Saturday, October 17, 2015

MM Leadership Movie Synopsis, Joseph Campbell and My Life Story Analysis by Leader Justin Quilon

Hi Prof Jorge, 

Good Day!

Here's my movie analysis and life story 

I chose the movie "Big Fish" by Tim Burton. The first time I watched this movie I did not understand it that well and so I watched it again. The second time I watched it I enjoyed it. It became one of my favorite movies. The great thing about the movie is that each time I watch it; I learn something new and I can relate to it depending on my situation. 

Movie Synopsis:
Edward Bloom, a charismatic teller of tall tales, is a source of frustration to his only child, William. At Will's wedding, Edward embarrasses him by telling the guests an impossible-sounding story about the day of Will's birth, involving a giant catfish that ate his wedding ring. Will believes that his father tells lies to get attention and confronts him angrily. They don't speak to each other for three years.

Will receives news that Edward is very ill with cancer, and that he might not have long to live. Will and his pregnant wife Josephine travel to Ashton, Alabama, Will's hometown. They have a reunion with Sandra K. Bloom, Edward's wife and Will's mother, who is bringing Edward home from the hospital to take care of him until he dies. Edward is weak and bedridden, but he and Will finally speak again. Will asks to know the truth about his father's life. Edward retells his version of his childhood....

JUSTIN: I'll focus on Edward Bloom's story since its one hell of a roller coaster ride. Enjoy!

The Ordinary World
At the start of the movie, young Edward Bloom plays with two of his friends and met a witch living in a swamp who has a glass eye which reveals the eventual death of anyone who looks into it. Edward sees how he will die, and decides that he can now take unreasonable risks because he knows they cannot kill him. Soon afterward, Edward begins to grow at an alarming rate and is hooked up to a machine in bed, as his muscles and bones cannot keep up with his "body's ambition." In an encyclopedia, young Edward reads that a goldfish will remain small if kept in a small bowl, but will grow bigger in a larger habitat. Because he is growing so fast, he concludes he is meant for bigger things. 

Because Edward is taking a lot of risks and his ambition is really high, he became the towns, star athlete, entrepreneur and local hero. In short, he became great and well known in his town.

Archetype: Hero - Edward Bloom

JUSTIN: Just imagine if you are aware of how you will die, won't you be able to take some or even more risks in the activities that you do? If I were Edward Bloom I would be taking risks and be daring in the activities that I will participate in just like doing a bungy jump on top off Macau Tower. 

The Call to Adventure
When a mysterious "monster" comes to town and eats livestock during the night, Edward, the local hero, volunteers to talk to it and get it to leave. Edward tracks down the culprit; a gloomy but goodhearted giant named Karl, and convinces him to move to a bigger city. Edward explains that Ashton is too small a town for men of Karl's size and Edward's ambition. The two left town and Edward is given the key to Ashton by the mayor.

Archetype: Herald - Edward's Ambition 

JUSTIN: In this part of the movie Edward has great influence over his town having the courage to speak to a monster is not an easy task. In our own life, we have all sorts of monsters or fears that we are afraid to face and sometimes the more we walk out on them the more they will hunt us. Edward did really well in leading and facing the monster only to find out that the monster is just a gentle giant. 

Refusal of the Call
Edward took a shortcut instead of going on the longer route with his friend Karl. He promises to meet Karl on the other side. Through the shortcut he stumbles across a town called Spectre. This town was so perfect that Edward thought twice on continuing his journey since everyone in town would want him to stay. Edward shocks the townspeople by politely excusing himself to get on with his journey.

JUSTIN: We can compare the town of Spectre to complacency. Being in your comfort zone will make you stuck if you stay there for a long time. It is really tempting to stay in your comfort zone but you know what moving to your courage zone is where you will find your dreams and life goals. I think Edward knows this well enough that's why he continues with his journey.

Meeting with the Mentor
Edward and Carl stumble upon a circus, where Carl is immediately hired as an attraction by the owner and ringmaster, Amos Calloway and his clown/attorney Mr. Soggybottom. Edward glimpses a beautiful girl (Sandra Templeton ) in the big-top audience, but she is whisked out the door with the crowd before he can speak to her. She turns out to be a family friend of Calloway's. Certain that she is the woman he will marry, Edward begs Calloway for a job, asking for only one piece of information about the girl for every month of work.

Archetype: Mentor- Amos Calloway

JUSTIN: In life, we encounter people who are more knowledgeable than us. Edward agrees to be mentored by Amos to learn more about the beautiful girl he wants to marry.

Crossing the Threshold
Edward toils at the circus and learns that the girl loves daffodils and music. Three years later, having only learned trivia about her, Edward discovers that Amos is a werewolf. To reward Edward for his refusal to harm Amos in his monstrous state, Amos tells Edward the girl's name is Sandra Templeton and she studies at Auburn University. Edward bids farewell to Mr. Calloway and sets off to find Sandra.

