Saturday, August 1, 2015

Call to Arms Speech by Leader Dr. Charmie D. Arribe

(A speech on my advocacy for the Breastfeeding Month of August 2015)
(Breastfeeding advocate)
August is the breastfeeding month and it is very timely that Prof Jorge asked us to deliver a speech on our advocacy.  I am excited to share my speech to all of you.  I hope to deliver it well on class.
Parents want what is best for their children.  And if I will be able to convince you that breastmilk is the best for your child, then will you convince all mothers to breastfeed their newborns? And if its best for our children, why is there a need to convince all of you to help me in this advocacy?
Pediatricians like me should be at the forefront in supporting, protecting and promoting breastfeeding. Why breastfeed and why support this cause?  Breastmilk is the food that nature designed for younglings, breastmilk is "specie specific" so as a dog nurses her puppies and a cat feeds her kittens with their own breastmilk, why can't humans give their own babies human milk? 

Breastfeeding empowers all mothers in caring and nourishing first hand their children.
Allow me to highlight to you 10 of the numerous benefits of EXCLUSIVE Breastfeeding as taught by the World Health Organization:
1.      BF SAVES life and protects baby against diseases with antibacterial agents
2.      BF PROVIDES all the nutrients the baby needs for the first 6 months
3.      BF ENSURES clean and safe source of food, especially during emergencies
4.      BF MAKES a child grow strong and intelligent
5.      BF BREAKS the cycle of diarrhea and malnutrition
6.      BF BONDS the mother and child
7.      BF REDUCES the mother's risk of ovarian and breast cancer
8.      BF HELPS space pregnancies, the natural way
9.      BF SAVES money by not having to acquire formula and feeding equipment
10.  BF PROTECTS the environment with no need for packaging and disposal
To breastfeed is NOT an easy task to all those who chooses the path.  It entails determination, perseverance, passion, confidence, conscientiousness, and emotional stability to initiate and maintain the task.  To begin breastfeeding is the most challenging part as the mother and the baby are trying to work-out their patterns of feeding, positioning and rests but as the dyad overcome this "technical" hurdle, breastfeeding will eventually become very easy and convenient. Imagine that the breastmilk is always ready and is always at the right temperature.  Compare a breastfeeding mother travelling by just bringing her child and a change of nappies to someone who needs to bring bottles, a can of milk formula, sterilized water, bottle warmer, wipe cloths and carry along her baby all at the same time?  Wouldn't breastfeeding be the convenient choice? And again breastfeeding is FREE! The money saved could already be used for the baby's vaccinations or the other siblings' needs or tuition. 
I have become a stronger believer of breastfeeding since I became a mother in 2009.  I wanted to provide my child the best nutrition and care I can give and I was able to do this with the support of my family, my firstborn was able to breastfeed for 3.8 years while my youngest son breastfed for 2.4 years.  It was not a smooth sail when I began and I needed all the support and coaching to where I had very few but that didn't stop me to pursue it.  I barely had the knowledge then and it was a very hard path to take, but I have succeeded through love, prayers, determination and commitment to my cause. They say "walk the talk" and I did!
Help me spread and promote the breastfeeding culture.  The evidence is solid. The legislations are in place, the campaigns and clamour for the need is obvious, the momentum is gaining strength, let us all rally on realizing and making breastfeeding culture happen!
Let me share you what Dr. Frank Oski, a Pediatrician from John Hopkins School of Medicine said about the act of breastfeeding
"Imagine that the world had created a new 'dream product' to feed and immunize everyone born on earth. Imagine also that it was available everywhere, required no storage or delivery, and helped mothers plan their families and reduce the risk of cancer. Then imagine that the world refused to use it."
It is breastfeeding that is the normal way to feed a baby and there are risks to artificial feeding.  Will you risk your child?  Let us help spread the breastfeeding culture! Thank you and good day.


  1. Charm, one of the best moments of being a mother is breastfeeding her child. I experienced this with my 3 daughters despite being busy working mother, I was able to breastfeed them. I admire advocates and leaders like you who does what you teach.

    Leader Zel

  2. I totally support breastfeeding. Matteo is now two and still breastfeeds. We are enjoying all the benefits :)
