Sunday, December 6, 2015

Cebu Regis Leadership Movie synopsis of Braveheart, Jcampbell Monomyth and My Life Story by Leader Gem Reuyan (rev)

Dear Prof. Jorge,

Please see revised Movie synopsis of Braveheart, , Jcampbell Monomyth and My Life Story.

G Reuyan

Regis Cebu Leadership by Leader Gem Reuyan Movie synopsis of Braveheart, Jcampbell Monomyth and My Life Story

The movie is about the story of the legendary Scottish hero named William Wallace (starred by Mel Gibson in the movie).  After losing his father, brother and wife, in tragic deaths brought about by the oppressive English invaders, Wallace led his clan to fight against the English garrison in his hometown and was able to send them back to England.  This angered King Edward Longshanks who ordered his son Prince Edward to stop Wallace at all costs.  However Wallace was resolute on exacting justice on the wrongdoers and oppressors. He led the other Scottish villagers in the revolt against the English.  Wallace led his fellow Scots in a series of bloody battles that seriously crippled English leadership. 

On the last part of the movie, Wallace was captured and brought before the English magistrate. He was tried for treason, tortured and was eventually disemboweled.  Faced with certain painful lingering death he was given the option for a quick death only if he submits to the king.  However Wallace refused, and instead of asking for mercy he shouted "Freedom" which was witnessed by the crowd. His heroic death inspired the Scots who eventually rose up united and won their freedom from the English invaders.

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. - Nelson Mandela-

My favorite character & why I like to movie:

My favorite character in the movie is Wallace. He showed courage, strength and determination despite the insurmountable adversity he was faced with. He inspired other people to greatness when it seems nothing more could be done. He led by example. He opened the eyes of the people to the truth that they can have a better life and they can have freedom. He showed "the perseverance and toughness that enable people to emerge from devastating circumstances without losing hope." He was able to win the people's love and support. Most importantly he was able to transform the hearts, minds and the spirit of the Scottish people.  I like his strong set of values which cannot be bought and he did not bargain even at the expense of his life……

Relating this movie to the book of John Campbell and my life story.

John Campbell in his book "A Hero with a Thousand Faces" uncovered the "Hero Myth" which means that our life stories and those of the stories of the heroes in well-known myths, stories or movies around the world follow a certain pattern. This starts with:

The Hero Is Introduced In His Ordinary World;

Wallace was born in a small family in Scotland.  His ambition was just to live in a simple happy life. His adventure did not start until the death of his brother and father.

My life-story follows the same pattern as the movie (although I hope I will not end tragically like Wallace).  I have encountered people, have been to places and underwent experiences that somehow shaped me. 

We cannot choose our families, but we can choose who we will become. We are introduced in the world by our families. Some have the not so normal type of family, others have the typical family set up.  I'm lucky to be born with supportive parents and siblings. Although my father was away (OFW) for work in my early childhood days, I did not feel his absence. He send pictures and gifts whenever he can.  Though living in scarcity and poverty, I grew up happy because my parents love each other. I never saw them fighting over money or about issues of infidelity. 

The Call To Adventure

After witnessing the death of his father Wallace was taken to another place where he was educated.  At the onset he had no plans of leading. He was a man of peace and would like to stay out of trouble. He wished to stay away from the turmoil.  After finishing his studies, he returned to his home town. He witnessed the hardship of his relatives and neighbors. In his heart he knows and acknowledges that this is not the way people should live in their own country.

My adventure to leadership started when I started working. While my other friends choose to work in their own companies or proceed to further studies (e.g. law), I applied and was accepted to work in one of the biggest auditing firm in the Philippines. It was a challenging job. I often travel and meet managers and leaders in different companies. I had a chance to work in banks, manufacturing companies, service entities and others. It was a difficult job to point out (audit) mistakes of others.  At that time, people don't appreciate audit and suggestions on improvement of their internal controls. It was like rocking their boats of mediocrity and complacency as most of our clients believed that they are doing the right thing when in fact they are not.

The Hero Is Reluctant At First.

