strong global presence (military) in the region to control the shipping lanes and possibly the air space and the rich fuel resources that the territory contains.
5. The establishment of AIIB would seem to challenge the US financial system and dominance of the dollar. China has the biggest currency reserve of $3 trillion, and many observers are saying that China and Russia are orchestrating moves to remove the dominace of the dollar as currency for international trade. Yuan would be next?
Call that bullying or Chinese imperialism?
But one thing for sure, China has got balls now and they know it and using their might and resources to the hilt.
But the Western countries did just that when they were strong economically and militarily. China is aware that it is the second (some say the biggest) world economy has biggest cash reserve. And Xi has made forays all over the world to extend its influence (the latest visit to Africa and ME countries) Who can stop Xi/China?
Three options to solve corruption
'Quamplurimi et quam aptissimi" (As many as possible of the very best)
Rizal Philippines
January 25, 2016
I often see the musings of Tina Monson Palma regarding ending corruption in the Philippines. That is her role as media man to communicate what is right and to be idealistic. I used to be idealistic. But her comments/prescriptions do not recognize the reality of power like we end the dominance of partisan politics and personalities and go by way of what is right and just. In the Philippines to stay in power to gain dominance in politics, the route is via parties and families and personality and thus, it will just be all talk
In my experience there are 3 options to send corruption
1. Revolution by straight guys to cut clean corruption. Its chance of succeeding is maybe 5%. However because of activities of NPA, the idea of revolution as a solution is still alive.
2. Dictatorship - A strongman must head the nation to enforce the rules as the Singaporean model showed. As in China too exemplified by President Xi Jin Ping One recalls the definition of a President of Pepsi (who led the Pepsi challenge campaign) that "Leadership is taking a point of view and expressing it forcefully" Force may be necessary at times to enforce what is the right thing to do. As a lady businessman expressed, "management, even consultants must be energetic, forceful, and dominant" for them to succeed and to make the business they are consulting for successful. They can not be just peace loving observers. (Top down approach)
3. The Chris Lowney approach - bottoms up approach. That leadership must start from individuals through self awareness, to ingenuity, heroism and love; That was the thesis of leadership class I conducted. I hope that made a lot of difference to the student leaders who were with me and that they will be able to make a lot of changes in their sphere of influence.
Rizal Philippines
January 25, 2016
I often see the musings of Tina Monson Palma regarding ending corruption in the Philippines. That is her role as media man to communicate what is right and to be idealistic. I used to be idealistic. But her comments/prescriptions do not recognize the reality of power like we end the dominance of partisan politics and personalities and go by way of what is right and just. In the Philippines to stay in power to gain dominance in politics, the route is via parties and families and personality and thus, it will just be all talk
In my experience there are 3 options to send corruption
1. Revolution by straight guys to cut clean corruption. Its chance of succeeding is maybe 5%. However because of activities of NPA, the idea of revolution as a solution is still alive.
2. Dictatorship - A strongman must head the nation to enforce the rules as the Singaporean model showed. As in China too exemplified by President Xi Jin Ping One recalls the definition of a President of Pepsi (who led the Pepsi challenge campaign) that "Leadership is taking a point of view and expressing it forcefully" Force may be necessary at times to enforce what is the right thing to do. As a lady businessman expressed, "management, even consultants must be energetic, forceful, and dominant" for them to succeed and to make the business they are consulting for successful. They can not be just peace loving observers. (Top down approach)
3. The Chris Lowney approach - bottoms up approach. That leadership must start from individuals through self awareness, to ingenuity, heroism and love; That was the thesis of leadership class I conducted. I hope that made a lot of difference to the student leaders who were with me and that they will be able to make a lot of changes in their sphere of influence.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
More diagrams of Leadership by Cebu Ateneo Leadership Class
'Quamplurimi et quam aptissimi" (As many as possible of the very best)
Rizal Philippines
January 18, 2016
The latest FIP submissions reveal that there are two additional diagrams of leadership:
Submitted by Leader Izumi Yamashita
By Leader Gerica Ricafort Ramos
Rizal Philippines
January 18, 2016
The latest FIP submissions reveal that there are two additional diagrams of leadership:

Monday, January 18, 2016
Regis Cebu Leadership Reflection Paper 3 My Passion by Leader Bryan Peter V. Evangelista
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bryan Evangelista <bryan.v.evang@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 9:15 PM
Subject: Fwd: Regis Cebu Leadership Reflection Paper 3 My Passion by Leader Bryan Peter V. Evangelista
To: "profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader" <profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader@blogger.com>, Jorge Saguinsin <profjorge.entrep@gmail.com>, profjorge.entrep.jermits@blogger.com
From: Bryan Evangelista <bryan.v.evang@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 9:15 PM
Subject: Fwd: Regis Cebu Leadership Reflection Paper 3 My Passion by Leader Bryan Peter V. Evangelista
To: "profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader" <profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader@blogger.com>, Jorge Saguinsin <profjorge.entrep@gmail.com>, profjorge.entrep.jermits@blogger.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bryan Evangelista <bryan.v.evang@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 5:06 PM
Subject: Regis Cebu Leadership Reflection Paper 3 My Passion by Leader Bryan Peter V. Evangelista
To: "profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader" <profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader@blogger.com>
From: Bryan Evangelista <bryan.v.evang@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 5:06 PM
Subject: Regis Cebu Leadership Reflection Paper 3 My Passion by Leader Bryan Peter V. Evangelista
To: "profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader" <profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader@blogger.com>
Good afternoon Prof Jorge. Resending as I do not see my report published in the blogspot.
Regis Cebu Leadership
Leader Bryan Peter V. Evangelista
Reflection Paper 3 – My Passion
What is your passion (What is it that you love doing)?
Just a few days ago this December, I was called to Manila to do participate in our "Pre Planning Workshop". Basically to do some brainstorming on what we can do in terms of tactics for 2016. One of my executives called me out and asked, "Bryan, do you still have passion for your work?" To this I replied, "Sir Passion or Pasyon?"
