Sunday, December 6, 2015

Do strong leaders have weaknesses?

'Quamplurimi et quam aptissimi" (As many as possible of the very best)

Rizal Philippines
December 6, 2015

Do strong leaders have weaknesses?  Yes

1.  Their strengths can be their weakness.  What made them strong achievers could be their own undoing.  Achievers are usually demanding, goal driven,  nasty and over bearing and autocratic. Military leaders are such types of peoples and are misfits in the civilian world How could they be achievers if they are meek?  From about leaders

2.  Leaders are no angel nor are they saints.   If they were angels, they would accomplish nothing.   Saints have different places in history and religion.   Even biblical leaders were persons with great weaknesses. But we only remember their achievements

Even church leaders lately have been accused of several sins:   theft, malversation and sins of the flesh, whether they be with women, other men or young children.  So he who has no sins cast the first stone.

3.  We should focus on what the leaders can do and not what they are not supposed to do, or are irrelevant to the task at hand.  Many still admire John F. Kennedy despite his proclivity to beautiful things with skirts.  Another such man is Gen Ulysses Grant who seemed to have failed in everything he did, being a cadet at West Point, his family life,  in business he established.  He drank heavily, and when he was appointed as the Union Commanding General, by Abraham Lincoln, the President was criticized for appointing General Grant.  But he won the battles that he led.  Why would you appoint as commanding general who is a drunkard?   Lincoln even said he would ask for the brand of the wine of Grant, just to keep him winning battles for the Union. Peter Drucker prescribes we must focus on strength, rather than strengths in his book "Effective Executive"

And now we have a candidate who has solid achievements, but  who like the Leaders mentioned here has great weakness too:   womanizer, and cusses frequently.
Image result for rodrigo duterte weaknesses

What do you think?


  1. I totally agree. Everyone has their own Strengths and weaknesses, as everyone has the potential to be a leader, if they recognize it early on. I couldn't name one leader who is perfect, all has its flaws. The first step of leadership is self awareness, and Mayor Rody has proactively done something about his cussing habits. Just in the news is him donating P1,000 to Caritas Davao everytime he cuss. It is not easy to penalize onself, especially with the whole world looking at him and enumerating his flaws.For sure, this will cost him big time, but at least, he is seriously wanting to change himself, and that is a very significant step for me. To quote Peter Drucker, Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.

    Solid achievements are nothing, if you do not have the attitude for it, nor the respect of your peers.

  2. From what I've read about Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, I believe he can be a strong contender for the position of President. He has many achievements especially in Davao city. I also agree that he is actively doing something about his cussing.

    However, I think that his greatest weakness is not the ones mentioned here. It is his Ego. Many great leaders fall into the trap of thinking that they are the masters of the universe. That they alone know how to solve the world's problem. And this is where they fall short. They stop listening. They stop learning.

  3. Yes, Duterte may have its own weaknesses but I believe his leadership and vision for the country will make a difference.

  4. Thank you for being interested in the coming Presidential election and political leadership
