Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Regis Cebu Leadership - Leader Maricel Ngo -Enneagram

Enneagram test result
1st Take : My personality falls under Type 8- Aggressiveness
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2nd Take – My personality type is Style 7: The Enthusiast.
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My real self in relation to my enneagram result
My first enneagram test result shows that I have type 8 personality with aggressiveness as its behavioral tendency. It is also classified as a CHALLENGER. I agree with how the "Challenger" behavior was described. I exhibit said behaviours most of the time.
As a school admin and officer of our clubs, I tend to be tough minded and energetic when confronted with challenges or problems. I always think that problems have always solutions available. I subscribe to the idea of Goethe who said, "Everything is hard before it's easy".  I always look for people who have experienced the same problems because I am curious to know how they handled such problems. This explains why I am active in joining organizations. I really enjoy learning from their experiences. This also explains why I sacrifice travelling long hours and crossing islands just to attend my MBA class. It excites me knowing that every class will unveil new learnings for me. I do not stop until I get it right. This reminds me of my determination to love MATH during my early college years. If my classmates can solve algebra problems, why can't I?

It is said that a Challenger at times needs to be financially independent and often have a hard time working for anyone.
As a newbie entrepreneur, I just recently exhibited this behavior as described.  As VP for business services of Ormoc Chamber, I am tasked to be on top of the business awards where I interviewed nominees for the Women Entrepreneur of the Year. It hit me…so so hard…that a 57-year old woman was able to grow her business in a span of 13 years.  She started when she was 44 years old and I am 40 years old now. From that day on, I said to myself: I do not want to work for anyone. I will work for my business and be five times richer than her when I reach her age for I have a more noble purpose and that is….I know I can do more and inspire more being an academician.  I will be able to influence other women to do well in business. I need to build over time a success story about my entrepreneurial journey so people will believe me.
By the way, her successful entrepreneurial journey made her as the 1st  Ormoc Woman Entrepreneur of the year.
As to the speaking style, type 8 personality is perceived as confrontational, intimidating, loud and controlling.
As a coach and mentor, I have moments really that I tend to control people especially when I see them neglect their tasks and just watch things happen without doing anything. I expect people to really work with me and accomplish goals as a team. I do not have patience in training people who work half-heartedly but I give my time fully in training people who have the willingness to learn.  I believe that I can't be an effective coach if I will not address this behavior. I wish to be more patient in leading others and give rooms for mistakes as they strive to improve themselves. As shared by Dr. Barry Cook, from the Leaders Edge Training Inc., "Give yourself some room for mistakes. Any time you do something new versus something you're used to, you can and probably will make a mistake or two. We need to see this as part of growth, not a sign of failure. When you look at mistakes in this light, you greatly alleviate the fear of failure."
My 2nd take of enneagram test shows that I have type 7 personality with adventurousness as its behavioral tendency. It is also classified as a ENTHUSIAST.
An enthusiast is generous, energetic, lively and optimistic and tries to make the world a better place.
As a concerned member of our society, I do not mind spending time serving the community especially that my involvement will benefit the less privileged people in our society. Recently Ormoc Chamber in cooperation with the UNDP, trained a group of barangay residents who live near the LAKE DANAO, one of our tourist destinations in Ormoc. They took short courses on Massage Therapy and Cookery.  With this partnership, it creates livelihood for these residents. Tourists will be more relaxed cherishing the serene view of the lake boarded on a floating cottage being massaged by the skilled people trained by the Ormoc Chamber. After such a relaxing experience, they will be served with sumptuous food that they learned to cook from the training they got from Ormoc Chamber. Ormoc Chamber is a mobilizer. Good news is: there are so many funds available from international NGOs. What is needed are organizations who can go extra mile in looking for beneficiaries of these funds and mobilize the approved projects with funding. In our own little way, we are making this world a better place for our less privileged fellowmen.
As a parent, an enthusiast wants their children to be exposed to many adventures in life.
As a parent, I want my kids to experience adventures in like. As I said in my defining moments paper, borrowed from STI tag line, it is called " Education for real life". I always seek for opportunities where they can learn." I am sharing here the my FB post last April 13 of this year.
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My personal view on taking the enneagram
As we age, the result will vary. People that we welcome to our lives whom we consider our mentors and coaches somehow influence our views and behavior. Then we embrace it. Now, the people I am working with, the family culture of my in-laws change my views about life. If I were confined with the values and family culture I had during my childhood years, my personality results would be different. That is why leaders are born twice. Our experiences and the people we met will reveal to us our new sense of identity as leaders. Just a thought.

Maricel Reyes-Ngo

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