Monday, July 6, 2015

One of the secrets leadership and success is the ability to say no

'Quamplurimi et quam aptisimi" (As many as possible of the very best)

There was one article that I read that says that your ability to succeed as leader is contained in one word, a two letter word.

I noted too that many of the learning agreement mentioned as a weakness, the inability to say no or refuse a request.  We are all eager to please everyone.  We can not please everyone.  We have limited time and resources.  We have to prioritize.  Early in my life, I was the President of the Homeowners Federation, President of our HIgh School class, director of the Alumni Association,   Those were on top of my business responsibility and we had several branches and about a hundred employees  It looked as though I was in a big crisis.  My blood sugar went up. I had chest pains.

Then I read an article about  Japan that can say no.l  I too must be able to say no.

So, veto power is a a powerful tool you can exercise over your organization.  Can you see some people in your board who find glee in objecting to everything

So when do you start sorting out things and finding which baggage can be left behind?

What are the things you can say

Saying No by Riley J. Ford

Saying No to a 1000 things by Steve Jobs

1 comment:

  1. I always decide for the good of the majority though there are exceptions to favor a few like giving privileges to hemodialysis patients who drive their cars to get access through the employees' entrance as this is a shorter route and save them from being physically tired.