Regis Cebu Leadership Genogram by Leader Bryan Peter V. Evangelista
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bryan Evangelista <bryan.v.evang@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 9:14 PM
Subject: Fwd: Regis Cebu Leadership Genogram by Leader Bryan Peter V. Evangelista
To: "profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader" <profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader@blogger.com>, Jorge Saguinsin <profjorge.entrep@gmail.com>, profjorge.entrep.jermits@blogger.com
From: Bryan Evangelista <bryan.v.evang@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 9:14 PM
Subject: Fwd: Regis Cebu Leadership Genogram by Leader Bryan Peter V. Evangelista
To: "profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader" <profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader@blogger.com>, Jorge Saguinsin <profjorge.entrep@gmail.com>, profjorge.entrep.jermits@blogger.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bryan Evangelista <bryan.v.evang@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 5:09 PM
Subject: Regis Cebu Leadership Genogram by Leader Bryan Peter V. Evangelista
To: "profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader" <profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader@blogger.com>
2) Atty. Angelito married to Teresita. Tito Boy's family didn't start life easy. To make ends meet Tita Teresita went to Hongkong to work as a domestic helper. And in time, because of the distance fell out of love and never came back. Tito Boy tried to keep the family together in San Pablo but I really saw the effect of a broken home in the eyes of their 4 children. Last Christmas, even though it was a major gathering of the Evangelista Clan where relatives from Canada and Dubai came home to celebrate Tita Tess' 70th Birthday as well as the holiday, Tito Boy was a no show and only Clarence, one of four siblings, attended.
Carol married to Bernard Dykheng. Both are entrepreneurs who have migrated to Canada, their children are Gino Martelli, Carl and Kenneth. Up until now, most of our family did not agree to them migrating to Canada. They had a successful poultry business in Alaminos, Laguna and if there was any family who did not need to go outside the country to earn a living, it was them.
Gerry married to Lalee. Kuya Gerry is an entrepreneur. Aside from partnering with his Ate Carol in the poultry business, he also has his own farm lands. They followed their Ate Carol and Kuya Bernard to Canada but recently came back as they wanted to have their children finish their University Studies here in the Philippines. Their children are Marvin, James and Abigail.
2) Consorcia married to Rosauro Adam. I've never met them as they both died in a car accident before I was born. Leaving three children, Ate Baby, Bebot and Connie, the Velasco siblings took it upon themselves to take care of the three girls. They were brought up by our Lolay Kikay and calls our Tita Madeng "Mama". That's why as we grew up, they were never really treated like our cousins, they were treated like our elder sisters, as part of the Evangelista, Faylona, Enriquez and Velasco families. The three sisters and their families are:
Rosanna married to Allan and their children are Ma. Charmagne Louise, Timothy Carl. Kuya Allan is an executive of a multinational pharamaceutical company while Ate Baby is a home maker.
Ma. Rita Consorcia married to Hector Santos and their children are Hectonny Jan and Danyel Maxin. They distanced themselves from the family some time ago. I really do not know the whole story, it could be attitudinal or maybe because of change in religion.
3) Amada married to Manolo Enriquez. This couple is the closest to my father and mother. Tito Nonong is one of our more popular uncles. A funny guy, always cracking jokes. They also lived off the land as they also had farm land. A working man, Tito Nonong complemented his earnings by driving his own school bus. Up until her retirement a few years ago, was a government employee as well as raising their children who lives in the same compound together with their own families:
Yancy Gabriel married to Gemma. Kuya Yancy now works in an oilrig in Algeria. Their children are Shasha, Chris and Sadie.
Raymund Sherwin married to Roxanne. Sherwin also works in an oilrig in Algeria. Since their contracts are one month on and one month off, Kuya Yancy and Sherwin replaces each other every other month. His children are Cholo, Georgette, and Gee Anne.
Aldwin married to Atty. Shiela and they have a child named Nathan. Aldwin was the baby of all the cousins. He is always mild mannered, innocent and fun. He wasn't lucky in life. Unlike his siblings who were able to earn money and having savings while in Japan, he was just in Laguna with their mother. Although he was able to finish with a diploma from a local college in San Pablo, he really didn't do anything else other than take care of their aging mother. At least now he is married to a woman who loves him even though he didn't really amount to anything yet.
5) Emma and USN Lt. Commander Carmelito Denosta (deceased) They live in San Diego California together with their children. Tita Emma on the other hand is a CPA and worked for the Social Security Administration until her retirement. There was a time when Tito Lito's ship was assigned to Subic and we would visit them often and stay in Subic Bay. It was like living the U.S. without leaving the Philippines. It was a fun time with our cousins Vince and Ate Gail. I remember, however, that my Tita Emma didn't really like me back then as I was a rowdy child growing up. I was often scolded by Tita Emma for rough housing and running around all the time. I remember her telling me often to learn to just walk. I could never sit still up until now. Tita Emma is now retired and lives in Las Vegas Nevada. Their children are:
6) Isagani married to Cecilia Velasco is the youngest among the Velasco Siblings. Just like Tito Gener, he also toiled the land, in his spare time. As a career he worked for a bank that is one of the major players in the industry. He was loan officer up until he retired some 10 years ago. Being the youngest, he was treated more like an older brother by my more senior cousins. Like any other member of the Velaso family, he was hard working. Being in San Pablo, as compared to a Metro Manila, the provincial pace of life allowed him to go between the farm, the bank and time with his two boys. Paul Irving and Nicolai. Both brothers are now in the US with lives of their own.
From: Bryan Evangelista <bryan.v.evang@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 5:09 PM
Subject: Regis Cebu Leadership Genogram by Leader Bryan Peter V. Evangelista
To: "profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader" <profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader@blogger.com>
Good afternoon prof jorge. again resending po as I do not see my reports on the blogspot. thank you sir.
