Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Regis Cebu Leadership | Leader Melissa Abarrientos | Movie synopsis of Ruruoni Kenshin, J. Campbell Monomyth and My Life Story

Regis Cebu Leadership
Leader Melissa Abarrientos
Movie synopsis of Ruruoni Kenshin, J. Campbell Monomyth and My Life Story


Rurouni Kenshin is a movie adaptation based on a trilogy of the anime Samurai X. I chose this movie since I have always loved its story. Rumors said that the story is based on Japan's  history during the Meiji Period.

1.    The Hero's Ordinary World
The Journey of our hero,  Kenshin Himura begins as he wanders arounds the city of Tokyo a decade after their victorious battle in Toba-Fushimi, where he left his sword and sworn that he will never kill again. This also explains, why our hero has been carrying his reversed blade sword "sakabato".  As he was roaming  around town he came across Kamiya Kaoro, the daughter of a late swordsman too, whose left to manage the dojo of her father. Kamiya kaoro attacked Kenshin believing he was the famed battousai killing cops around town.  

Then, our hero was introduced to the situation that the country was facing after hearing what kamiya kaoro told him; and saving Kaoro duno from Udo Jin-e's hand .

Meanwhile, I will also introduce the other characters of the story as they play a role in our hero's journey.

Saito Hajime -  was also once a samurai before the end  of the Tokugawa Shogunate.
Sanusuke – the street fighter whom later became kenshin's friend.
Kamiya kaoro – the dojo owner whom later played a very important role in our hero's quest  for new life.
Takeda Kanryu – the villain. A no conscience businessman who only thinks of himself and wanted to spread opium  and lethal weapons in Japan.
Takani Megumi – from a family of doctors, she was forced by Kanryu to produce and make opiums.
Shisio Makoto - was the supposed to successor of the battousai title. The main Villain of the second episode "the legend ends here".

2.    The Call to Adventure
If you have watched the trilogy, you'll notice that our hero has been called for the adventure several times. Not only that he was called for the adventure but he called to choose between the good and evil. First, his encounter with Kanryu's men in  the Dojo where he saved kaoro duno and Yahiko. This lead him to get imprisoned where Saito Hajime visited him and brought him to the Lord of the Imperial Meiji Army, the same man who contracted him to fight in Toba-Fushimi. For the second time around, he wanted him to fight again for restoration. Opium and other crimes are spreading out in the country and the Lord wanted to put a stop it. Saito Hajime challenged him on the fight which in which he did not fight. Thus leading to the third phase of our herĂ³'s  journey – Refusal of the Call

3.    Refusal of the Call
Kenshin Himura was determined to no longer kill anyone. He just wanted to live like the other ordinary people.  His guilty memories often haunt him every day. However his refusal to fight back again due to his vow will not bring good to his countrymen. More killings and injustices are happening.

4.    Crossing the Threshold
In the second saga he was called again this time by the Prime Minister. He was asked to go to Kyoto to fight against Shisio who wanted to bring his own era. After seeing dead and all the cries of the families and innocent kidswho had been victim of Shisio's injustice, he decided he cannot let it go on; this time, he went to Kyoto to face Shisio for the sake of the new government and peace.

5.    Tests, Allies, Enemies
Along his journey, he passed by a few people who later on became his allies. I remember the scene of the boy when he screamed out of pain after seeing his parents killed and hung. Then came Shisio's men, who were all beaten after they attacked him. Not only once did he fight to battel Shisio's men, but many times. His sword was even broken by Shisio's right hand, Sojiro.  He also met allies who had long been hiding and secretly preparing and planning for battle. When he seek for the master sword maker, he was already dead but time was favorable to him when the master sword maker left the twin sword of kenshin's sword. The true reversed Sword blade.

6.    Approach
Meanwhile, Kaoro dono, restless and worried about Kenshin journeyed to find kenshin. She found him and joined the battle in Kyoto together with Saito hajime, the Oniwabanshuu (the Ninja's)  and Misao.

7.    The Ordeal
During the fight at Kyoto, kaoro dono was kidnapped by one of Shisio's men.
In the Battle where kenshin meets Shisio. Shisio used Kaoro Dono to tempt him to kill but Kenshin did not gave in and just wanted to save Kaoro dono. Unfortunately, Shisio threw her to the sea. Attempting to save her kenshin jumped to save her. The government lost the battle.

8.    Meeting with the Mentor
After kenshin threw himself in the water, he was brought by the waves to the seashore where he was rescued by an old friend. His Master, His Mentor, Hiko Seijuro. This time, he wishes him to train him the last technique of Hitten Mitsurugi. It is important to note that it was at this point when kenshin committed himself to stop Shisio and accepted the call that it was his duty to stop Shisio-who planned to rule the country. Otherwise, if he doesn't stop him all the people will suffer. 

