FATHER's FATHER | Eletista. One of the famous doctors in our Province. Their family owns a lot of land properties. Descendants of Spanish Breed. One of the first people who died with cancer (according to their story). | MOTHER's FATHER | ★ Professor at Tarlac State University. Strict. Hot-tempered. Put up a tailoring business. Approved with my dad to get married with my mom (dad and grandfather are closer). Died with heart attack while drinking at one occasion. He was in his 40's when he died. |
FATHER's MOTHER | Socialite. Can speak Spanish fluently.They have veterenary pharmaceutical business. She told me that our grand grand parents are royal bloods. | MOTHER's MOTHER | ★ College undergraduate or High school graduate. Bread winner of her siblings when their parents died. Has 5 legitimate siblings and 2 step brothers. Helped her husband in tailoring business when he was still alive. When his husband died, she managed to put up other businesses and invested on properties. |
★ Frugal. Hardworking. People person. Does not drive any vehicle. Not fluent in english. Manages to go out of the country during her time (US and Asian). | |||
FATHER | Rich kid. Middle child. Does not know how to work. Did not finish College at U.P. because he thinks he is better than his Professors - always challenge or debate with the lesson/teachings at hand. | MOTHER | ★ Hardworking. Strong-willed. Trained in the business as young as elementary (woke up at 5am). Started managing business in College as her mother delegated it to her and her older brother. |
Lasengero. Babaero. Gambler. Groupie. Chess Master. Very intelligent. Entered politics, won the first time but succeeding elections, he was lost (even his money). He got very depressed, we thought that he got nervous breakdown because he is not sleeping and talking to himself as if he is delivering a speech. Did not provided for us financially when they (with my mom) got separated. Emotionally and financially abusive to my mom. | ★ Second among 4 children. Feisty. Focused. Loving. Generous. | ||
★ Does not care what people thinks of her and what she does (during the early satge in business where she drives a truck even when she was pregnant) | |||
★ Gots tired of her and my dad's fights so she called it off when I was 4 years old but got back together when I was in 4th grade so we can actually see the situation. Come 6th grade, they finally separated. | |||
★ Annulment was a 10-year process. She puts her children's welfare first.Even after she and her brother separated in business, until now she works hard because she told us that she does not want to get in our own family's way now that we are all married. | |||
★ She invests and saves for her old age. VERY frugal. Has built 3 restaurants, 1 commissary to date even without formal training in restaurant business. Formulated original lechon sauce which is well-known in our province (home-grown). Our restaurant is always featured in television as one of the tourist's attraction in Tarlac. | |||
FATHER's SIBLINGS | I don't know them all since I did not grow up mingling with them too much but I believe they are ranging from Class B to D. 4 Males and 2 Females. The only sibling that is in Class B would be the one residing in Hawaii now--working at a government Agency there as accountant. Almost all his siblings ended up broke or living less than their lifestyles before. | MOTHER'S OLDER BROTHER | ★ Graduate of PMA. He married a distant relative, a BICOLANA. Temperamental. |
★ He went bankrupt with his business venture with a friend. Wanted to go out of the country for work but my mom asked him to partner with her in the dressed chicken business. | |||
★ He managed to let his children finish through College. Afterwhich, he and my mom got separated in business since both their children have their own paths in career already. | |||
★ 3 out of 4 of his children have kids but are not married. Seldom comes to family gatherings because his wife does not want to (has sis-in-law issues). | |||
MOTHER'S 3rd SISTER | ★ Became politician after all her children already graduated College. Separated/Annulled with husband. Has a boyfriend. | ||
★ Passed down her tailoring business to her youngest daughter. Living the life. | |||
MOTHER'S 4th SISTER | ★ Has high position at Procter & Gamble - her first and may be the last work. She has lived in Japan, China and now in Singapore because of work. | ||
★ Very successful. Her husband stays at home for the children and now manages their finances and investments. | |||
★ Well-rounded and has balanced lifestyle which I admire. | |||
OLDER BROTHER | ⌘ Flies to U.S. after College to be with his girlfriend and make a living there but ended up marrying another Filipina nurse. | OLDER SISTER | ⌘ Got pregnant when she was on her 3rd year in College. Married her husband. Finished her College when she already had 2 kids. |
⌘ Intelligent, always on the Honor roll and became one of the highest position in COCC during highschool. | ⌘ Managing the restaurant business with my mom. She and her husband are weekend couples since her husbnad works in Manila as Video Editor/Director. | ||
⌘ Had a difficult time starting up in U.S. but now has a decent house, Computer-Programmer job, 2 cars, Happy family with 2 kids. Loves to travel. |
I was on my 20's when I observed and realized that my mother's clan has this 'girl power' orientation. I saw that the most successful among our family and relatives are mostly females. Domineering females than males. No wonder, I have seen broken relationships or marriages, maybe one factor is related to this. I don't completely mean that males are unsuccessful, females are only doing more or better.
As for my father's side, they were born with a silver spoon and as they say 'laki sa layaw'. Maybe this is one of the reasons why they do not know how to work hard. They would just sell their chunk of land and use the money until they need to sell again.
Ironic, my dad started rich but ended up way beyond my standard of living while my mom is in middle class but ended up putting a legacy in our province. She started young in managing a business (seems like she has no choice). She would often tell me that her mother was very strict, she must wake up 5 o'clock in the morning everyday and must manage the business whether she likes it or not.
I grew up observing these family situations although my mom was a bit lenient to us compared with how she was raised maybe because she does not want us to resent the experience like what she had. Nonetheless, she was grateful now that she realized the importance of her mother's training in business at a very young age.
I may have 'girl power' genes from my mother and intellect with royal blood (how I wish this is true
) but I also believe I learned a lot from the books I read.

The first book I asked my mom to buy for me is a story from the Bible, the story of the mustard seed. I admit I don't easily memorize names and titles but I absorb each and every moral lesson in everything I read. I can't believe now that I am already adult why I would hold a mini bible whenever I feel down or sad when I was a kid. No one consciously thought me to do that. The altar my mom set-up helped me learned in praying the rosary and reading the Bible, to think no one was religious in the house. I would invite my mom and sibling to mass although I don't like being inside a church that time (I often feel dizzy and sometimes collapse). There is this innate conscience that I do not know where it came from.
I love reading self-help book. Books that motivates me and help me think big. I like attending seminars and talks that enriches my mind and soul. I love learning that's why I enrolled in MBA.
At work, I learned how to be adaptable and flexible with each challenges I face and with each and every personality I meet.
In conclusion, I am a mix of leaders are born, learned AND situational. However, transaformed over time by knowledge and wisdom if I may say. I am blessed to have a tough mama and an alpha male husband that molded me to be a strong person that I am today. My environment molded me to strive hard to find balance in everything may it be physcially, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially. Even with my roles, I want to find balance.
I am a proud working mother of three. I'd like to think that my tres marias are all born with 'girl power' but I work hard even if my husband is a very good provider (all my income goes to my savings account) because I'd like my children to see that we need to serve our purpose and do everything for the glory of God. They too will become leaders in their own rights, I just have to make sure that their foundation of values and principles are rooted right. Even great leadership needs succession planning.
Thanks to my husband who never gets insecure of my achievements but supports me even more. My family is my backbone and great support system for without them, I will not have grown from a catepillar to a butterfly.
I am excited to reach my full potential! To God be the Glory! :)
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