Archetype: Shapeshiifters - Amos Calloway
Archetype: Herald- Sandra Templeton

JUSTIN: Just like Edward after getting to know everything you need, it's time to go forth and move into action. Some people may appear like werewolves blocking our path but 

Tests, Allies and Enemies
Edward went to the University where Sandra is a student. Edward tells her that he loves her and he will marry her. Sandra explains to Edward that she is already engaged to Don Price, Edward's rival is his local town Ashton. However, our hero did not stop on his quest to win the girl of his dreams. He is determined to win her heart. 

One morning, Sandra awakens to find her lawn covered in daffodils provided by Edward. However, Don Price appears and begins to brutally beat Edward, who had promised Sandra he would not fight back. But as Sandra sees Don's cruelty, she breaks the engagement, and eventually does marry Edward.

Archetype: Shadows- Don Price

JUSTIN: Being foolish and having lots of determination is the key in reaching your goal, even when you are physically or mentally beaten up. In our case, it might be a difficult customer or boss or even a demanding task in the office, we still do our best to get things done or handle difficult people in our life so that we could be successful in our endeavors.

Approach the Hero and new found Allies
While recovering in the hospital from his fight injuries, Edward receives a draft notice, forcing him to enlist for the Korean War. While sad to leave his new wife, Edward knows from the glass eye that nothing in the war will kill him. Thus, he volunteers for the most dangerous missions in hopes of being sent home sooner. While parachuting into a North Korean army camp during a performance for the troops to steal some important documents, Edward meets struggling Siamese twin singers Ping and Jing performing for the enemy troops. He offers to help them break into American show business if they can help him get home.  Edward eventually rejoins his wife and takes a job as a traveling salesman to buy them a better house.

The middle aged Edward was able to help Norther Winslow, a native of Ashton he met in the town of Spectre. He made him go to Wall Street and Winslow became successful. Edward also assisted in re-establishing the dilapidated town of Spectre.

Archetype: Allies- Norther Winslow, Ping and Jing

The Ordeal  
Back in Ashton, elderly Edward weakens more and more. However, he repeatedly tells his family that this is not the death he saw in the eye. Will spends some time alone, still believing that he will never have a chance to know his father's true character. Shortly after, Edward has a stroke and is hospitalized.

The Reward
Will encounters the family doctor, who had delivered him and is now treating Edward. Will asks to know the real story of his birth, having heard only his father's catfish story in the past. The doctor explains that it was simply a normal birth, and though Edward exaggerated it, hearing his story was entertaining and comforting. Will decides to reconcile with his dying father.

Archetype: Allies- doctor

The Road Back
At Edward's bedside, Will finds him only partly conscious, and unable to speak at length. Since Edward can no longer tell stories, he asks Will to tell him the story of how his life ends. Deciding to play along, Will tells his own impromptu tall tale: Edward regains strength, and he will escape from the hospital. Jumping into Edward's old car, they speed to a nearby river, where all their family and friends are waiting. Instead of a funeral, they are holding a goodbye party, and Edward happily bids them farewell as he transforms into a catfish and swims away. Shortly afterwards, Edward dies.

The Resurrection
Will is the only one present for Edward's death, and is deeply happy that they connected at last. At Edward's funeral, Will is astonished to see all of the characters from Edward's stories show up to pay their respects to Edward; Amos, Karl, Norther Winslow, Jenny, Mr. Soggybottom, Ping and Jing all arrive. However, each one of them is slightly less fantastical than they're described in Edward's stories.

Archetype: Allies- Amos, Karl, Norther Winslow, Jenny, Mr. Soggybottom, Ping and Jing

Return with the Elixir
It finally becomes clear that Edward had combined his love of storytelling with his own reality, which finally makes sense to Will. When his own son is born, Will passes the stories on to him, remarking that his father became his stories -- allowing him to live forever.

JUSTIN: Edward is truly a leader. He was able to leave his legacy to his son who also passed on his stories to his grandson. As leaders, we will pass on legacies to others and just like Edward we should pass on great memories to inspire and motivate others to live their dreams. 

Significance of the movie Big Fish to my life:

Most of my life, I have been choosing the safe route. This movie encourages me to have fun in taking bold risks. It also thought me to face my fears. I remember the saying that goes "whatever does not kill you only makes you stronger". As I was reflecting on my life, I realized that the events that are memorable are those times that I took a risk and made a leap of faith. 

Let me share with you my life story. 

The Ordinary World
I graduated college without any honors like a summa cum laude or a magna cum laude. Yet during my college days I was a hardworking student. I'm just a regular student who can't afford to fail a single subject because I was on a scholarship program. While others were playing video games, cutting classes, going on dates, I was studying. I can't fail even 1 subject because I was afraid to lose my scholarship. For 5 years of my life, I was focused on studying, that was my simple ordinary life.  My goal was to maintain my scholarship and graduate college to be able to help my Mom earn for the family.

The Call to Adventure
When I graduated college, I was immediately given a chance to work for the no. 1 Telco Company in the Philippines during that time. At this point, I became too complacent and comfortable. I thought that this is it. Working for a huge company is my final destination. I was so burned out in college that when I started my first few months I wasn't as energetic or eager to work and do my best. 

