Saturday, July 11, 2015

Understanding the exercise last night ie writing with your cohort your lifeline

'Quamplurimi et quam aptisimi" (As many as possible of the very best

We had too little time for the triads helping one another writee their life story./journey towards leadership.  The Lecturer painstakingly wrote his own journey  This is a preparation for writing their final paper about yourselves and your mission in this world.  You all ready began with your defining moments

How do we get from here to there:

1.  Writing the  life story/journey (from the past up to the present) probably your ultimate goal (untilthe grave?)

2. Compare your life story with Campbells archetype (as you discuss your favorite movie and Campbell.

3.  Writing your genogram

4.  Understanding your passion/mission

5.  Writing your final paper.

Last night was the start

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