'Quamplurimi et quam aptisimi" (As many as possible of the very best)
Leaders must make decision. However, we must make decisions that are made as a manager, and as a Leader. Peter Drucker, and we interchange this label. We can also classify these as Technological Challenges This is the easy part
Managers manage things, processes, information, # events, the facts are clearer.We can also classify these as Technological Challenges This is the easy part
Whereas, Leadership is about you, your people, your constituents, ethics, morality, legality, public and environment. social norms, culture. We can also refer to this as Adaptive Challenges. This is more challenging, dangerous, and fraught with dilemnas, moral, legal and ethical. For example, I was asked by Leader Cezar regarding corrupt govt officials. I dared say, it is easy to say that they are corrupt. But elected govt officials have to deal with daily parade of alm, and help seekers. Damned if you do especially if you don't because your constituents will bad mouth you, or not elect you any more. So what if you do not help your townsfolk - will your conscience not bother you if they die of hunger? What if you do? Where do you get the money? How do you get the money From Jueteng or contractors. If you doing a Robin Hood strategy? Will the govt officials, in helping the poor think he is corrupt? Or he even thinks he is religious, because he helps the least of His brethren? What do you think?
We are not defending people who corrupt who think they are not. That is where ethics and morality come, and the ability to transcend, ie spirituality in leadership
Tools for Manager for Decision Making:
Leadership subject at AGSB is an Ateneo advantage. It emphasizes leadership from within, authentic leadership. One of its pillars is love. This is odd in a cold steely corporate world. The others are heroism, ingenuity and self awareness. The goal of leadership is not only to develop oneself but to clone other leaders. Everybody has potential to be leader. What we do, even if we do not have followers influences/affects others. It is time to define Filipino leadership too
The Cebu Leaders Class in Action
Cebu Regis Leaders
Friday, July 31, 2015
Suggested opening prayer next week - Lord I Offer my Life to You
'Quamplurimi et quam aptisimi" (As many as possible of the very best)
Song of vocation, dedication, Servant Leadership. How many can answer the call?
Song of vocation, dedication, Servant Leadership. How many can answer the call?
Call to arm speech
Dear Prof. Herewith is a speech that I may consider a "Call to Arms/Action" with regard to my passion in church work. It happens that church leaders often face difficulties of lackadaisical attitude of the people that we serve. I sort of tried your framework on how to prepare a 2-minute speech (although this one that I did may take about 5 minutes). Just to appreciate your help po...the guide that you sent yesterday helped me to develop this one. Thank you Sir. < Good try; let us hear this in class
(Following Prof. Saguinsin's framework: "How to Deliver a 2-minute Speech")
By: Leader "Sister" Belle Katigbak
1. Tell initially what you want to tell them. Go direct to the point.
Fellow parish leaders, you are holding the history of the next generation of leaders in your hands. What is it that you want to bequeath to the next officers of the Parish Pastoral Council? I want you to understand how important your role, my role, our role is in the church. Our legacy is to be faithful till the end…no matter what, continue serving. Even when it seems that nothing good is happening, serve anyway. This is the model of servant-leadership that you and I will leave to the next generation.
2. Explain by examples what you want to tell them. Be anecdotal. Relate to the audience if you have prior knowledge of their demographics
Jesus' disciples who were fishermen went out to catch fish. All night long they "toiled and took nothing". They labored but did not catch any. Meanwhile Jesus approached them. This Jesus, the carpenter's Son, and who doesn't know a bit about catching fish would tell them, "Duc in altum"! ("Put out into the deep"). Yet His friends hesitated not a bit. They cast their net as instructed, and lo and behold, just imagine what happened! They caught a multitude of fish, a big catch indeed it was, that the boat started to sink! (An Adaptation from the Gospel of St. Luke 5:1-11)
Like the disciples, I too, have experienced "working all night long and came home empty handed". Just at the time that I gave myself to the service of the church, my husband's business went bankrupt. We had to sell properties one after the other. The fruit of long years of hard labor went down the drain. Then back to church service there were times when after having prepared everything so well, only three or four or five participants would come…oh, it is like "going home with an empty net!" And then Jesus would tell me, "Put out into the deep and let down your net for a catch", and I surrendered to Jesus. And He filled my net, more than what money could buy.
