Friday, August 21, 2015

FINAL INTEGRATIVE PAPER by Leader Dr. Ma. Lourdes G. Lagunilla

LEADERSHIP COURSE with Professor Jorge Saguinsin
Submitted by : Leader Dr. Ma. Lourdes G. Lagunilla
Everyday and every moment  was a LEARNING opportunity. I had to open the blog to update myself on new learning as activities and  sharing of lectures are posted Assignments were also reminded to be posted and I had to make comments on all  which I did my best in some of them.  Now is the time, that I ran through all the posted learning activities I had the chance to open some learning areas which I missed and made comments.   
All Leadership sessions start with songs and  prayer which I love because I feel I am talking to GOD.
Songs :
1. Sa 'yo lamang  is a song of passion
2. Sino Ako – a song of reflection of self awareness
3. Lord I offer My Life To you -  - a song of vocation, dedication,
     servant leadership 
4. The Greatest Love of All
I love the song and the message.  Our children are our future.  We live in the image of our children what they will be is what we make them.  We must be their models.  As leaders we face the world with courage.  Even great leaders have failures and in these failures they regain strength and more determination to succeed. The song is appropriate for Leadership

5. Man on the Mirror by Michael Jackson  .
Professor Jorge that your personality is written on your face.  Always look at yourself on the mirror and strive that you will be a better one tomorrow in terms od purpose, character, competence .
6. Heal the world by Michael Jackson
Heal the world is my favorite song, as I always use it during my inspirational message delivery.  Maybe because I am a doctor but more so because I am an instrument of GOD for healing. Not only illnesses physically but also emotionally and inspiring all others to share to make a better world.  I am so touched with the lyrics of the song and whenever I sing it, I also become emotional and cry… for help for healing .. and I cry .. for joy when my prayers are answered.  "Lets make this world a better place for you and for me and the entire human race"  We must be responsible leaders for the next generation  leaders. 
My Learning
The songs are very spiritual and spirituality is very much part of making a good leader.

Learning agreement
1. The Learning Agreement is a good starting point for self awareness
My Learning:
Here we posted our strength and weaknesses where I eventually realize a part of being self aware, a good characteristic of a leader.
Being in the administrative position is prestigious and challenging not for my pay but more of an achievement.  What counts most is my service as a doctor.  It is the fulfillment of making sick babies and children feel well.  The monetary payment I get is incidental.
I remember as one of my WEAKNESSES , Loss of Patience
There are instances when some co workers go beyond the limits and challenge my  tolerance and patience that I  have to  emphasize my authority and compliance to rules. 
I learn from Professor Jorge  "On being impatient - this is a great challenge.  We explain one thing, we write a memo and people still do not get it.  We conduct seminar and meetings and they still do not get in. 
Yes we have to persevere and be patient.  ABE.  Always be explaining.
Our task as a leader never gets done..  We have to fight against the wave of indifference and lack of understanding sweeping our beachfront of leadership.  As these are erased by these waves, we continue writing, and writing until the wave gives up"
2. Debate: are leaders, born, made or transformed/situational. 
Brainstorming of three groups on whether leaders are born, made or transformed and situational.  Each group presented its own arguments. 
My learning :
This was an activity  which enlightened each one how leaders
debated on whether leaders are born, made or situational.  Each
group presented good arguments.
My Sharing
Some leaders are born and some are made. We've all seen born leaders. We've also seen leaders who are made, often, self-made; they start out as ordinary mortals in love with their particular disciplines and develop into courageous, inspiring leaders by virtue of hard work and close attention to what they are doing. I believe that, yes, leaders can be made; whether they are simple housewives ( President Corazon Aquino ) , a spiritual leader ( Pope Francis ) or an elected National Official  ( President John F, Kennedy)  they can become better and more effective at their jobs by consciously cultivating the qualities of outstanding leadership.
Prof Jorge posted   various theories on leadership:   Leadership from Within, Dangers of Leadership, 4 pillars of Leadership by Lowney
3. Bad Boss- Plan a Crime Group work
     Each group presented versions of  a " Bad boss"
My Learning :
Leadership can go either way Good or Bad.  We must aim to be Good leaders at all times.  Our discernment and guidance come  from GOD.
4.  Leadership in Movies
     Presentation of movies   with a character as a leader and define as Heroic Leadership to be related to Joseph Campbell 's hero has a Thousand faces,  The Hero's journey is a pattern of narrative identified by the American scholar, Joseph Campbell that appears in drama, storytelling or myth.  It describes the typical adventure of the archetype known as the Hero, the person who goes out and achieve great deeds on behalf of the group.