Regis Cebu Leadership
Leader Bryan Peter v. Evangelsita
Paternal Grandparents
Let me begin my Genogram with our Evangelista Family. My Paternal Grandfather was Roberto Evangelista Sr. He looks exactly like my father except that Lolo Berto kept a handsome mustache. He is from the Academe. When he died of a stroke when I was in high school, he was Dean for the College of Engineering at Laguna Colleges in San Pablo City Laguna. Truth be told he suffered a stroke while working in his office. To be perfectly honest, I did not know he was a dean until his death. During his wake, so many people visited and he even had an honor guard watching over his casket. The honor guards were from the College's ROTC. A simple and humble man, I did not realize he carried such importance in the community. I honestly thought he didn't do anything. He was always around when we visited and he didn't' seem to go anywhere or do anything else. He just quietly spent time with his children and grandchildren every time we visited. He was the eldest among 7 siblings; Leoncia , Esperanza, Vicenta, Rosario, Benjamin, and Rodelio.
My Paternal Grandmother was Maria del Pilar Evangelista. If my Lolo Berto was quiet and simple, my Lola Pilar spoke her mind. Don't get me wrong, she was as loving and caring as any Grandmother could be. Considering the quiet, reserved and conservative nature of the Velasco clan, (my maternal side of the family), her inquisitive nature keeps you on your toes. Sometimes it felt like the inquisition if you are caught off guard and end up having a one on one conversation with her. One trait I will always remember about Lola Pileng is her deep religious roots. Praying the Rosary, the 3 o'clock habit, are regular features in the day to day life of the Evangelista household. In fact, in one conversation I had with my Grandmother, she lamented how sad she was that none of her children or grandchildren either became a priest or a nun. If Lolo Berto was always at home when we are around, Lola Pileng did spend time with us but she would also often go to Church to both pray and serve during Mass. Later in this paper, I will admit that my Maternal Grandmother is the better cook if we are to compare; however, my all-time favorite dish can only be prepared by my Lola Pileng. She makes the best Kare Kare ever and no restaurant in Manila has come close to the thick-savory-peanuty taste of her version. You don't even need bagoong as it ruins the taste; compared to other recipes of Kare Kare wherein you need the shrimp paste to enhance the flavor. Lola Pileng was also the eldest among 6 children; Cristeta, Mercedes, Purita, Victorino, and Elena.
My paternal grandparents raised 6 children. Teaching them the values of hardwork, discipline and faith.
1) Teresita married to Welfredo Estrellado. The Eldest among the siblings, Tita Tess is a businesswoman. She rented apartments, also did some lending. One thing common among most of the Evangelista siblings is that they are fun loving people. Tita Tess would often host parties at the Evangelista ancestral home; eating, drinking and dancing the night away. In fact, my father was part of a band and my Tita Tess was a back-up vocalist. I don't remember her husband so much as he died when I was still young. She has 2 Children.
1) Teresita married to Welfredo Estrellado. The Eldest among the siblings, Tita Tess is a businesswoman. She rented apartments, also did some lending. One thing common among most of the Evangelista siblings is that they are fun loving people. Tita Tess would often host parties at the Evangelista ancestral home; eating, drinking and dancing the night away. In fact, my father was part of a band and my Tita Tess was a back-up vocalist. I don't remember her husband so much as he died when I was still young. She has 2 Children.
Glenn married to Verna. Just this December 2015, Kuya Glenn came back from Canada just to spend Christmas here and to celebrate Tita Tess' 70th Birthday. It was good to see my eldest cousin after so many years. One thing struck me though. It was evident he felt guilty about migrating to Canada. He would often say, it was his fault that they were in Canada as if it was a bad thing. Later on I realized their start in Canada wasn't very easy. The graduate of UP Los Banos with a degree in Chemical Engineering was working as a dishwasher and bellboy. All that sacrifice and hard work as he is now an Assistant Manager in a Restaurant and his wife is a clerk in a real estate company. What I admire most is their daughter Ysobelle. She speaks fluent Tagalog, better than my own children and is as deeply religious as their grandmother. In fact, most visitors would hit the beaches first when they arrive. Instead they went to Simala, a sacred church housing a miraculous image of the Mother Mary in the south of Cebu for a pilgrimage and to offer prayers of thanks.
Gyenn married to Jingle Joy. They migrated to Dubai and are both doing very well. Gyenn works for an IT Company while Jingle Joy is a dentist. Just like Kuya Glenn, they raised their child Elijah well. He also speaks fluent Tagalog and easily made friends with my children even when it was the first time they met during the Christmas holidays. I felt bad for Elijah. When the Christmas gathering of the Evangelista family was over and we were saying our farewells with the prerequisite family picture, I overheard him say "Bakit na sila aalis, we're just starting to have fun?" I guess being an only child away from the rest of your relatives is really hard.
2) Atty. Angelito married to Teresita. Tito Boy's family didn't start life easy. To make ends meet Tita Teresita went to Hongkong to work as a domestic helper. And in time, because of the distance fell out of love and never came back. Tito Boy tried to keep the family together in San Pablo but I really saw the effect of a broken home in the eyes of their 4 children. Last Christmas, even though it was a major gathering of the Evangelista Clan where relatives from Canada and Dubai came home to celebrate Tita Tess' 70th Birthday as well as the holiday, Tito Boy was a no show and only Clarence, one of four siblings, attended.
Abigail is single and is now doing well for herself as a Registered Nurse in the US.
Atty. Clarence is married and has two children. He now works in Baguio as a Lawyer for a major law firm
Jenny is widowed and works in Hongkong as a domestic helper . She is the only child who decided to stay with their mother. She has 2 children Franchelle and Jenna and they stay with relatives of her deceased husband.
Engineer Michael has 3 children. Sad to say we have lost contact with him. I really do not know the whole story but Jenny and Michael seem to harbor some kind of resentment against the Evangelista family.
Jenny is widowed and works in Hongkong as a domestic helper . She is the only child who decided to stay with their mother. She has 2 children Franchelle and Jenna and they stay with relatives of her deceased husband.
Engineer Michael has 3 children. Sad to say we have lost contact with him. I really do not know the whole story but Jenny and Michael seem to harbor some kind of resentment against the Evangelista family.