3. Repeat # 1 and if possible ask for commitment, understanding or action
What does this "put out into the deep" mean to you? Have you ever experienced working all day long and only to come home with nothing? When was the time that you labored so hard for the church and you came home empty-handed, frustrated that nothing is happening in your life? My brothers and sisters in Christ, today, Jesus is telling you and me to "Put out into the Deep". Cast your net. Lay your cares on Him, and you will not want. He alone will bring fulfillment in our lives. Upon hearing Him say, "Duc in Altum", go at once and obey. And you will see what Jesus will do for you.
Fellow servant-leaders, despite the trials that come our way, let faithfulness to our vocation become the legacy to the next generation of parish leaders!
St. Luke 5:1-11
5 On one occasion, while the crowd was pressing in on him to hear the word of God, he was standing by the lake of Gennesaret, 2 and he saw two boats by the lake, but the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. 3 Getting into one of the boats, which was Simon's, he asked him to put out a little from the land. And he sat down and taught the people from the boat. 4 And when he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." 5 And Simon answered, "Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets." 6 And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish, and their nets were breaking. 7 They signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. 8 But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord." 9 For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish that they had taken, 10 and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men."[a] 11 And when they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed him.
Reflection Paper #2 by Bien Patrick M. Velasquez, thanks prof.
As a leader at the very young age. I learned how to handle things and to become effective by simply reflecting the past. One thing I learn is that, in order to become an effective leader, you must look into the past. Learnings from the past is very important especially for a young leader like me. I was assigned at present to become a manager and what I do is to reflect on those things that my father did in his young age as a leader, the do's and don'ts in becoming effective to your employees. This will help you to shape your leadership style and preferences in order to become effective and a better leader. It's not just about talent, passion, an effective leader is effective when determination and hard work is present. For me, this needs to be combined with another important factor which is often overlooked. I was shaped by my father and continuously shaping me for the future and making him my very own role model. Not just a role model from my father but most especially to this people who inspires me and are qualified to look u to them and be a role model for me. Role models you can learn from, gain guidance and seek direction, mentoring and support to progress your career. Get this advantage of great leaders, great role models early in your career and your daily habits, planning techniques, technical skills and other key skills are accelerated from the start. Learning the habits and behaviours of average and poor leaders has the opposite effect on your leadership effectiveness. School also shaped me a lot and helps me to enhance my talents and boost my self-esteem and learnings. Within the school are hundreds to thousands of students, all from different backgrounds, with different beliefs, different values, and different abilities, all coming together with different focuses in life. In most cases, these students all share one building, and many of them also share one goal, and that goal is to become accepted. Just like here in Ateneo I've learned a lot and still learning from different successful leaders specially those who overcome all their trials and struggles in life, I admire them so much. At present I am one of the three official Spinning coaches here in Pampanga. i was able to inspire other people in different field. In this way I can be an instrument in motivating them to become physically fit and be healthy. This also helps me to mature and become an effective leader. Leader for my students every time I walk in to that stage and present to them the proper way of the exercise. I believe that these have shaped me as a leader.
My family serves as an inspiration at the same time teachers to me, guiding me according me and moulding me to really become an effective leader. They are my mentors and coaches in every decision and in every aspect on how to deal with different kinds of circumstances. They enlighten me that what I am doing right now has a huge purpose for the future. I have learnt that leadership is not about personal success, what really matters is that our generation succeed as one. If there are challenges, I know I must face them for and with my friends, my community, my generation and especially for my family. Through my coaches, friends and the organization, I have learnt that being patient and listening rather than talking is very important. I have also learnt that breaking funding applications down into manageable parts is the way to complete them. I truly believe that to lead and equip my team with the best training possible that I had to understand every aspect of the role I was asking of them to undertake. That is the reason I took the licensure exam for embalming and even did small jobs that my employees are doing inside the company.
