Saturday, August 1, 2015

Call to Arms Speech by Leader Corazon Guevarra

Dear Prof. Saguinsin,

Below is the speech that I would like to deliver if given the chance to speak before  an audience  as an active leader of an advocacy group for the preservation of our environment that primarily helps in addressing the garbage and wastes disposal problem in the country.

I  have always been  an environmentalist in my own little way. And although presently, I am still constrained by my limitations, I am looking forward to being actively involved in educating the people about the gravity  of the problem  and the urgency to address it  extensively.
Thank you and more power Prof. God bless.
Best Regards,
Leader  Ma. Corazon. Q. Guevarra
Leadership- Ateneo MBA Regis Clark

My fellow Filipinos, the worsening garbage problem in the world especially in our country has compelled me to come to you today. Everyday, millions of tons of garbage are thrown out all over the world.  In the Philippines,  a  single resident produces  700 grams of waste per day.

Yes, we all agree that this is primarily a government predicament. But let me remind you that we are the cause of this problem and because of this, should all be aware that we play a big role in solving this problem.

Everyone has an obligation to make our country a better place to live in for our children and children's children and for the future generation. God has made us stewards of his creation and part of the duty of being stewards is to take care of our environment. Let us not then put all the burden to our government.

 Many of us are saying that the government is sometimes remiss in its obligations but we,  as responsible citizens should not dwell on this issue instead partake in the responsibility because with so many problems that our country is currently facing, the government  can only do so much.

Our bad habits like improper disposal of garbage and not maintaining cleanliness in our own surroundings are  manifestations  of the Filipino people's complacency and lack of discipline which is the root cause of why the Philippines is being left out by its neighboring countries and still a third world country up to now. Are we not embarrassed that we are the object of other countries' ridicule because of this?

I am therefore appealing to all sectors in the society-private companies, government agencies, schools, churches, students , households  and every single constituent to come and get our act together and do our part in  solving this long-existing problem that is gravely affecting our environment and causing other environmental hazards. Uncollected trash that clog waterways and drainage systems is one of the major causes of floods and disease outbreaks. From flooding to dengue, from polluted rivers and creeks to mountains of trash, from the unnecessary death of fishes that accidentally swallowed plastic bags in the seas to global warming, garbage is the common denominator!
Let me share with you the three basic steps that Japan has adapted which  I believe will also solve our garbage problem. First is to educate the people, which is exactly what we are doing right now.  Presently, we are being taught in the schools about the 3R- reuse, reduce and recycle. I strongly suggest however we need to be more serious in  putting this into practice and not merely discussing this in the school . A wider campaign is needed to disseminate the information. Second is to put more garbage cans so there is no more reason for us to litter. And lastly, implement  stricter laws and stiffer penalties to compel our people to follow. Look at what the progressive countries are doing. They are stiff with their laws in littering that is why no one dares to litter.

Changing our views about littering and garbage problems seems like an overwhelming task but let us not lose hope. Let us all be confident that with determination, we can overcome these challenges. Let us help each other and make this happen while we still have time. Let us do it now because the right time is NOW!

In conclusion,  I would like to remind  you to ponder on  what the former US President John F. Kennedy   said during his inaugural speech  " Ask  not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country".

I would like to thank everyone who came here today.  It has been a pleasure being with all of you and be given this opportunity to be part of this advocacy- a quite long and difficult journey but I know with your support, we can make it happen!

<Let us see in class how this is delivered?>

1 comment:

  1. Leader Ma. Corazon Q.GuevarraAugust 1, 2015 at 7:11 PM

    Yes Prof, I will try my best. I hope I can do justice to my speech. Thank you po. Have a blessed Sunday. God bless!
