I got Type 4, 5 and 7 as my top 1 results, and some type 7.
I could somehow concur on the results as there are some of personality that reflects on the results such as;
About the Type 6 or the Questioner, I'd always prefer a person who is direct and clear on his thoughts. And I sometimes have anxiety issues with other people where I get the feeling that they don't like me, one good example is when I was new in this MBA course. I feel more comfortable with people who jokes around with me. I'm really committed to my friends and family, making the word trust very important to me. I'm very compassionate towards other people. Procrastination is one of my problem and weaknesses. I'm very paranoid when it comes to failures, and the results is I overthink problems sometimes. And I was always told to be very serious when it comes to work. since I often don't tolerate failures.
and I often have problems saying "no".
Type 5 or the Observer.
In most of my relationships, it would always end up because of the girlfriend being too clingy.
When it comes to decisions, especially the important one, if possible, I would ask for a little more time to make a decision. As mentioned before, I have anxieties if I feel that I am not welcome. I'm also a person who see's every decisions with a cause and effect. negative and positive. One of my strengths would be being calm in a crisis.
For a Seven or the Adventurer
This is what I feel should've been my top 1. Adventurous, energetic, lively and optimistic.
I would always appreciate companionship, affection and freedom.
conversations that involves laughter, both parties' vision and stories and the best ones. I like people who are responsible for themselves. And I often don't want to be told how to do something, give me the goal and I'll do my best to produce it.
I've always wanted to be part of the people that wants to make the world a better place, thinking that it's something I'm just borrowing from my children, grand children and the next generations to come.
I love adventures. Every year, i would save money from the first quarter up to the third quarter of the year for my travel money on the fourth. One of the main reason why i'm looking forward for this years October to December. And because of my love of it, I've already lost and destroyed 2 action cameras, and my third camera is the one that lasted the longest.
I hate how there isn't enough time to do everything I want.
Procrastination often makes me unable to finish what I started. And the Feeling confined.
Sevens as Children Often
- are action oriented and adventuresome
- drum up excitement
- prefer being with other children to being alone
- finesse their way around adults
- dream of the freedom they'll have when they grow up
And lastly the Romatic or the Fourth type, Compliments are important to me. And I'd always appreciate a supportive friend.
I have always thought of what my meaning in life is, I already had one but I know it's bound to change over time.
Mark Paul S. Paroli
To God be the glory!
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