Saturday, August 1, 2015

Notes on the Team building exercise we had yesterday at Clearwater

'Quamplurimi et quam aptisimi" (As many as possible of the very best)

                                          The Clash Master debriefing the Class

Thanks to the able leadership of the following Clash Master:   Dr Suzette Kabigting Munoz, Dr. Lourdes Lagunilla, Tristan Val Leonida, Belle Katigbak and Anne Mayette Boysie, we had fun filled, learning, and challenge filled experience from Team Building Exercise at Clear Water.

These were my recollection of the events yesterday:

1.  Leader Dr. Suzette, using the F150 of RCEE fetched this author from the hotel towards Clear Water team building venue.  When we arrived at the site, most of the Leaders were there.  Many winners for early bird.

                                 The author poses with the early bird leaders

2. The first activity which started at 4:30 was the prayer dance of St. Ignatius de Loyola.  It was led by Leader Sister Belle Katigbak.   The prayer dance was challenging because you have to do a line dance while holding a fellow leader at the shoulder and holding a lighted candle at the other hand (left).  You worry about stepping on the foot of the fellow leader, being out of step and the candle burning your hand and/or fellow leader. It was school holiday yesterday, but we had a class anyway so as not to disrupt the academic calendar.  (One class coincided with the Ramadan, with the Feast of St Ignatius, and on the 21st, the birthday of Ninoy.

                               Leader Tristan giving over view of the team building and the rules

3.  Then we had the usual speeches:   Leader Dr. Munoz delivering the opening remarks, I delivering the inspirational talk, and Leader Tristan giving the overview of the team building and the rules.  Then we organized the teams.  Yellow, blue and ube. I joined the yellow team who had Leader Zel, Maui, Steph, Gage, Dr. George, Dr Alan, and Oliver as other members.

4.  The activities:


                                  Blue organizing

                                      Leader Zel organizing yellow submarine

                                    Clash master showing good example

                                     U Be's number led by Leader Charmie and Josh, Jack being lifted!

                                 Blue starting their routine

                                  Very clean movement and very organized Blue Team

    1.  The first activity was cheerleading.  Dr. Zel coached us with the "We are  we are, yellow submarine, and then "Boom Panes"  Boom boom panes The other distinctive cheer was Ube led by Leader Josh

                                    No one can move away from the circle

                                       Blue starting their tower construction

                                         Three Leader MDs are in the yellow team

                                            Ube with their creation.  They opted for cube structure

                                                 The winner in straw tower building contest -  blue team

   2. Then we had the straw tower building contest.   Blue was the winner at 9 straws, followed by yellow, with 8.5 straws.  Blue had just a pole shape tower,  Yellow had a tower patterned after Eiffel Tower, with four base and column support.  Ube had a square structure.

                             The team of Dr Zel with Leader Ron calling the shots, won the game

  3. We had the rabbit, hunter wall.  After a series of ties, the group led by Leader Dr Zel, and commanded by Ronnie on what to do, won by a single win over the other group.

  4.  Other activities:

       1.  Together we rise up and stand from a arms interlocked sitting position.  Blue won this.  Yellow could have won were it not for infraction of loosening arm lock  Yellow lost this because there were only six and there were not enough force to get people up.  Not much strength from the back

      2.   The hula hoop challenge -  the hula hoop would have to be passed on the next team member out and back and the final guy to get the hula hoop would run in front and do a jumping hula.  Again we lost this one.

     3.  The obstacle course.  It was dark, and despite the availability of flood light, the Safety Officer Dr. Daisy recommended that this be scuttled because there were many mosquitoes and there could be dengue infection

                                    Compete or collaborate?

                                  It is not all about competition, it could be co opetition

                              Let us have the most number of balls possible -  81!

                             You have to watch your loot or this could be looted!!?

                                   A struggle to have more balls

                                Prof trying to get more balls for yellow team

                                  Many companies and teams now collaborate rather than compete

    4.  The collaboration game -  who gets the most number of balls, It was first a competitive situation where leaders get as many balls from the center and from each other.  It was both offense and defensive game. If you do not watch your own circle. the other members looted your circle.   Until Maui convinced others that we just put our hoops at the middle to get the most number of balls.