My Learning
Every Leader has a Hero's Journey
I presented Moses in Ten Commandments as the hero. 
Following the journey of Moses, I was able to relate my life on the Hero's Journey  of the different stages. This was presented in class. The hero is introduced in his ORDINARY WORLD where he receives the CALL TO ADVENTURE.  He is RELUCTANT at first to CROSS THE FIRST THRESHOLD where he eventually encounters TESTS, ALLIES and ENEMIES.  He reaches the INNERMOST CAVE where he endures the SUPREME ORDEAL.  He SEIZES THE SWORD or the treasure and is pursued on the ROAD BACK to his world.  He is RESURRECTED and transformed by his experience.  He RETURNS to his ordinary world with a treasure, boon, or ELIXIR to benefit his world.
5. Follow the Leader Group
    Our group  presented Ney Ney whip dance, where one of the members started dancing in a crowd until she influenced one by one and all others to join the dance.
My Learning:
Influence of Leaders by example draws others to follow.  One has to be an effective and influential leader.  We can lead by good examples in words and action.
6. Team Building
This was held at Clear Waters.  I joined the Clash masters as the Marshal and Medic. The class was divided into color code groups as, Blue, Yellow, Purple.  There were several activities like cheering and competitive games which drew much bonding and strategy to win.  Team Building Activities are designed to help groups develop effective communication & problem-solving skills. The objectives of Team building are
1.   Boosting morale
2.   Planning and Adaptability exercises
3.   Problem Solving and Decision Making
4.   Building Trust
My Learning :
Team building was originally a group process intervention aimed at improving interpersonal relations and social interactions. Over time, this activity has developed to address best practices for achieving results, meeting goals and accomplishing tasks.[2] It refers to the activities in which teams can engage to change their context, composition or team competencies to improve performance.
Its four components are:
1.   Goal setting: Aligning around goals
2.   Interpersonal-relationship management: Building effective working relationships
3.   Role clarification: Reducing team members' role ambiguity
4.   Problem solving: Finding solutions to team problems
7.  Call to arms Leadership showcase  5 minute speech that maybe passionate hi/her advocacy . 
This is used to call for action or intended simply raise awareness on a social issue. Knowing babies are helpless, I, as a pediatrician is an advocate of the future of the newborn .  And this concerns prevention of amblyopia  which is a contributory factor to learning disability.  Providing early recognition with early vision screening provides a BRIGHT EYES, BRIGHT FUTURE for the leaders of tomorrow.
My Learning :
A good leader need to be a good communicator/motivator.
I am also very honored and privileged to have been awarded a Certificate of recognition as Third Place in the delivery of the Call for arms which I humbly treasure. The awards are well appreciated "they were meant for people who achieved excellence as judged as speakers and did more than others in helping deliver the elements of Leadership" quote from Prof Jorge.
8. Passion
AVP of Life story  and the traits of the student vis a vis the personal mission advocacy.  Training in multimedia social media
AVP Story of  my life  : My Life and Love Story pictured my humble beginnings and my dream to become a doctor because I was sickly.  My dream was realized as I now serve children as their Pediatrician and become the advocate of the newborn.  This I do with Early Vision screening to prevent amblyopia which is a learning disability.
My Learning
The journey to authentic leadership begins with understanding the story of your life. Most authentic leaders reported that their stories involved overcoming difficult experiences and using these events to give meaning to their lives. 
(reference Discovering Your Authentic Leadership)
We all have the capacity to inspire and empower others. But we must first be willing to devote ourselves to our personal growth and development as leaders.
(reference: Bill George, Peter Sims, Andrew N. McLean, and Diana Mayer)
Managers manage things, processes, information, number of events.  These are classified as technological challenges, which is the easy part.  Leadership is more about you, your people , your constituents, ethics, morality . legality, public and environment, social norms, culture which are adaptive challenges.  Relevant to this topic is the Critical and Analytical Thinking the Harvardian technique which gives MBA graduates an advantage to both managerial and leadership challenges.  This was shared with the slides of Personal Mastery by Prof Jorge Saguinsin at Slideshare.  It was mention that the 5th discipline by Peter Senge was PERSONAL MASTERY.  The other disciplines are Mental Model, Systemic Thinking, Shared Vision, and Shared Learning. Personal masteries include . to think, to intuit, to feel, to do, to communicate, to lead, to be.
