Saturday, July 11, 2015

Life of Power and Wealth may draw you unwittingly to the Left

'Quamplurimi et quam aptisimi" (As many as possible of the very best)

This Lecturer thanks the class and the groups for enthusiastically presenting the Left side the life crime and wickedness in this  world.  We may be born good, as some politicians are , policemen, public servants, servants of the Lord, common citizens.  eventually are drawn into the life of crime and crookedness.  Yes power and wealth corrupt and they corrupt absolutely. As people rise to the top they assume great power that sometimes they think are equal or more than God;  and so they only decide what is right is wrong (or left)

We have to be consciously aware of that as we act and make our decisions.  The Jesuits whose mission is to save souls, keep on repeating that our ultimate purpose is life is to live in the loving presence of the Lord.  Many, of you as per your stories live that kind of life, (like practically giving away your properties to build your church, and take tithing seriously

How nice would it be if everyone would consider the Jesuit value proposition of leadership.  To be profit oriented, yes in the service of life creature.  To be the most powerful man in the country, province, yes to be a Leader serving Gods creation.  But how many are just doing that

There are many pressing world's problems, but what are we thinking of as we pursue our daily lives and ambition. And what are our priorities:

This Lecturer does not wish to pontificate any further because I think the group work yesterday maybe  reminded that us that we can drift into that kind of life and leadership.

The Lecturer thanks the talented script writers, directors,actors and actresses and creative people who made last night fun.  Please keep these presentations private and secure.  Especially the SPG romantic scene (the bed scene)

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