3) Mario is an Architect based in Kuwait. He has done well for himself, career wise. I remember in my youth that it was Tito Mario who always had the fancy gifts for Christmas. Always generous and dotting over his nephews and nieces, he is the only uncle who actually spends time to talk to us when we are together while the rest of the uncles are outside in the veranda drinking and playing mahjong. My fondest memory was when I was in college. Between 1989 to 1992, my parents were based in Singapore as my Papa's company transferred him to head their sales team. As expected, I guess, at this critical point of my adolescent life and without parental guidance, I almost got kicked-out of my University and I was only in my sophomore year. It was Tito Mario, who flew from Kuwait to visit me and set me straight. My parents eventually went back to the Philippines but it was Tito Mario who took the time to fly back just to make sure his rebellious nephew got a piece of his mind. His children are Caesar Lou and Christina and lives with their mother in Canada.
4) Angelina married to Garry Wakelin. Tita B as we fondly call her migrated to Canada in my youth. She and her husband run a small business in Canada and they are blessed with one child, Christopher. From her stories when we gathered it seems that she is the favorite daughter-in-law. In fact when her mother in law got sick, she chose to stay with Tita B and be taken-cared of by my Tita. She shared that during Christmas dinners in Canada, the family, well the mother in law, opts to spend the family Christmas in the home of Tita B and her husband. Once again, the Filipino trait of being caring and hospitable, and in the extreme side a bit of a martyr, is evident in my Tita B. She was with Kuya Glenn when she visited Cebu and she couldn't get enough of hugging and kissing and chatting with my 3 children.
5) Roberto Jr., the youngest of the siblings has 2 children, Arvin and Allan. I love my Tito Junior, as he was the funny uncle, always cracking jokes and playing pranks on everyone, but admittedly his carefree ways reflected on the life he leads. Of all the siblings, he was the only who couldn't keep a decent job. In fact, the brothers opened a car repair shop in my college days and did pretty well. To help their brother, Tito Junior was co-managing the business. But as expected, being run my Tito Junior, eventually they decided to close the business as they were losing money. Just like the two children of Tito Boy earlier, I haven't heard anything from Tito Junior's children Arvin and Allan. They parted ways soon after the death of their mother due to cancer.
4) Angelina married to Garry Wakelin. Tita B as we fondly call her migrated to Canada in my youth. She and her husband run a small business in Canada and they are blessed with one child, Christopher. From her stories when we gathered it seems that she is the favorite daughter-in-law. In fact when her mother in law got sick, she chose to stay with Tita B and be taken-cared of by my Tita. She shared that during Christmas dinners in Canada, the family, well the mother in law, opts to spend the family Christmas in the home of Tita B and her husband. Once again, the Filipino trait of being caring and hospitable, and in the extreme side a bit of a martyr, is evident in my Tita B. She was with Kuya Glenn when she visited Cebu and she couldn't get enough of hugging and kissing and chatting with my 3 children.
5) Roberto Jr., the youngest of the siblings has 2 children, Arvin and Allan. I love my Tito Junior, as he was the funny uncle, always cracking jokes and playing pranks on everyone, but admittedly his carefree ways reflected on the life he leads. Of all the siblings, he was the only who couldn't keep a decent job. In fact, the brothers opened a car repair shop in my college days and did pretty well. To help their brother, Tito Junior was co-managing the business. But as expected, being run my Tito Junior, eventually they decided to close the business as they were losing money. Just like the two children of Tito Boy earlier, I haven't heard anything from Tito Junior's children Arvin and Allan. They parted ways soon after the death of their mother due to cancer.
Maternal Grandparents
My Maternal Grandfather was Sebastian Velasco, deceased. My grandfather was the third child born of 4 male siblings ( Victorino, Cornelio, and Juan). He comes from a landed family in San Pablo, Laguna. The land was their main way of living. Compared to other families in our town back then (San Pablo is now a City), their family was better off. I remember him fondly as a hard worker always in the farm and only coming home to take his meals and sleep. A man of few words yet still takes the time to chat with all of his guests and his children and grandchildren. He was a bit stern and strict but warm and welcoming. One of the things I remember most of my grandfather was that he made everything from scratch. I guess since there were no groceries back then, he made his own jams, cheeses and of course I will never forget the big jars of lambanog buried somewhere in the farm. He would take out the jars every Christmas to serve to his guests.
My Maternal Grandmother was Francisca Velasco, deceased. Our Lola was a housewife and she was a great cook. She prepares all the family meals even though they had house help. Just like my lolo, I remember her make her home made ube, leche flan, macaroons, bibingka, and many more home-made delicacies. I often hear my aunties and lady cousins regret they never learned her recipes as we miss her and her cooking so much. If my grandfather was a bit stern, my grandmother was warm and loving. She always had a treat for all the grandchildren every time we visit. My fondest memory is the non-stop chatting of the lady Velascos in the veranda of the farm house. It amazes me until now when I remember in fondness that they never ran out of stories to share. My lola was engaging and very much interested to know and happenings and goings of each of her children and grandchildren. My grandmother was the eldest of 7 siblings: Josefa, Melquiades, Felimon, Antonia, Leonardo and Arcadio.
Herewith is the Velasco family tree of Lolo Baste and Lola Kikay, her children, spouses and grandchildren.
1) Iluminada married to Dr. Pompeyo Faylona (deceased). This couple complements each other. Dr. Faylona was a strict father not just with his own children but with his nephews and nieces as well. He was nice, but he always had a word or two regarding rowdy behavior or poor grades in school. If Dr. Faylona was strict, Tita Lumeng is a kind spirit always hugging us every time we see each other in family gatherings, giving us words of encouragement to love our parents and do well in school. She is a housewife and later on you will see that this is true to all women of the Velasco family wherein the father provides and the mother takes care of the home and children. Their children are:Carol married to Bernard Dykheng. Both are entrepreneurs who have migrated to Canada, their children are Gino Martelli, Carl and Kenneth. Up until now, most of our family did not agree to them migrating to Canada. They had a successful poultry business in Alaminos, Laguna and if there was any family who did not need to go outside the country to earn a living, it was them.
Dr. Jose Macario married to Lynette. Following his father's footsteps Dr. Macario is an accomplished surgeon practicing in the Asian Hospital and the Philippine General Hospital. Their children are Elijah and Arianne.
Gerry married to Lalee. Kuya Gerry is an entrepreneur. Aside from partnering with his Ate Carol in the poultry business, he also has his own farm lands. They followed their Ate Carol and Kuya Bernard to Canada but recently came back as they wanted to have their children finish their University Studies here in the Philippines. Their children are Marvin, James and Abigail.