Despite the death of his father and brother and the hardship of his friends and relatives, this did not motivate Wallace to lead. It was not until he fell in love with his childhood friend. They marry in secret so she can escape the "prima nocte" or the right of the lord to have sex with female subjects on their wedding nights.  Until one day, an English soldier attempted to rape Wallace's wife. Wallace came to rescue but his wife was captured and was publicly executed.

I transferred work from an auditing firm to a multi-national company, in order to study law. I thought that my new job was less challenging and would give me time to study. Fortunately or unfortunately, I was tasked to lead a team within months after I assumed work.  I could not refuse the task otherwise I have to stop work and apply with another company. I was in my early 20's then and had no inkling to lead a team of diverse individuals.

The Hero Is Encouraged By The Wise Old Man Or Woman;

The death of his wife caused Wallace to fight and seek revenge.  His most painful experience was his greatest teacher as it opened his eyes to the painful truth that he and the people cannot live freely as they want to be. This crucible led him to assume the leadership role that he would eventually be known for that sparked the fight for freedom.

I was encouraged by our Chief Finance Officer. At a young age, she promoted me as a manager. I was the youngest manager in the plant then. My tasks involved not only dealing with other managers within our department – Accounting, Purchasing & Payroll but dealing with managers from other Department – Operations, Information Technology, Human Resource & the General Manager. They all report and are accountable to our department for their budget and expenses.  Not only this, since our company is a multinational company, I have to deal with different races, religion and cultures.  Some operations managers were Indian, others Sri-Lankan, some were Hindus, others were Jews, Muslims and Christians. It was a mixed of nationality, culture and religion.

 The Hero Passes The First Threshold.

Wallace led the first war (with the support of his clan) with the English garrison. They won the first battle.

My promotion encouraged me to lead the team.  I did not expect that in my very young age I can lead a team and at the same time pursue my dream of entering into law school.  I did not expect that I'll be able to manage my time to work and study law at the same time.

The Hero Encounters Tests And Helpers;

Wallace gained popularity after his countrymen knew he won his first battle.  Many supported him.

Joggling my studies and leading a team was a difficult task.  I needed to work for at least eight hours and go to school for another three hours each day. Our plant being a multi-national company, knows no limit for working hours.  A meeting can be called at any time of the day as our foreign counterparts live in different time zones. I was lucky our CFO supported me. She allowed me to go to school for as long as I get out from class in order to take conference calls. Aside from this, a classmate of mine who latter on become my boyfriend (now husband) supported me (including having my dinner ready when I reach the school) and find ways to make my law school easy.

The Hero Reaches The Innermost Cave

Wallace's first attempt to fight the English garrison was supported by his clan. Because of the support it was successful. Word then spread that Wallace led his army to victory against the King (Longshanks).  In order to stop Wallace, Longshanks send his son's wife, the daughter of the French King, to negotiate hoping that Wallace will kill her and draw the ire of the French King.  Wallace however refused the bribe.

Like in my own personal experience, I realized then that my daily existence was focused in leading the team and at the same time pursuing law. It was a herculean task. My job requires my full attention and time.

The Hero Endures The Supreme Ordeal;

A group of men gathered to support Wallace in fighting against the English King.  However after realizing that they were significantly outnumbered, Wallace's supporters hesitated to pursue the battle. They would prefer to go home and escape the certainty of death in battle.  Wallace however encouraged these men asking them" "What will you do without freedom?" Some answered that they will run because they can never win against the thousand English armies.  Wallace made a speech which fortified these men to fight. He uttered the most significant lines: "Fight and you may die, run and you may live at least for a while…and dying in your beds many years from now, will you be willing to trade all this day till that for one chance, at least once chance, to tell others that they may take our lives but never will take our freedom…. "