The values a family develops are traditionally the foundation for how children learn, grow and function in their lifetime. I acquire my values first at home thru my family. Second is by the learnings and values from the school attended with. True values I think for me is driven and given from our parents. Values influence leaders' perception of individual for the success of the business and success in the future. Values play an important role in interpersonal relationships especially when it comes to business in order to be effective. Values from my family also provides me to differentiate between right and wrong. I consider my weaknesses as a lesson and part of experience in life. My weaknesses are overcome by my strengths, I use them as a challenge and inspiration in order for me to succeed. I know at this young age, my weaknesses and strength are limited, as I grow up and experience life, my strength and weaknesses will continue to increase and I will make sure to face it and become a true effective warrior and a leader. In order to overcome my weaknesses, I am becoming more of a listener and a doer. I often call the attention of my father, friends for help and suggestion to support me in making decisions.
My life today is full of struggles, complications, commitments etc. In this world, every day is a challenge. We must face them accordingly with whole heart and compassion. All of this creates a strong foundation in order to make me stronger in facing all circumstances and struggles that I will be facing in the future. They also share things that made them stumble in the road in order for me what to do in case of encounter on those things. I will follow the footsteps of my Grandfather and my dad that is very effective until today. They are also helping me on how to deal with money, savings vs expense, is it too much or not? They are always beside me in every question that I'm asking them. Lastly the important factor they are teaching me is on how to solve problems by myself and create my own decision, in his way they can see my capacity in handling problems. I will continue to pray and help my businesses to grow even further and I hope in the future, I will be a successful leader just like them. They are developing my communication, sense of humour, commitment ability to inspire and many more. I would like to develop this skills and become a true effective leader someday. Leadership and Management skills are two qualities that must go hand in hand. To become a leader is to be able to manage tasks as well as people efficiently. A good leader is someone who can communicate the right thoughts in the most effective manner as well as listen to others views and comments patiently. While some people are blessed with great leadership as well as management qualities, there are others who work hard on becoming the perfect boss. Leaders certainly have a never- ending list of responsibilities to take care of and it is definitely not everyone's cup of tea. Qualities like persuading and inspiring are just some of the keys to lead effectively. Thank God for all the people that are helping me to achieve my goals and become successful.
Reflection Paper 2 - Internal and External Factors that Shaped me as a Leader
What shaped me to become the Leader I am now?
Submitted by:
Leader Dr.Joseph George G. Tamayo
1.External- what are family, environment school and you that shape you today?
My parents came from a poor family. Although financially they were poor but with good brains, they became a doctor and nutritionist. Both were graduates of UP. Changes in our family structure were one of the significant factor that affected our family life and relationship. My parents experienced a large factor from being poor then becoming a more comfortable life. The change in the status of my parents yielded a big impact where we live, where we went to school or where our family grew. Different situations or changes within the family can have a smaller or larger impact on relationship with others. My parents enrolled me in a Masbate and Pampanga where I gain good knowledge from my school . It was also inculcated in my mind that I would become a rich doctor. I thought then that I don't have any talents that I would use in the future except my good brain. As a student I excelled at science and math and dreamed of being a physician just like my father. It exposed me of how a medical school was and taught me a program that created a pipeline into the said medical school. UST shaped me of becoming a good doctor. Most mornings began with grand rounds, lectures axed on different topics each week: cardiology, neurology, pathology etc. It was also in UST where I met my wife and started my own family of the future. Our medical school had shown and solidified our dream. Being a doctor gave me diverse opportunities and provided me a vast amount of benefits
Reflection#2 (Stephanie Go) Internal and External Factors that Shaped me as a Leader
Hi Prof,
Sending my reflection #2.
Reflection Paper #2
Submitted by: Leader Rae Stephanie O. Go
I. External Influences
I grew up in a Chinese Christian family. My parents, who both came from a simple family, have instilled in us humility and other Christian values. When my father started his business, he just borrowed money from a relative as his parents do want to support him doing a different business from theirs. We saw how my parents persevered until we reach our current status. That's why, even when we reached the point where my parents are earning more, my parents taught us to value money and to stick with the Christian values that they have imparted to us.