Rosanna married to Allan and their children are Ma. Charmagne Louise, Timothy Carl. Kuya Allan is an executive of a multinational pharamaceutical company while Ate Baby is a home maker.
Rosaida, twin of Rosanna, is a single mom with two children from two different-good-for-nothing-sperm-donors. Her daughters are Olivia Rose and Nicole. Though she gets support, which is not enough, she and her daughter Nikki were provided for by the love and generosity of the Velasco Siblings.
Ma. Rita Consorcia married to Hector Santos and their children are Hectonny Jan and Danyel Maxin. They distanced themselves from the family some time ago. I really do not know the whole story, it could be attitudinal or maybe because of change in religion.
Michael Vincent married to Jean Enriquez. A Nurse by profession, Kuya Vincent own and runs a successful wholesale business right infront of the family compound. His children are Katrina, Bianca, Miguel Sebastien and Michael Emmanuel. One fond memory I have of Kuya Vincent is that when the father of Tito Nonong fell ill, Kuya Vincent took it upon himself to take care and nurse his grandfather. When his peers have already left the country to pursue a career in nursing abroad, he chose to stay and took care of an ailing grandfather. I guess life has a way of repaying you for your good deeds. He may not be practicing his profession but his wholesale business is doing so well it is able to support his own growing family.
Marie Rachelle married to Bong Canta. Their children are Cholo, Beatrice and Sophia Ammabelle. Here is another inspiring story to share. Ate Chinky was creative, artistic if you will, but a rebel as she was growing up. She got married when she got pregnant. Most of our relatives felt that she wouldn't amount to anything. That she was destined to be a burden to our parents the rest of her life. After so many failed business, she and her husband finally found their calling. She now runs a successful catering business, rents out vans, also has a landscaping business and now even breeds expensive dogs. If there's any lesson I could pick up from Ate Chinky, it is to simply never give up and to pursue your passion and eventually this paid off for her and her family.
4) Gener married to Aurora. Tito Gener was a Veteran of the Vietnam War. The eldest of the male siblings, he was a cook in the US Navy during the war in Vietnam. When he came back from the war, as expected he also lived off the land and went into farming. He also had a few businesses that never really took off. My brother and I would regularly help in these businesses. Everytime we stay in San Pablo, we chose to stay with them as we are so close to their children. I remember picking up sacks of coal and repacking them. I also remember sweeping and cleaning up the factory floor of their small clothing business. And our payment for a hard afternoons work, chippy and cola. I did not realize that they were going through hard times. Until one day, in the early 90's, he left for Hiroshima, a city in Japan bringing with him my cousins Yancy and Sherwin for work. My cousins were never able to finish their University studies. As construction workers they did well and after a few years came back and used their earnings to start different businesses. Tito Gener died of leukemia a few years after coming back to the Philippines.Yancy Gabriel married to Gemma. Kuya Yancy now works in an oilrig in Algeria. Their children are Shasha, Chris and Sadie.
Raymund Sherwin married to Roxanne. Sherwin also works in an oilrig in Algeria. Since their contracts are one month on and one month off, Kuya Yancy and Sherwin replaces each other every other month. His children are Cholo, Georgette, and Gee Anne.
Aldwin married to Atty. Shiela and they have a child named Nathan. Aldwin was the baby of all the cousins. He is always mild mannered, innocent and fun. He wasn't lucky in life. Unlike his siblings who were able to earn money and having savings while in Japan, he was just in Laguna with their mother. Although he was able to finish with a diploma from a local college in San Pablo, he really didn't do anything else other than take care of their aging mother. At least now he is married to a woman who loves him even though he didn't really amount to anything yet.
Abigail was once divorced and is now married to Scott. Both are successful lawyers practicing in California. Ate Gail's children from her first husband are Kevin and Bryan. I get the last laugh as one of Tita Emma's grandchildren is my name sake.
Vincent married to Monica is a program developer and also lives in California with their children Taylor and Tori.
Irving is married to Allelie. They have two children Alyssa and Ethan. They both work in the Information Technology industry and are doing well for themselves. Tito Boy and Tita Cecile, fly between the Philippines and the US often to be with their boys.
My Family
I saved the best for last. Raul Evangelista married to Maria Azucena Velasco. I love their love story. My mother and father were just friends, belonging to the same clique. Since my Mother's family was better off, her clique were children from landed families as well. My father's family are white-collar folks and as discussed earlier were not as blessed financially. Because of my Father's wit and humor he was still accepted by the more affluent families. Friends became best friends and eventually became lovers. I am inspired by Papa. I remember his stories when he was still in elementary school and how he worked after school selling banana cue made by Lola Pileng just to earn enough for his allowance. And his hard work and industry continued as he provided for his family. I benchmark myself against the accomplishments of my Papa. He already owned 5 hectares of land by the time he turned 27. I had to borrow money from parents just to pay for my own wedding. He told me that he did all of this to prove himself worthy of my mother. My father is hard working, but found time to be with his family and made sure that we enjoyed our childhood and sent us to good schools like Colegio San Agustin in Makati and De La Salle University in Manila. My mother discontinued her profession as a teacher to focus on raising her children. As you can see from our family tree, almost all the women focused on, and did an excellent job, raising their children as all the grandchildren have some measure of success in life.
I have two siblings.
My young brother Mark works for DMCI and is married to Karen and they are blessed with one child, Matthew Robert. My brother was an achiever in school, always had better grades than me. The quite type but he is not shy as he can carry a conversation with anyone. Just like me though, he also has a hot temper as silent waters run deep.
My only sister, Frances Pilar has Down's Syndrome. Being the youngest and only girl among us siblings, she is showered with so much love and affection from all of us. It's our fault that she's hopelessly spoiled but she deserves all that love as she is such a sweet child. She is now 34 years old and I suffer deep sadness every time the thought that she has a short life expectancy crosses my mind. And yet she is still with us and we make everyday count. She is the reason why the up until this day I believe that family will always come first.