My supreme ordeal in leadership is not as gory as Wallace's. It happened in the early 2000 when I was selected by the Head of Finance to implement an automated payroll system in India & Sri-Lanka.  It was supposed to be the task of the payroll manager but I was selected to do it.  While in India, the Head of the Plant and other male managers refused to implement the several changes in our payroll system including automated time in and time out. We were mandated by our corporate center in the US that there should be no comprise in the implementation... at least not for this first change as there are other changes that we plan to implement including change in the company's ERP system.  Being a thinker (Number 5 in the Enneagram), I asked and listen to the reasons given by them as to why they don't want to implement – compliance with legal requirements, people were not used to it, etc. After which I gave reasons why it's better that we automate the system. I appealed to their emotions (while my boss walked-out) and gave reasons why we should implement. I told them that we would be the first in the industry (during that time) in that locality to do it so we will become trailblazers. I also told them the benefits of efficiency that the new system can deliver. I informed them that they can continue with the manual log-in during transition but they have to ask for government approval.  I eventually won their support. Later did I know (from an Indian employee in the Philippines) that based on their culture (at that time), they are not used to taking orders or instructions from women. The plant was male dominated and we were talking to the heads of the heads.

The Hero Seizes The Sword.

Wallace won several bloody battles against the English. In fact he was considered a threat by the King.  At one instance the King lead his army to capture Wallace.  The King employed the help of others in order to betray Wallace just so he can be captured and eventually killed.

At one point in my life (with another company), my leadership abilities were tested. I was tasked to lead a group of accountants as a finance manager. Leading and managing employees who were older than I was and has stayed in the company for more years than I did, was surely not a mere walk in the park. This in fact occasioned a struggle. One employee who was hoping to get the position and her minions who expected promotion if she gets promoted became arrogant and refused to do their tasks on time. We talked and this person realized that I was there not to boss them around in doing things but to work as a team. I informed this person that every task whether it be mine or theirs is important. My being forthcoming was the sword that destroyed the wall that hindered us to communicate and understand each other.

The Road Back

Wallace was captured and brought before the English magistrate. He was tried for treason and tortured He was given an option for a quick death only if he submits to the king.  However Wallace refused, and instead of asking for mercy he shouted "Freedom" up to his last breath which was witnessed by the crowd.

Overtime I persuaded my team by doing good things despite their arrogance and adversarial stance against me. In the end I won their trust and hearts. We congealed and synergy begin to work its wonders in our team. I have realized that promotion can easily be attained but winning the hearts of your team is an entirely different story.

The Resurrection.

Although William Wallace died, his spirit lived on. He inspired Robert (who became later on as Scotland's king) to lead his army into battle against the English. Robert implored the Scottish people to fight united with him using the sacrifice and memory of Wallace's heroic deed.           

After having won the team, I was offered another job for another segment of the company.  I was supposed to lead a team with more number of employees (Asia Pacific Group) however, I ventured into another role which also tested my leadership abilities. This time my job required me to advice leaders that would affect not only group of employees but may affect the company and the community as a whole.  This function required a holistic and a selfless view. From the basic skill set I imbibed in the previous experiences I have had I then reinvented myself in order to squarely meet the demands of the new leadership role.

Return With The Elixir

The Scots earned their freedom through the inspiration of Wallace. Wallace did not die in vain. He left one important lesson for the Scots. He led them to freedom. He transformed them by transforming their minds and inspiring their spirits.

My path to leadership did not come easy.  Like in the plot of the movie, it went through many stages and went through the same ups and challenges.  I am thankful for all these. If I were to look back, I would not choose another path… for all those experience made me a better person as I am today.  I hope I'd be able to lead and inspire others. I hope I could leave something for the next generations to follow.  We all return with lessons to take. At the end of the day, we go home and bring life's lessons. It's up to us to reflect and learn.  Life is full of stories, it's up to us to make it a lesson.

My new learning:

Wallace introduced a revolutionary leadership. It was a call for a change. It was provocative.  My new learning is that;  we can invite change to come but when it does come with sometimes overwhelming force we should never comprise our values and principles.

Just like the movie I consider myself as a Braveheart after many leadership challenges in life. These crucibles made me not only a better person today but a better leader. My current job as a lawyer is laid with a lot of temptations in this aspect. But I always see to it that the ethics and the values taught in law school and embedded by the way my parents raised me is put to use and not put to waste.  In making major decisions, I should take a moment to reflect if these acts are fair, just and moral. I am positive that I will be in the right path along the way since the guidance of my parents, spouse and mentors has always been to live in the right direction. As they say, "Leadership is not an act. It is my life, a way of living."