Learning to think includes the
1.   use of 5 senses,
2.   OLO – Observe, Learn, Observe,
3.   Use of the memory,
4.   categorizing, Classifying,
5.   Sequencing,
6.   Cause and Effect and other logic
Critical thinking is about endless questioning … WHY
Decision making is a process.  It is a series of actions and plans that we make over a long period of time
Tools for  Decision making
1.The Examen 
This assures us that we are constantly true and faithful to what we want in our life and organization.  For the Jesuit, this is saving souls... Relevant to this is discernment. 
2. Critical Anayltical Thinking
II. Conflict Resolution
III. How to resolve conflict
How do you resolve conflict:
    1. To avoid -   avoid people whom you think will be unpleasant and later give your problems.  The numbers may be good but if the people aren't, don't'. The Chinese spend a lot of time studying you in socials before they cement a deal.  Go only with people who has positive vibrations with you
   2. To pray - for your adversary to understand, for Him to give you more strength, and understanding too. That both of you may see the light.
   3. To strategize
IV. To go to war
    1.  Seek arbitration
    2.  Go to court; have the higher authorities decide.  But this a long and expensive process.  Only the judges and lawyers benefit from a prolonged conflict
    3. Really go to war and eradicate the adversary.  The nations resort to this.  We go to war to achieve peace and security for our country.
    4.  Give it up.  Give away your property and start anew.  Be a slave to the conquerors, land grabbers, the criminals.  But then again will you allow that.
A. Discovering Authentic Leadership by  George,  Simms et al
One must devote time to self discovery and awareness before we devote time to inspiring and motivating others.     
An authentic leader:
    1.  has passion for purpose
    2.  practice values consistently
    3.  lead with hearts and head
    4.  self discipline to achieve results
    5.  has meaningful relationship
They have understanding of their life. Their life is not their life;  it is their story.
B.   Qualities of Admired Leaders Kouzes, Posner
1.  Honest
2.  Forward looking.
3.  Inspiring
4. Competent
It was noted that these traits are all behavioral (not inborn traits)
Commitments of leadership
The four most important Characteristics of Admired leadership
1.  Model the way
2.  Share inspired vision
3.  Challenge the process
4    Enable others to act
5.  Encourage the heart
4 Traits of Admired Leaders Across boundaries and time:
The promise of Leadership Challenge is to make Leaders more effective and improve their performance
C. The Heart of Danger by Ronald A.  Heifetz and Marty Linsky
Leadership on the Line constructive influence in all kinds of organizational settings. 
Leaders are typically engaged in adaptive rather than technical challenges.
Technical challenges are where there are known solutions and processes , and where people's routines and behaviors need to change.  But adaptive challenge is where there are no "known" ways to resolve complex issues, and when change in hearts and minds is needed, 
The dangers of exercising leadership derive from the nature of the problems for which leadership is necessary.  Adaptive change stimulates resistance because it challenges people's habits, beliefs, and values.  It asks them to take a loss, experience uncertainty, and even express disloyalty to people and cultures,.  Because adaptive change forces people to question and perhaps redefine aspects of their identity, it also challenges their sense of competence. 
When we seek to implement a change, and the change run counter to the held values and habits, we become a danger to people.
People will either fight or flight. 
According to Linsky and Heifetz,  the  "mask"  danger in an organization can present in itself as :
1.  Marginalisation -  leaders should endeavor to orchestrate conflict – that is managing the range of different interests – rather than embodying it. 
2.  Diversion -  unexpected promotion diverts you from the main issue.  Take time to address an uncomfortable issue.
3.  Attack -  Linsky and Heifetz  note that no one criticizes when you have goos news or rewards, they do so when they don't like the message.
4.  Seduce – Leadership requires the ability to recognize the manifestations of danger, and also the skills to respond effectively to them.
It is a must that a leader recognize the dangers and have the necessary skills to respond effectively to them
D. Innovation ( for ingenuity)
Innovation tips that will change the way you think from
My Learning : 
Leaders need to be ingenious (genius) meaning creative,
   innovative and thinks ahead of others.