Bryan Peter Married to Frances Mae Remotigue. My wife and I are living proof that opposites do attract. She's based in Cebu and I was based in Manila and we met in Dagupan for a conference. We were sent by our respective companies as delegates. At first we didn't like each other. She was too talkative for my taste and I was a snob. After the conference we went out separate ways. She went back to Cebu and I to Manila and a few months after that we started communicating and then by the end of the year I visited her in Cebu. Soon after that I would visit cebu at least every other month just to be with this lady I didn't like at the start. We were married 3 years later. I work for private multinational insurance company and she works for a government own corporation. And we are now blessed with 3 Children, from eldest to youngest they are
Bryan Peter Married to Frances Mae Remotigue. My wife and I are living proof that opposites do attract. She's based in Cebu and I was based in Manila and we met in Dagupan for a conference. We were sent by our respective companies as delegates. At first we didn't like each other. She was too talkative for my taste and I was a snob. After the conference we went out separate ways. She went back to Cebu and I to Manila and a few months after that we started communicating and then by the end of the year I visited her in Cebu. Soon after that I would visit cebu at least every other month just to be with this lady I didn't like at the start. We were married 3 years later. I work for private multinational insurance company and she works for a government own corporation. And we are now blessed with 3 Children, from eldest to youngest they are
Mary Cena Therese (Seti)
Sebastian Bryce
Francesco Inigo (Chino)
My wife and I, though complete opposites in terms of Character, saw that because of this we actually complement each others weaknesses. She may panic is most troubling situations while I keep calm and collected. I easily get frustrated and she gives me reassurance and teaches me patience. She is a romantic and I am practical. Though this could be a flashpoint in terms of issues and eventually arguments, I've learned that it also balances our personalities. As a hopeless romantic, my wife expects me to sweep her of her feet all the time, which I do try to live up to but there are times that I have to coach her and realize to keep it special, it shouldn't happen everyday because if it does, then it becomes routine and it loses its magic. I the other hand, being a practical and pragmatic person therefore very reserved in my mannerism and emotions, have been taught by my wife to get out of my shell and that it is alright to show my romantic side. She changed my love language.
1. What is the new learning?
I would like to apply this to two new learnings I've had regarding leadership. Taken from the book Heroic Leadership by Chris Lowney, the four pillars of leadership are Self-awareness, Ingenuity, Love and Heroism.
Of the 4, 2 resonated as I did my Genogram and these are Self-awareness and Love. In self-awareness or to order one's life. "Leaders thrive by understanding who they are and what they value by becoming aware of unhealthy blind spots or weaknesses that can derail then, by cultivating the habit of continuous self-reflection and learning." Through this Genogram, I underwent a self-reflection exercise and I can clearly see how my attitudes, my character and values were molded over time by my family. For better or worse I am who am I am today because of my family.
The other pillar is Love, "with greater love than fear". "Leaders face the world with a confident, healthy send of themselves as endower with talent, dignity , and the potential to lead. They find exactly these same attributes in others and passionately commit to honoring and unlocking the potential they find in themselves and in others. They create environments bound and energized by loyalty, affection and mutual support." Overtime I've realized as a leader not to focus on the weaknesses but to focus on their strengths. To change person takes time but to understand their strengths and capitalize on their strengths and harness this for the good of not just the organization but for the good of the individual as well. Again, I saw the same compassion and "second chance" attitude in my family. Despite of faults they are still looked upon with the same love and given the same opportunity as a favored son or daughter.
2. What is the relation to what I all ready know?
In terms of Self - awareness, from the lessons I've learned from the experiences of my family, either use them or if they are detrimental to journey in life and leadership learn to control if not change them. I am generous by nature, I am thrifty to myself. I leverage this to gain influence and favor over others specially in my leadership role. As a leader, I not only influence the people directly under me but even those in other departments. Not bribes but when opportunity allows them I offer reward for a behavior I wanted to influence. Even the small tokens of ice cream during lunch to our operations staff goes a long way in helping me get the job done. This trait is evident in my family history as both clans have shown generosity and care. I remember my wife commenting one time when I give generous tips to waiters or even car wash boys, "they are already paid" said my wife to which I responded, "and it's not enough". Show value and appreciation all the time is one of many traits I share with my family.
In terms of Love, I can easily associate this to the experience of my Tito Junior. A the so called "black sheep of the family", one would think that the other brothers would look down on him. On to contrary they even gave him the responsibility of overseeing their fledgling car repair business so many years ago. But the story doesn't end there. What amazes me is that even when Tito Junior messes up the business forcing the brothers to close the repair shop, the brothers did not harbor and ill well towards their youngest sibling. Of course they were disappointed and mad at what happened, but you would have thought that Tito Junior would have been unwelcomed in family gatherings. In one family gathering Tito Junior apologized to his brothers and the others simply said no to think of it anymore. Up until this day, my father defends his brother against his critics as my father believes that good can still come out from him. This transcend family. If you look at a person, even a colleague, with the same "love" you see your family, good can still come out of them.
3. What have I done, am doing, will be doing for this topic?
In my organization, there are a handful of people who have a very myopic idea of their role in the organization. They only do what is expected of them. This attitude would have been a nuisance in you were working in Manila, but in the provinces such as Cebu, this attitude is detrimental to our shared goals. I always remind staff in any opportunity that allows me to remind them, that (in the vernacular), "tayo tayo lang ang magtutuungan". That we shouldn't depend on and wait for Manila to solve our problems. Most people have followed the same mentality but as Is said there are a handful who do not. It would have been easy to have simply called their supervisor or worse I could easily call the head for Human Resources and spill the beans so to speak on the work ethic of this person. If I did that, it may have worsened my relationship with that person. Instead I focus on their strengths and reward their behavior and over time I have started to have influence in terms of getting them to do things outside their job function. I am not their boss, but I have seniority due to rank and tenure. I leverage specially on tenure as I have gained much experience in the business. I used my own personal experiences to help them many times if they were in a predicament that they could not address on their own.
Again, these acts of leadership are, obvious to me now, were all home grown. I saw this in my very own family where people made mistakes but were still treated with much respect and love and eventually they turned out okey.
One thing is for certain, as I've done in the past , I commit to continue to look at people with much love than fear as this has worked out pretty well for me in my career; and, I need to be more aware of who I am and what are my values as they continue to guide me and mold me as I continue with my journey in life.
