Monday, December 14, 2015

Regis Cebu Leadership Call To Arms Speech – “The Shepherd’s Way” by Leader Juvelon Abante

Regis Cebu Leadership Call To Arms Speech – "The Shepherd's Way" by Leader Juvelon Abante
When we speak of leadership, 2 immediate popular names come into place. Are you Steve Jobs or a Jack Welch? Are you the incremental or the disruptive leader?  Their leadership styles are the most popular role models but for today you will discover the ancient ways of creating a successful leader.  You will learn "The Way of the Shepherd".

In my pursuit of finding my leadership role model that is practically matched with my core strengths, I came across a book that my wife has given me. It is a leadership book entitled "The Way of the Shepherd, 7 Ancient Secrets to Managing Productive People by Kevin Leman and William Pentak".  The learning's from this book become my guiding principle that I am practicing in my work and in my family.

First ,"You need to know the condition of your sheep".  As leader, it is important that you have engagement with your team. You need to establish the connection between your members and you as their leader. Yes, I understand that being the leader means a greater responsibility but we need to remember that the moment you have accepted the leadership role, you should also understand that much of your time is now devoted to people development rather than task oriented. It pays to know your flock and empathy plays a big role in knowing the condition of your members.

Second, "Discover the shape of your sheep".  I believe in the saying "Every one of us is Unique". Each of us has different personalities and as a Leader, you should know the strengths and weaknesses of your team. As their leader, you need to discover on how these personalities can be used in creating a greater success of the team.

Third, "Help your sheep identify with you".  Be personal rather than just professional. You need to trust your team and you need to share a common vision for your goals.

Fourth, "Make Your Pasture, a Safe Place".  Challenges will come along the way but as Leader you must learn to protect your members and guide them as they overcome the challenges. Create a harmonious working environment and settle close any communication gaps between your members.

Fifth, "The Staff of Direction".  As we overcome challenges, we also face failures. But Leaders should continue motivating and encourage his team. As Winston Churchill says "Success is not final, Failure is not Fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts".
Sixth, "The Rod of Correction". Make us of the rod as a teaching tool as your member progress. Let Discipline be your teaching opportunity as you guide your team to success.

And finally, "The Heart of the Shepherd".  The principles presented here is a lifestyle. You need to lead according to these principles. It is best that you have a "Heart of The Shepherd".

My dear classmates let me end my speech leaving you a question to ponder -

Are you shepherding your people or are you just managing them?

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