This Lecturer has done the following so that the Leadership students will be able to submit their final requirements ie the final intergrative paper of what was/were learned, and the av package:
1. posted an example of the AV package from my other blog on self development (this was was used for the submission of the av package on a self introduction assignment for the entrep subject). You should however should have some knowledge of movie maker or other similar programs. Your EA or Exec Secretary too.
2. there are two sets of materials, aside from those in the blog: at the classroom computer desktop, and just recently the 10 must reads from HBR. I emailed the Class Sec VP. Bele Katigbak and I hope she has shared them with you. This was sent by Prof Hilda Teodoro the HR cluster (in charge of the cluster in charge of teaching this subject). The entire Leadership course is contained in these HBR articles
HBR 10 Must Reads N. B. This cost $125.00 and is a great value for you
Examples of some titles:

1. What makes a leader by Daniel Goleman (the author of Emoitional Intelligence
2. Practice of Effective Executive by Peter Drucker (the management guru of the 20th century. Here leadership and management are dsicussed as synanymous.
3. What do Leaders do by John Kotter (here he distinguishes between management and leadership)
4. Work of leadership by Ronald Heifetz
5. Why should anyone be lea by You
and many more.
As a self aware leader, you should be reading and understanding these on your own. The discussion in the class would be merely to sharpen our thoughts and ideas on these.
As a leaders who knows what needs to be done according to Peter Drucker, learning leadership theories and practices is a good start and priority for any keader. Therefore read and understand
Some notes:
1. Reflection paper - Please take note about the summaries of the articles in the beginning of the article (as a tool for the busy execs) You should mention (as was stated earlier:
1. The core idea - what was learned or what you intend to impart as a knowlede
2. The practice - Examples how the principle is being applied
3. Your practice - What is your action plan on how to apply the pricinple
2. Some of the videos are summaries of leadership which you could benchmark:
1. The Jim Collins speech at the Peter Drucker celebration
2. The speech presentation of the Dean Emeritus of Stanford
3. Or you could present an entirely new leadership theory:
1. Munoz Servant Leadership
2. Leonidas - the Need for Early Development of Leadership
3. Or Boise Leadership Model for Corruption
4. The Various Leadership Crucibles that brought up Pampanga from Lahar debacle.../leaving of Americans.
There are so many things we can write about. out.
An early start can make write very good papers worthy of the 4 that many of you are aspiring for if you start now
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