Regis Cebu Leadership Final Integration Paper by Leader Bryan Peter V. Evangelista
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From: Bryan Evangelista <bryan.v.evang@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 9:12 PM
Subject: Regis Cebu Leadership Final Integration Paper by Leader Bryan Peter V. Evangelista
To: "profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader" <profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader@blogger.com>, Jorge Saguinsin <profjorge.entrep@gmail.com>, profjorge.entrep.jermits@blogger.com
From: Bryan Evangelista <bryan.v.evang@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 9:12 PM
Subject: Regis Cebu Leadership Final Integration Paper by Leader Bryan Peter V. Evangelista
To: "profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader" <profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader@blogger.com>, Jorge Saguinsin <profjorge.entrep@gmail.com>, profjorge.entrep.jermits@blogger.com
Good evening Prof. Jorge, I'm worried that you have not been receiving my papers lately. So for my final paper I am resending this to all your email addresses known to me. hope you receive it in time po.
thank you sir.
Regis Cebu Leadership
Leader Bryan Peter V. Evangelista
Reflection Paper 3 – My Passion
As I prepare for this Final Integration Paper I was trying to look for a framework that encompasses the learnings I have acquired throughout this journey. I would seem to be that the one thing that truly resonates in my mind is the Book on Heroic Leadership by Chris Lowney. It will attempt to fit all my learnings from the HBR readings, to the reflections papers and other assignments that taught me more about leadership than all the corporate course I've taken through out my career based on the 4 Pillars of Leadership.
From the description of the book one is easily intrigued by the possibilities of learning "the best practices from a 450 year-old company that changed the world". But if you really reflect on it, almost all of what we've done throughout our leadership course goes through a process of self – awareness.
SELF–AWARENESS: To order ones life.
"Leaders thrive by understanding who they are and what they value, by becoming aware of unhealthy blind spots or weaknesses that can derail them, and by cultivating the habit of continuous self-reflection and learning – Heroic Ledership, C.Lowney"
Gaining inspiration from my defining moment, the process allowed me to go through self-discovery that helped me realize why I am where I am today and what I need to become as progress not just in career but in life.
I've been in the Insurance Industry since 1996. It is my first job right after graduating and getting my diploma from the university. I still find it amusing how I ended up in this career; but that's for another not more than 2 pages and not less than 1000 words reflection paper. I started with a local insurance company and now I'm with a multinational insurance company. I rose through the ranks starting as a marketing assistant, promoted to training executive, then on to my first management role as agency development officer to my current position as Sales Director for Visayas. My defining moment was my transition from being a Manager to the current work-in-progress-so-called Leader.
With all humility, I believe that I was competent Agency Development Manager (ADM). This position spanned 5 years, starting with the junior role of Agency Development Officer to eventually my promotion as Agency Development Manager. In this role, I worked closely with our Distribution channel commonly known as Agencies. I loved this position as I did nothing but execute plans and strategic initiatives set forth by my Regional Manager. Coming from a training background, I was technically skilled/competent. I was good in networking and this helped me tremendously in doing collaboration work with other departments. I had the respect of my peers, colleagues and even our Agencies as I considered them all as partners in the business. This was a high point in my career as I was respected, well liked, and people sought me for advice and consultation. In 2009, with a new Executive Team in place, we had an reorganization. Departments were stream lined. My boss, the Regional Manager for Visayas and Mindanao was eased out and with the reorganization, the Sales Director position was created and I was promoted to this position. This is where my lessons on leadership began. As a Sales Director, I know had the responsibility set the direction of Visayas. I now realign the whole territory to the new direction the company is taking and this was not taken in stride by Agency.
This was my defining moment in my career as my management and technical skills did not prepare me for my leadership role, or so I thought. From being one of the most productive territories in the company, the Visayas became a group of bickering and complaining agents and managers. I struggled and I'm still struggling but through the years I've learned a lot of soft skills important in leadership and one of them was the value of influence.
I am far from the ideal leader, I am a work in progress. Through self-awareness I've realized that I need to accept that my role has changed and so does my kind or type of leadership. The closest I could say that inspires me to become that kind of leader that my organization needs can be found in the HBR Reading on Level 5 Leadership – The Triumph of Humility and Fierce Rosolve by Jim Collings. As articulated in the reading "Level 5 leaders blend the paradoxical combination of deep personal humility with intense professional will."
Regis Cebu Leadership AVP by Leader Bryan
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From: Bryan Evangelista <bryan.v.evang@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 9:15 PM
Subject: Fwd: Regis Cebu Leadership AVP by Leader Bryan
To: "profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader" <profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader@blogger.com>, Jorge Saguinsin <profjorge.entrep@gmail.com>, profjorge.entrep.jermits@blogger.com
From: Bryan Evangelista <bryan.v.evang@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 9:15 PM
Subject: Fwd: Regis Cebu Leadership AVP by Leader Bryan
To: "profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader" <profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader@blogger.com>, Jorge Saguinsin <profjorge.entrep@gmail.com>, profjorge.entrep.jermits@blogger.com
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From: Bryan Evangelista <bryan.v.evang@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 5:04 PM
Subject: Regis Cebu Leadership AVP by Leader Bryan
To: "profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader" <profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader@blogger.com
From: Bryan Evangelista <bryan.v.evang@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 5:04 PM
Subject: Regis Cebu Leadership AVP by Leader Bryan
To: "profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader" <profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader@blogger.com
Regis Cebu Leadership || Leader Melissa Abarrientos || FIP
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From: Melissa B Abarrientos <meili1917@gmail.com>
Date: 18 January 2016 at 08:07
Subject: Fwd: Regis Cebu Leadership || Leader Melissa Abarrientos || FIP
To: gsreuyan@gmail.com
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From: Melissa B Abarrientos <meili1917@gmail.com>
Date: 18 January 2016 at 08:07
Subject: Fwd: Regis Cebu Leadership || Leader Melissa Abarrientos || FIP
To: gsreuyan@gmail.com
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From: Melissa B Abarrientos <meili1917@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at
Subject: Regis Cebu Leadership || Leader Melissa Abarrientos || FIP
To: profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader@blogger.com
Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at
:03 PMSubject: Regis Cebu Leadership || Leader Melissa Abarrientos || FIP
To: profjorge.entrep.ateneoleader@blogger.com
Dear prof.