When I was in college (Manila), my parents would only give me P1,000 per week. Then, I had to learn to take the mrt/lrt and jeep, especially during the time that I was elected as an officer in an inter-school economics organization where I had to go to various universities. I also had to take the bus going home to Tarlac and going back to Manila. This I still do, since I go to Manila once a month to meet up with my college friends or for business errands.
A beautiful prayer of St. Ignatius of Loyola and my favorite church song
Good morning Prof,
Since today is the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
Here's his beautiful prayer put into a song.
My favorite church song.
MY REFLECTION NO 2 Factors that Shape you as a Leader by Leader Elizabeth Anne Yturralde Medina
MY REFLECTION NO. 2 (Elizabeth Anne Yturralde-Medina), sir I have opened up so many doors of my consciousness , it turned out to be a 7 page reflection paper. thanks so much for taking the time to read.
1. External - what are family, environment school and work experience that shaped you today?
2. Internal - your values, strength, weakness and how do they affect on how you decide act
3. How do they prepare you for your future challenges?
Analysis of one's self is really hard at times because it opens up everything our fears, our sorrows, our pains and yet it is a very rewarding experience as well because we get to delve deeper into ourselves and somehow get to know ourselves even more. Our leadership course has opened so many doors for me; it has been quite a journey to self-awareness. It made me have a clearer perception of my personality, including my strengths, my weaknesses. My journey to self-awareness allowed me to understand other people and how they perceived me as well. The person that I have become is a mesh of all the external and internal factors that I have experienced and affected my life.
Reflection Paper 2 - Leader Jenieryll Jomarie Mangalindan
Hi Prof,
Sending my Reflection Paper 2
Leader Jenieryll Jomarie Mangalindan
Factors that Shape You as a Leader
My family is my biggest influence that molds me on what I have become. My mom is my first teacher, I am the eldest and she was very strict to me whenever she teaches me. I remember when I was young, she was very hands on with me, she would teach me to count, write alphabet and number, how to write my name and other lessons even before I went to school. She would pinch me whenever I make mistake and I would be very happy when my father arrives because this means that our lesson for the day has ended. Almost every day she will teach anything. She is a disciplinarian and my siblings and I would obey her immediately. I even remember one night as we are taking our dinner when she asks me to speak to her in English otherwise she won’t give me Sprite (soft drinks); at times this is how she motivates. During this time, my mom is a full time housewife and she would later graduate in Education and become a teacher at the age of 28 until to date. I think this has produced result when I start to study, when I was in preschool I graduated 2nd honor and continue to be part of honor roll during my grade school and high school days up to college where I graduated as cum laude. My mother instills discipline on me when it comes to my study and I am thankful she did.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Waiver Form for Team Building
Good evening po, Prof. Here is the Waiver Form I prepared po for the Team Building tomorrow. We will have all the Leaders sign it during the Registration.
<Vg. Thank you. Leader Dra.Suzette>
<Vg. Thank you. Leader Dra.Suzette>
Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity Agreement
Waiver: In consideration of being permitted to participate in any way in [Team Building Activity of the Leadership Class] hereinafter called "The Activity," I, for myself, my heirs, personal representatives or assigns, do hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Clark, its officers, employees, and Professor from liability resulting in personal injury, accidents or illnesses (including death), and property loss arising from but not limited to, participation in The Activity.
Assumption of Risks: Participation in The Activity carries with it certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. The specific risks vary from one activity to another, but the risks range from 1) minor injuries such as scratches, bruises, and sprains 2) major injuries such as eye injury or loss of sight, joint or back injuries, heart attacks, and concussions 3) catastrophic injuries including paralysis and death.
Indemnification and Hold Harmless: I also agree to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Clark HARMLESS from any and all claims, actions, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities, including attorney's fees brought as a result of my involvement in The Activity and to reimburse them for any such expenses incurred.
