If you have your own gmail or yahoo account, you simply type in the comment box. Then you click publish. Thank you for noting that activity making a comment. because it is a graded activity. It is a test of your awareness of the news feed, and the work of your classmates. It is a practice also on critical thinking. It sharpens the saw, if we are to paraphrase S. Covey
You must make at least 3 meaningful comments on the various articles posted, including your own class posts, to get a grade on comments. I give a weight of 10 points on the comments.
Update on grades:
May I remind every one of the components of your grade (gleaned from the List of Assignments)
Grading systems:
Class Participation and attendance - 30%
Attendance - 5%
Class recitation and blog comments - 25
Individual Reflection Papers - 20%
Final integrative paper and leadership showcase 35%
Final integrative paper 20%
Leadership showcase 15
Group work 15%
Grade update:
1. For the attendance, everybody, save for any event, would get a perfect grade
Only the comments are scare. So start making blog comments
2. For the 3 group works, 2 were given a grade of 4 for every one else. For the individual reflection paper, most have submitted (some still have not uploaded properly. Those who do not have printed grades on RP#1 would get a grade of max of 2.5. The lowest grade now at AGSB is 2.0 You can still upgrade your paper though. For the CTA, you will be given a grade if you upload your speeches. (There are those who have not done so). You must strive to submit your paper (upload at the blog site) for you to get a grade. You must conform to the rules as leader as other leaders have done... The final battle will be on:
2 more reflection papers;
submission of Enneagram, Genogram and JCampbell (form bulk of class participation)
3. The submission of final paper: and AVP which is 35 points:
Final integrative paper and leadership showcase 35%
Final integrative paper 20%
Leadership showcase 15
We are still looking at a balance of ungraded class work as:
2 Reflection papers (2 and 3) 12 points
AVP and Final integrative paper 35 points
Comments 10 points
Genogram, Enneagram, JC campbell 20 pts 30 points
77 points
Have a great week end and do your best please
Mere submission of AVP is automatic 4
I have forewarned everybody to work all ready right at the start, on the final paper and AVP. "Begin with the end in mind." That is whay the speech of Imelda F on Stephen Covey.
On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 9:13 PM, Imelda Guerra <imelda_guerra15@yahoo.com> wrote:
Google support - how to make Blogger comments
Here is the full article


I you have a yahoo account and it disappears, then you must open a Gmail account and it is easyGood evening Prof Jorge!I am trying to put some comments in the blog but it seemed that I cannot publish them. What am I going to click it is asking ..select profile. So, what should I click? I tried google but I have no account there. I just click it.. then suddenly I submit, my comment was lost. I dont know if it has been published hehehe. Sensya po sir. I am not really good in computer.Salamat po.Imelda A. Guerra
Google support - how to make Blogger comments
Here is the full article
Leave comments on a blog
If someone has comments enabled on his or her blog, then you can usually find a "comments" link at the end of each post, like this:
If you click this link, you'll see the comments that other readers have left, and the option to leave your own. The link might open a pop-up window, depending on how the blog owner configured their comment settings.
Beneath the text field for your comment are the identity options. (The list might have other options, depending on the blog's settings.)
Options might include:
- Google Account: If you choose this option, your comment will be attributed to your Blogger display name, which will then link to your Blogger profile. If you've chosen to link your blog to Google+, then the name used on your Google+ profile will show up next to the comment, and link to your Google+ profile.
- Anonymous: If the blog owner has allowed anonymous comments, then you'll also have the option to leave a comment anonymously. If you leave an anonymous comment, it will not link back to your blogs, Blogger profile, or Google profile in any way.
- OpenID: Learn more about what it means to use OpenID to leave a comment.
- Other third-party sign-in options
- This article only covers Blogger's commenting system. Some Blogger users have installed third-party comment systems (e.g. Haloscan, Enetation, etc.) which will work differently.
Thank you very much Sir Jorge for the constant reminders. This will help us which will be prioritized in the various assignments and to do in the right way, and will guide us what will be the contents of those things to be emailed. Its good that we are being updated. Good PM
ReplyDeleteLeader Renato. Comments are graded and form part of class participation. If we fail to observe this, we lose 10 pts x .4 = 0.40. That is a lot to be deducted from your grade