Archetype: Shadow- burned out, complacency, comfort

Refusal of the Call
In my first few months in the company, my performance was really bad. I was keeping a low profile. My motto back then was "Ang masipag pagod". I was not making the most out of my opportunity at that time. I was already contented with where I am that I forgot to dream. I was also refusing to grow and become better in my job and as a person. Because of my poor performance at work, I was often overlooked during promotion time and I got low annual performance reviews. 

Archetype: Shadow- My Beliefs

Meeting with the Mentor
All through my life I met a lot of mentors. They just don't know it but I look up to them and seek their advice during tough times and critical moments of my life. My mentor back then was my batch mate when I entered the company. We met in the clinic because we have the same issue of having high blood pressure during the medical exam. He was the type of person who was really performing well in the office. It was very difficult for me to get back on track because I was marked by managers and supervisors due to my poor performance. I wasn't taken seriously. What hit me was when both my teammates got promoted at the same time and I was left behind. This made a huge impact to me, it was like God was telling me to wake up. So I asked my mentor on how I could improve because I was on a downward spiral in terms of my career. He told me this simple strategy. DO FIVE THINGS EXTRAORDINARILY WELL and GET FIVE VERY GOOD comments from your boss. Getting those very good comments from my boss was challenging at first but when I started the ball rolling there was no stopping me from getting them. By the way, even if you make a mistake after getting 4 very good comments your boss will let it go. He will still focus on the 4 or 5 good things that you have done. 

Archetype: Mentors- batch mate
Archetype: Guardians- managers and supervisors

Crossing the Threshold
I was able to get through the 1st hurdle because my momentum from having a bad performance was slowly being transformed to good. At this point, I was able to get my confidence back up and perform well. With the help of my mentors, colleagues, family and friends, I now have a chance to redeem myself. I was more focused on continuously improving and getting better and better at my job. 

Archetype: Allies- mentors, colleagues, family and friends

Tests, Allies and Enemies
Life has a way shaping you if you truly want to be the best. Though I was performing better than before, I know that deep inside I still have a lot to improve. I wasn't aware back then of the significance of this situation in my life. When both of my team mates resigned and went to Singapore, I was the only one left to do their job while also performing my tasks. It was one of the most terrifying moments of my career as I was left alone to handle everything. Remember that during this time I was still in the process of learning their job. It wasn't easy. It was very demanding. Even during the times that I was on leave I have no choice but to drop by the office if there is an issue encountered that really needs my attention since no else can handle the task but me.  

Archetype: Guardians- two team mates

I just feel truly blessed that I have allies during those times. I have a supportive girlfriend (she's now my wife) who inspired me to do my best and often tells me that I can do it. Even if I was scared of the situation I was in, my girlfriend's belief in me was enough to make me stand back up and continue and not give up. After studying in a Catholic school for more than a decade of my life, I know who to turn to and hold on in times like this. There's a saying that goes "Just do your best and God will do the rest". I honestly don't know everything back then because I was doing the work of 3 persons already. God did not let me down. I thought that my Enemy was the situation I was in but God used it as a training ground for me to make me ready for the future that was in-stored for me. I was being prepared for greater things. 

Archetype: Allies- girlfriend, God

Approach the Hero and new found Allies
After learning a lot, and enduring almost a year of doing the tasks for 3 persons on my own. I knew that I was ready for new opportunities. In January 2011, I accidentally met some college classmates who are looking for new recruits to join them in their company. So I applied and got accepted on March 26, 2011. Though I did not get my promotion on my previous job, praise God I got a promotion even though I haven't started in the company that I joined. Having great relationships and having lots of faith really helped me get through my situation. 

Archetype: Allies- college classmates

The Ordeal
I thought that after I joined this new company everything will turn out fine. But life is a journey wherein you are an eternal student. You need to continuously learn to be able to adapt to the changes that happens every day. Though I was given an opportunity to handle a team, I still have to learn the ropes to be a good leader. I experienced a low point in my career when almost everybody in the team left one by one and only two members of the team remained. It wasn't easy at first because you have to rebuild the team again but the experience was all worth it. I learned how to be a better leader the hard way. Showing empathy, knowing yourself and knowing your team is very crucial to ensure the team's success.  

Archetype: Allies- two team members who stayed

The Reward
After learning a lot from that experience, I became more confident in handling myself and also in handling the team. I was given another chance to start with a new group under a different department. At first I was hesitant because I will be handling a team out of my field but it turns out that it would be a huge blessing as I was placed in a team where in we will be starting the culture of the team. I can say that we did really well not only in our performance but also in our attrition rate. Everybody is blessed to be a part of the team. Other team members who have ended their contracts, still looks forward to be back and work with us.

Archetype: Allies- team members

The Resurrection
I now understand that things happen to us for a reason. They are mere preparation for the greater things that lie ahead. From my previous experiences, I learned that the team's culture is important in building great teams. Continuously knowing one's self and knowing each member of the team is the key in having a harmonious working relationship. As a leader, we should expect trouble, face the challenges, be ready to jump and take a leap of faith because from these experiences whether we win our lose we always gain something and become a better version of ourselves. 

Just like Edward Bloom, it's how we interpret our life's significant experiences and tell our stories that we inspire and leave a legacy to others. 

To your Leadership Success,
Justin Quilon

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