Acknowledgment of Understanding: I have read this waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and indemnity agreement, fully understand its terms, and understand that I am giving up substantial rights, including my right to sue. I acknowledge that I am signing the agreement freely and voluntarily, and intend by my signature to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.
I have read the previous paragraphs and I know, understand, and appreciate these and other risks that are inherent in The Activity. I hereby assert that my participation is voluntary and that I knowingly assume all such risks.
Printed Name & Signature of Participant Date
Reflection paper # 2 - Leader Engr. Cezar Cortez
1. External - what are family, environment school and work experience that shaped you today?
A vivid memory about my family is we haven't experience being "only us family" in our house – meaning Father, Mother and Siblings. Since the day my brain neurons start to function for the first time; I can see an old man in his deathbed... It's my grandfather's brother. My parents together with some of the relatives are the at the side praying. I can see the sadness in their eyes and the look of their face though I still really don't have an idea what's really happening. My parents also the one took care majority of their nephews, nieces, their cousins and some siblings. There is always somebody in the house that we need to shelter and provide food. Sometimes the people we are helping occupied the best room in our house. All of us are just sleeping just anywhere where my mom can just put our sleeping mats. I experienced rescuing our relatives living near a river creek at a very young age of 10. I could still hear the roaring and huge "tsunami like" brown water just 20 meters away from us. I'm scared but I'm determined to help our cousins. When my father became a PTA president; we are the one doing the painting job in school. I'm only in my 3rd grade in elementary during that period. My parents taught me how to help others. I never complained on what they have done in their life; As my mom saids: "Mabuting ikaw ang tumutulong kaysa ikaw ang tinutulungan". Helping others without expecting anything in return is one of the values I learned from my family.
Reflection Paper 2
Examples of Mind Maps/Outputs of Brainstorming of Entrep Classes
'Quamplurimi et quam aptisimi" (As many as possible of the very best)
Examples of mind maps generated by earlier classes in Entrepreneurship for benchmarking, examples
On innovation
Examples of mind maps generated by earlier classes in Entrepreneurship for benchmarking, examples
On innovation
Mind mapping and brainstorming
'Quamplurimi et quam aptisimi" (As many as possible of the very best)

After the team building activities tomorrow, we have the what "Ails the PH?" brainstorming activity/mind mapping
Why am I doing this ahead of time? To prepare for:
1. Preparing for Reflection Paper 1 due on Session 7 (the last session)
2. And AVP showcase, where your mission is new advocacy probably selected form 1 to 9, or even outside of this categories.
After the team building activities tomorrow, we have the what "Ails the PH?" brainstorming activity/mind mapping
XII. ACTIVITY 4 – OBSTACLE COURSE (CM Tristan/Anne) - 40 minutes
XIV. DINNER -- 8:00 PM
XVI. What Ails PH Activity - after the team building
For this we need 5 cartolina of different colors, and 5 sets of 1 row of crayons.
1. We will raffle the 9 topics for brainstorming
6. What ails the world PH - The group will brainstorm on what ails the world Philippines. They will select from amongst the various general topics and list down priorities and plan of action (5W 1H)
1. Environment
2. Transportation
3. Energy
4. Urban town planning vs population growth
5. Food security
6. Health
7. Terrorism/religious wars
8. Poverty
9 Employment/ofw/migration
8. Poverty
9 Employment/ofw/migration
2. Then using Mind map methodology, the group members draw branches for the main topic so raffled. MInd Maps by Tony Buzan
1. Preparing for Reflection Paper 1 due on Session 7 (the last session)
2. And AVP showcase, where your mission is new advocacy probably selected form 1 to 9, or even outside of this categories.
Since we were not able to do this yesterday, it may be too late for you to scrounge for your future love or passion.

3. The idea is to generate ideas that can be used by the student Leader as their advocacy for the showcase, from their brainstorming or that of other groups. What could be your passion as a leader outside the box, or when you retire? Or what do you really like doing, were it not for the need to survive?
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