   5. Dinner -  We had a sumptuous buffet dinner  of vegetables, beef, chicken buko pandan

                               A buffet dinner

                              Leaders Zel and Anne do a duet

         Leader Tristan belts out a song while Leaders Anne, Charmie Josh and Zel do a dance number

                                     Leaders Anne and Dr. Munoz

                                   Leader RCEE discusses her bingo activity

We let our hair down tonight.  We were ourselves.  We were authentic.

   6.  Videoke - there were song and dance numbers. I remember "I will survive".  We survived didnt we

   7.  Awarding of prizes.  There were lots of prizes.

       Leader Josh won the getting to know you Bingo (human scavennging)  I had three questions unanswered to complete the block out.  No one seems to answer that description:   does not know how to cook,  owns a gasoline station, weighs in a 30 kgs., talent in sewing and dances crumping.

      Blue team was the winner for the team building followed by Ube (Violet) and our team Yellow was the third.  But everybody went happy because all had prizes.  (Including me)

     Prizes were courtesy of anonymous donor - Leader Dr. Zel Thank.  you

    Thank you Clash Masters. Leader Suzette.  Thank you Leaders of the class.  You did great.


  1. Leader Ma. Corazon Q.GuevarraAugust 1, 2015 at 7:17 PM

    Thank you Prof, Clash Masters, Blue Team, Yellow Team and most especially my Team -the Ube Team! We all had fun!

    1. U Be. Boom Panes. Boom boom panes. Boom Panes, Boom boom Panes.

  2. Leader Dr. SuzetteAugust 1, 2015 at 7:35 PM

    Thank you so much to everyone for your participation and for the great teamwork from each and everyone. It was really a day to remember. Thank you Prof for allowing this Teambuilding to be part of our Leadership class. No matter how tiring, it was worth it. And apart from just being a Teambuilding, it was also a great time for fellowship. Love you all dear Leaders.

    1. The team building activity matched your experiences and that of Leader Tristan I do not think that any Leadership class should not have any team building activity. Thanks again. Dr. Leader Suzette for making this happen and of course to all our Leaders who cheerfully contributed and enthusiastically attended yesterday's session

  3. Leader Charm ArribeAugust 1, 2015 at 8:11 PM

    it was so much fun and this activity had made us know each other better m sure.

  4. Leader Belle S. KatigbakAugust 1, 2015 at 8:24 PM

    Thank you Leader Dr. Suzette with the Clash Masters, all my dear classmates, Prof. Saguinsin, and Clear Waters. It was a day filled with fun, learning, sharing, and love. This Leadership course made me a better leader. I experienced love in a special way from classmates who showed their care. God bless us all. Thank you St. Ignatius for interceding for us.

    1. The bingo game was a great exercise to know the leaders firsthand. I had to depend on class card, learning agreement, and genogram. But yesterday, it was a person to person reality. I suppose that in this class, you really got to know every body in a deeper sense. The bonding could last during your entire stint at the MBA in AGSB

  5. The Team Building activity gave the class a step by step overview on how to conduct an educational, meaningful and fun event. Our recent team building is a complete event with physical, mental and spiritual learning. Thank you Prof for pushing us to level up. Thank you Leader Dr. Suzette, your passion is unwavering. Thank you Doc Zel for your generosity. Thank you leaders for sharing your talents. And most importantly, thank you Lord God for bringing us together.

  6. Tayong lahat ay tinipon ng Diyos sa teambuilding na iyon. It was not accident, nor by chance that we were there last Friday. Praise the Lord

  7. Blue team cheering goes for all of us Leaders "We are no. 1, we are no. 1. We're gonna have some fun, have some fun." And so we did. It also amazes us Prof that you have gamely join us in all the activities. Leaders are also followers.

  8. The team building was well organzied and planned ! Kudos to the clash masters. It was nice to unwind and have fun after being busy with our daily grind. I felt like a kid again. haha

  9. Thanks prof for participating and being part of our activities!

  10. I really enjoyed the teambuilding. It was nice to facilitate a group with very varied dynamics. Thanks, Prof for including this as part of our class. I never had a chance to conduct a teambuilding with CEOs, VPs, Entrepreneurs, Managers and Officers... until this one! =)