Pit Senyor! Sorry for the late submission of my FIP.
Many of us can become a manager but not everyone can truly lead. Leadership is more than just managing people and inspiring people towards a common goal. Leadership requires authenticity of character and morale that comes from within in order to lead them to reach a common goal towards a better society.
Most of us have an unsatiable desire to attain a dream. It gives us self-fulfillment. There's always that feeling, that passion and that determination that drives us to our goals. For some it can be a selfish one and for some it can be a selfless one. As often said a leader is a leader if he has followers. But is that enough? I suppose not, A leader must have the the essential qualities to inspire other people to the same goal. Most famous leaders I have read and known share the qualities of unwavering confidence, charisma, flexibility, people skills, honesty, determination, knowledge and power. And wher do their power come from? Some through their position and title but the the authentic leader's power comes from within and this is the kind of leadership that we should aim for. It is the only kind of leadership that will last.
Where I Am Now?
I have learned from our debate and the article by George, Sims and et.al. that leaders are not necessarily born with any particular qualities to lead. Rather, leaders internally frame their leadership qualities based on their life stories and learn from their experiences and their environment. They reflect, internalize and learn and grow as a leader. Anyone can become a leader and authentic leadership can be learned through a continued self-awareness and expoloration; and understanding and acceptance of oneself's strengths and weakness.
The activity Bad boss activity was an eye opener of the daily practices that had become normal in my perception as it is self – evident. Corrupt practices had become necessary in business relationships. With the activity I came to realize that character, moral values are more important than selfish goals. In my thoughts I often criticize the politics in the country without even thinking that I too had participated in dirty politics to achieve some of my business goals. This certainly ails the world. And I came to realize that if I want change that change, change must first - start from me and within. We need to look at and re-evaluate our values in making decisions if we want to have a better nation.
In my movie Synopsis, I have also chosen the movie from Rurouni kenshin where the movie was all about not just leading organizational change but rather that was breaking and putting an end to the nation's corroupt and evil practices. Aside from learning the call to leadership stages, I further understood the effect and impact of values and morales of a leader in building a great nation or leading an organization.
Reflection paper 1 made me look back my past experiences and understand further the current driving motivation of my actions and decisions. I realized that a significant even in my life changed me the person I was since I've gone through pain, despair and anger in my life. I went about with denial that I had always been okay and fine. I struggled for power and position drives my leadership style. I forgot that was something more than power and position. All the while, I have learned that I have the chance to re-build my character and re-define my purpose wholistically to drive change as a leader not only in the company I am managing but also to myself, my family, my friends, my studies and significant other.
I have realized that a real leader's power comes from within. By being fully aware of one's self and purpose of existence, you a get a better vision on how to respond to challenges and problems and on how to align goals with the people you are managing.
Reflection paper 2 made me recall a lot about my college days on how fulfilling it was to serve the community and selflessness. It helped me understand what shaped me as a person I am now. From my family, my friends, my college experiences, the people around me before and the environment I am currently in now. Reflecting on the internal and external factors that influences my daily life posed a challenge for me to visualize on how am I going to align myself as a leader with my subordinates in order for us to reach a common goal. I had to reflect further on how am I as a leader now and how am I going to influence change to them so that they can align themselves and be with me to achieve our goals.
The enneagram was an eye opener and my ticket to answer my issue on how I can lead my people to get in line with me. Understanding myself's character and style allowed me to bend a little.
My Enneagram result told me I was a Challenger that states:
"People of this personality type are essentially unwilling to be controlled, either by others or by their circumstances; they fully intend to be masters of their fate. Eights are strong willed, decisive, practical, tough minded and energetic. They also tend to be domineering; their unwillingness to be controlled by others frequently manifests in the need to control others instead."
When healthy, this tendency is kept under check, but the tendency is always there, nevertheless, and can assume a central role in the Eight's interpersonal relationships.
Eights generally have powerful instincts and strong physical appetites which they indulge without feelings of shame or guilt. They want a lot out of life and feel fully prepared to go out and get it. They need to be financially independent and often have a hard time working for anyone. This sometimes necessitates that the Eight opt out of the system entirely, assuming something of an outlaw mentality. Most Eights however, find a way to be financially independent while making their peace with society, but they always retain an uneasy association with any hierarchical relationship that sees the Eight in any position other than the top position.
Eights have a hard time lowering their defenses in intimate relationships. Intimacy involves emotional vulnerability and such vulnerability is one of the Eight's deepest fears. Betrayal of any sort is absolutely intolerable and can provoke a powerful response on the part of the violated Eight. Intimate relationships are frequently the arena in which an Eight's control issues are most obviously played out and questions of trust assume a pivotal position. Eights often have a sentimental side that they don't even show to their intimates, such is their fear of vulnerability. But, while trust does not come easily to an Eight, when an Eight does take someone into the inner sanctum, they find a steadfast ally and stalwart friend. The Eight's powerful protective instincts are called into play when it comes to the defense of family and friends, and Eights are frequently generous to a fault in providing for those under their care.
Eights are prone to anger. When severely provoked, or when the personality is unbalanced, bouts of anger can turn into rages. Unhealthy Eights are frankly agressive and when pushed, can resort to violence. Such Eights enjoy intimidating others whom they see as "weak" and feel little compunction about walking over anyone who stands in their way. They can be crude, brutal and dangerous.
Self-denial will not help me get through with the challenge I am facing. It is quite evident from my day to day interaction that I am quite domineering and by personality it is true that I do not want to be controlled. I am strong willed and quite tough (otherwise I won't survive a job full of men bigger and physically stronger than me.) I was the type of "I" person. So by learning from my enneagram on how I respond to challenges and situation, I learned that a team is better than one. I learned to use us and we. I learned how to become a team leader. This was how I have aligned my perpective and goal to my team. And this is how it will be. I have also encouraged them now to become a team after our team building which I copied from our leadership activity.
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