Friday, October 30, 2015

Reflection #2: Internal and external influences in my Life by Alexis

October 28, 2015
Diamond in the rough?
Reflection paper #2
By Alexis Tan
The purpose of this paper is to find out for ourselves through learning the meaning of true leadership. This will also allow us to discover our strengths and weaknesses and also realize that all the things we have done in the past, as well as we will do to the rest of our lives has been influenced by our past through our values, experiences and what we learned throughout our life. This is the path to self discovery. The road to understanding why we do the things we do. These were the influences that shaped my reality. What makes me unique and therefore an important contribution in changing the world for the better. So come join me in this journey.
External factors
I believe that mFamily had the greatest influence in my life, even though I did not get to spend a whole lot of time with them, I know how important their contribution is to my personality. I think about them each and everytime I make a  decision in my life. Even now that I have my family of my own, I always think that whatever I do will make an impact in the lives of those whom I love the most. And when in doubt, I think to myself:  Would my family think less of me if i were to do this? Would by kids look up to me in pride in the things I have done. Have I left them a legacy that they can be proud of? Have I inspired others to better themselves and reach their full potential. These are the things that I think about when deciding what to do in my daily life. They say that life is too short. But what I learned from my father is that:  It's not the length of time you spent on this world, what 's important is the what you have done with the time given to you. Have you made a difference in this world, and shaped it to be better. Coz if you have not contributed anything , for the next generation to be proud of by now.. then don't waste more time and change it today while you can.
In school and at work have also been very influential to my life. At an early age, I knew that my circumstances were different.And that changed the way I looked at the things.
It gave me a new perspective and a better appreciation in mundane things in life. And because of that I learned to be happy despite the situation and the challenges that lie ahead. In My environment, may have been influential to me in a different manner. Being different was advantageous for me and it can be liberating at times. But I wasn't always fun. Its sometimes lead you to believe that you are alone and unappreciated. But there is light in the of the tunnel. Those who are creative and intuitive almost always find each other along the way. We find each other and support one another, to raise one another to greater heights. You just have to find a mentor to guide you in this treacherous journey.
Internal factors
The values that I hold dear are honesty, ingenuity, friendship, respect, love, laughter and fun. There are the basis of my strength and ingenuity. I know that time is invaluable. So much so that anything that I intend to do that is not aligned to the values that I cherish.  And most importantly, family and belongingness will make you to feel supported and can lead you to be stronger in the challenges ahead.
Weaknesses, insecurities, lack of direction, lack of creativity, lack of confidence and mistrust to others, are the things that keeps me from being better. The fear of being rejected is the greatest fear I have, especially coming from my family.
These affect me as to how I decide to act, because like I said fear can be a great motivation and a hindrance to success. These things that happened to me  has greatly affected my life in both positive and negative way.
So by preparing for these challenges and being aware when starts to take over. I regulate these emotion and catch myself from committing the same mistakes that keeps me from being successful. And that is fear of failure. 
These may all sound bad, but in my perspective these taught me to hope for the best but prepare for the worst. i prepare by thinking of positive out comes i the things that I do. I solicit advise of mentors and others who have gone through the same challenges and learn from their mistakes and their way how to overcome such challenges they have faced and will face in the future. That is where you find value in yourself. That is where you will find the "diamond" with in me. It may need some time to nurture and some polishing, but I know in my heart that it's in there.
God bless us.  <kulang ng palaman>

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