What is the relation to what I already know?

Our life comes in stages. We all go through the ups and downs in order to be molded as a better person and a better leader.  "Leadership is defined not by the scale of opportunity but by the quality of the response."  We don't become a leader by title or by position. It is based on the way we live and how best we respond to life's challenges.  We are all heroes in our own way today. We can make always make a change for the better and inspire others to do so too.  One can have the highest title of the land, but it takes more than a title or a position to lead.

What have I done, am doing, will be doing for this topic?

"I can never complete the task of becoming a leader. It is an on-going process."

I like the quote above to answer the question, what will I be doing for this topic. My journey to leadership is never ending. It requires a continuous process of self-development and experience. There is no one book or formula that will take us to become a better leader. Our defining moment reflection paper and the enneagram gave us lessons of self- awareness and resiliency.  This reflection paper taught me heroism and love as displayed by the main character of the movie (Wallace).  For this topic, I will never forget that in my daily quest in life, I can be a hero, inspire change and I can give love to others. This heroic ambition is not easy but I know I could do it.


Crucibles of Leadership, Bennis & Thomas
Heroic Leadership, Chris Lowney

On 28 November 2015 at 16:47, Gem Reuyan <> wrote:
Dear Prof. Jorge,

Resending my Movie Synopsis sent last night Nov. 27. My apologies, this was earlier sent to

I will be revising and improving all my papers based on our discussion this morning.  Thank you forgiving us an opportunity to improve our papers.

Glym S. Reuyan

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gem Reuyan <>
Date: 28 November 2015 at 10:29
Subject: Re: Regis Cebu Leadership by Leader Glym Reuyan Movie synopsis of Braveheart, Jcampbell Monomyth and My Life Story

Dear Prof. Jorge,

Resending my Movie Synopsis sent last night Nov. 27. My apologies, this was earlier sent to

I will be revising and improving all my papers based on our discussion this morning.  Thank you forgiving us an opportunity to improve our papers.

Glym S. Reuyan

On 27 November 2015 at 23:33, Gem Reuyan <> wrote:
Regis Cebu Leadership by Leader Glym S. Reuyan Movie synopsis of Braveheart, Jcampbell Monomyth and My Life Story

The movie is about the story of the legendary Scottish hero named William Wallace (starred by Mel Gibson).  After losing his father, brother and wife, in tragic deaths brought about by the oppressive English invaders, Wallace lead his clan to fight against the English garrison in his hometown and send them back to England.  This angered King Edward (Longshanks) who ordered his son Prince Edward to stop Wallace at all costs.  However Wallace was resolved on exacting justice on the wrongdoers and oppressors. He led the other Scottish villagers in the revolt against the English.  Wallace led his fellow Scots in a series of bloody battles that seriously crippled English leadership. 

In the last part of the movie, Wallace was captured and brought before the English magistrate. He was tried for treason, tortured and was eventually disemboweled.  Faced with certain painful lingering death he was given the option for a quick death only if he submit to the king.  However Wallace refused, and instead of asking for mercy he shouted "Freedom" which was witnessed by the crowd. His heroic death inspired the Scots who eventually rose up united and won their freedom from the English invaders.

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. - Nelson Mandela-

Relating this movie to the book of John Campbell and my life story.

John Campbell in his book "A Hero with a Thousand Faces" uncovered the "Hero Myth" which means that our life stories and those of the stories of the heroes in well-known myths, stories or movies around the world follow a certain pattern. This starts with:

The Hero Is Introduced In His Ordinary World; The Call To Adventure and The Hero Is Reluctant At First.

In the movie, Wallace after the death of his father was taken to another place where he was educated.  At the onset he had no plans of leading. He was a man of peace and would like to stay out of trouble. He wished to stay away from the turmoil, until he fell in love and marry the woman his heart desired.