9.    The Road Back & 10. The Resurrection
Whilst Kenshin's gone, Shisio's has controlled the government. Kenshin now becomes a fugitive of the government he's sworn to save. Again on his way back, he met with his friends who helped him; But the road way back was not easy. He encountered many trials and battles. He was already exhausted but he still fought for his quest. In the end, Shisio died but not with his sword, his body flamed because he cannot stand the heat of his body temperature.

10.  The Reward & 12. Return with the Elixir
The reward was a new era and restoration of the Government of Japan. A new life.

My Journey… (J. Campbell Monomyth and My Life Story)

My Journey begun when I came in Cebu, determined to work and have a better life for my family. I also thought I wanted to meet love in this big city. My journey was packed with ups and downs because I thought It was already difficult for me to meet love after I got pregnant. Anyway, I've made my way in the corporate world; I got the position I hoped for when I was hired as an HR Employee Relations Specialist. I thought  was it. I thought that would be the beginning of my career… when I was offered and asked by my friend to be a part of his company. I refused the offer thinking he was joking until everything became so serious that he pushed me to file for my resignation. I was not equipped to take the job and I just landed the job I was wishing for. If I do not take the offer it would mean I would also lose an important friend. The friend, who literally looked for me after I disappeared under his radar; and the friend who never left me after he found me. The friend who appreciated everything about me  when I was at the point where I could hardly even recognize or think about myself. Then I gave up my job and ventured to a work where there was no system.. People just report for work do their task and that's it. Everything was obscure until I established a system. All the more, I do not have any staff with me who can do papers. I manage the operation, I do the marketing, selling, administrative tasks, procurement, Import and logistics. I buddied with my staffs and they all became my friends at the same time and I learned from them and slowly we were able to make our system and we were a team. But of course, there were others who also envied me and wanted to destroy me. But I work with my heart and it isn't only my resourcefulness and intelligence that brought me where I am but mu honesty, dedication and faithfulness and loyalty. My friend was also my mentor when it comes to management. He was quite tough that there were times I would cry and die then get back again and face my challenge. The reward is great and fulfilling. Aside from the self- fulfillment of being recognized as one of the company's founder because of my contribution; the fulfillment of being able to do something you never thought you can was more than enough. All the struggle and weary nights don't mean a thing because I was able to fulfill my primary purpose for this journey, the happiness and better life that I wanted for my family - eliminate their stress so they can focus on our lives and just be happy. And of course I also found Love. Two Elixirs.

What have I learned from the movie? What is the relation to what I already know? What have I done, am doing, will be doing for this topic?
 I could have easily chosen Mulan for my leadership movie at first since it she was somehow the character I often relate to; Instead I chose this movie because I admired Kenshin's determination and commitment to self. Apart from that, I admired his love for his country. According to some Japanese literature and by some Japanese friends, the movie was patterned from real people and history. Like other heroes and leaders, kenshin also underwent reflection of what he really wants in his life while he was training with his mentor. That means he needs to know his strength and weakness. Kenshin's weakness was he thought of himself as already useless because he killed many. Because of this guilt he only wanted to protect those who needed him but he forgot the will to live thus he became weak. As we have previously learned, Self-Awareness is very important as a leader. That is the first step to becoming one then we seek further and deep inside unto what we want and what will make us happy and what we can do to contribute to the society in order to have a better world.  Many of us fail to transcend the meaning of life.

As leaders, we also know that we need to sacrifice and endure pain if we must reach our goal.. By far, most of us have encountered or passed the stages of the hero's path. We all had quests – some we were able to attain and some we failed and some we still continue pursuing.
But  what was often our goal? I suppose, Most of us limit our goal to personal needs and achievement. We seldom look at what we can do for our nation. Most of us may believe that building our nation will actually benefit the next generation and honestly we all want to have a better country; but I suppose most of us don't believe that there is something that we can do for our country rather than waiting who would become the elected president and rely our hopes in his platform. Quoting Himura kenshin:

"Everyone can become leaders" by saying, everyone must lead and learn the Jesuit kind of leadership. Serving other and becoming a better person by starting from oneself and sharing the learning to the other.

In my case, Control is very essential in our operation. Thus, it's still the kind or the way I need to impose. Although, Control doesn't mean I have to hold everyone cut throat. My first project for this topic is actually to train my people as leaders by giving them seminars and providing them activities that will actually awaken their leader potential. Entrusting them responsibilities to take charge – empowerment and constant coaching and encouragement. This actually sounds very simple but can be challenging in our work yard. Second, would be to reach out to the community. Yearly, every Christmas season, we - my boyfriend and I and his friend often go out and stroll the city and distribute a bag of groceries to those who are sleeping in the streets. It was actually just our way to share and let other people feel the presence of Christmas. But aside from that, we have a CSR program for the community we are in (We are not that big as a company yet) we currently have an ongoing project where we will be providing sewing machines to the barangay to offer livelihood. Every month, we have monthly donations provided to the barangay so thay can buy medicines for the health center; support and sponsor basketball leagues for sports and recreation as well. Perhaps, we could come up with more projects next year.  

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