My life-story follows the same pattern as the movie (although hopefully not a tragic one).  I have encountered people, have been to places and underwent experiences that somehow shaped me.  I transferred work from an auditing firm to a multi-national company, in order to study law. I thought that my new job was less challenging and would give me time to study. Fortunately or unfortunately, I was tasked to lead a team within months after I assumed work.  I could not refuse the task otherwise I have to stop work and apply with another company. I was in my early 20's then. Some of my associates were even older than me and has stayed in the company for several years.

The Hero Is Encouraged By The Wise Old Man Or Woman; The Hero Passes The First Threshold.

The death of his wife caused Wallace to fight and seek revenge.  He opened his eyes to the painful truth that he and the people cannot live freely as they want to be. These crucibles led him to lead and fight for freedom.

In my experience, my promotion encouraged me to lead the team.  I did not expect that in my very young age I can lead a team and at the same time pursue my dream of entering into law school.

The Hero Encounters Tests And Helpers; The Hero Reaches The Innermost Cave

Wallace's first attempt to fight the English garrison was supported by his clan. Because of the support it was successful. Word then spread that Wallace led his army to victory against the King (Longshanks).  In order to stop Wallace, Longshanks send his son's wife, the daughter of the French King, to negotiate hoping that Wallace will kill her and draw the ire of the French King.  Wallace however refused the bribe.

Like in my own personal experience, I realized then that my daily existence was focused in leading the team and at the same time pursuing law. It was a herculean task. My job requires my full attention and time. A meeting can be called at any time of the day as our foreign counterparts live in different time zones. I was lucky the head of Finance was there to support me. She allowed me to go to school for as long as I get out from class in order to take conference calls. Aside from this, a classmate of mine who latter on become my boyfriend (now husband) supported me and find ways to make school projects and assignments easy and manageable.

The Hero Endures The Supreme Ordeal; The Hero Siezes The Sword.

Wallace won several bloody battles against the English. In fact he was considered a threat by the King.  At one instance the King lead his army to capture Wallace.  The King employed the help of others in order to betray Wallace just so he can be captured and eventually killed.

At one point in my life, my leadership abilities were tested. I was tasked to lead a group of accountants as a finance manager. Leading and managing employees who were older than I was and has stayed in the company for more years than I did, was surely not a mere walk in the fire. This in fact occasioned a struggle. One employee who was hoping to get the position and her minions who expected promotion if she gets promoted became arrogant and refused to do their tasks on time. But overtime I persuaded them by doing good things despite their arrogance and adversarial stance against me. In the end I won their trust and hearts. We congealed and synergy begin to work its wonders in our team.

The Road Back; Resurrection.

Although William Wallace died, his spirit lived on. He inspired Robert (who became later on as Scotland's king) to lead his army into battle against the English. Robert implored the Scottish people to fight united with him using the sacrifice and memory of Wallace's heroic deed.

After having won the team, I was offered another job for another segment of the company.  I was supposed to lead a team with more number of employees (Asia Pacific Group) however, I ventured into another role which also tested my leadership abilities. This time my job required me to advice leaders that would affect not only group of employees but may affect the company and the community as a whole.  This function required a holistic and a selfless view. From the basic skill set I imbibed in the previous experiences I have had I then reinvented myself in order to squarely meet the demands of the new leadership role.

Return With The Elixir.

The Scots earned their freedom through the inspiration of Wallace. Wallace did not die in vain. He left one important lesson for the Scots. He led them to freedom. He transformed them by transforming their minds and inspiring their spirits.

In my life, I hope I'd be able to lead and inspire others. I hope I could leave something for the next generations to follow. 

My favorite character & why I like to movie:

My favorite character in the movie is Wallace. He showed courage, strength and determination. He inspire other people to greatness when it seems nothing more could be done. He led by example. He opened the eyes of the people to the truth that they can have a better life and they can have freedom. He showed "the perseverance and toughness that enable people to emerge from devastating circumstances without losing hope." He was able to transform the people. He was able to win the people's love and support.  I like his strong set of values which cannot be bought even at the expense of his life……
Life is full of lessons. At the end of the day, we go home and bring life's lessons. It's up to us to reflect and learn. 

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