E.  Mobile is the Eating World
My Learning :
Mobile is making technology universal.  One must be updated as to technology which is out growing the tech industry
F. Everything I learned in business  .. I learned from the kids
My Learning : 
We learn from our children.  Children, whether they're ours or those of friends or relatives, or complete strangers have valuable lessons to teach us about the way we go about our personal and professional lives.  ( We at IBM Social Business and Smarter Workforce, on Father's Day))
1.The simple moments of engagement  matters most as this is the time we listen, we grow and improve, that is we open our minds to possibilities. 
2. We learn to respect everyone.  It is best to praise in public and provide constructive feedback in private.
3. Not everyone thinks exactly like you do.    See the multiple views on issues, approaches, They produce better outcomes than just pushing our own thinking
4. Always remember to slow down and actually listen to what's being said.
5. Our children don't see  limitations that we often place in ourselves.  Believe that you can do great things
6. Though your children are reared in the same house they can be completely different kids.  Learn to align people to roles they will excel in not only helps them personally succeed , but also helps with the team's success
7.  Comfort zones are self-imposed prisons. And we must break out.   Children teach us not to obliterate our comfort zones and choose to do something amazing.
8.  Don't overthink mistakes and don't forget to celebrate wins.  We sometimes forget to step back and realize that mistakes and problems will happen and as long as we celebrate the wins, it will be all worth it in the end.
1.    Millionaires set goals and make plans.  The goals set are specific  , measurable, attainable, realistic, time defined
2.    Millionaires see FAILURES as CHALLENGES
3.    Millionaires INVEST when others PANIC
4.    Millionaires live BELOW their MEANS
5.    Millionaires take charge of their FINACIAL DESTINY
6.    Millionaires surround themselves with LIKE – MINDED PEOPLE
7.    Millionaires EDUCATE themselves
G. Sports build character needed of a Leader – 6 Habits Leaders steal from Olympic Athletes
1. Rise early
2. Know thy day before thy day
3. Pre- planned Meals
4. Endurance                                
5. Visualization
6. Get out of your feelings
H.  Good to Great by Jim Collins
    Level 5 Leadership
1.   Highly capable individual
2.   Contributing team member
3.   Competent manager
4.   Effective leader
5.   Level 5 Executive
Characteristic of Level 5 Leadership
1.   More plow horse than show horse.   Fanatically driven to achieve results
2.   Confront the brutal facts.  Breakthrough results come about by a series of good decisions, diligently executed and accumulated one on top of another.
3.   A culture of Discipline
4.   Technology Accelerator
5.   The flywheel and the Doom Loop .  No single defining action, no grand program,  Good to great comes about by a CUMULATIVE PROCESS that adds up to sustained and spectacular results
I.  How to be an authentic Leader Stan Garfiled Mar 12, 2008
     My Learning :
      Leadership is not the same as management
      Roles of Authentic Leaders;
1.   establish core
2.   communicate
3.   empower
Know thyself  .
1.   What are your values, principles, beliefs
2.   What are your passions and interests, skills and abilities, weaknesses and blind spots
3.   How do you allocate your time to studies, career, frienda and family, communities and Pastimes
Lead by example
Be bold
Follow your true north
Have a Bias for Action
Communicate relentlessly
Reach out and engage
Use story telling
Be thirsty for knowledge
Practice personal Knowledge management
Build your team
Manage your Time
Check your ego
J. Ignatian/Jesuit Leadership
I. What is Ignatian/Jesuit Leadership all about.
(From Heroic Leadership by Chris Lowney)
The conventional wisdom about leadership are:
(by Harvard Business Professor John Kotter:
1.  Establishing direction
2.  Aligning people through communication
3.  Motivating and inspiring
4.  Achieving results or change.
Prof Jorge added success to the above 4
But what Ignatian leadership teaches are the following concepts (which are Jesuitical) if not contrary to the common Leadership wisdom
1.  We are all leaders and we may be doing it poorly or well;
2.  Leadership springs from what you do and who you are (it wells from within)
3.  It is not an act (a a one shot deal) but it is a way of life ( pp 1 to 15
4. It is an ongoing process.  We are never a complete perfect leader, hero
or patriot.  We are all journeying to become better leaders.
My Learning:
This is about Ignatian Leadership. Leadership is a way of life.  Everyday we exercise leadership in many ways be it good or not so good.   We learn from others and our own experience. We learn from our mistakes and become better leaders when we realize where we did wrong  Along this journey are the people we interact , we communicate , we plan , and motivate towards a goal. 
K.  Effects of leadership on organizational performance; on society
What is the value of leadership for organizational performance?
Do you think they are significant achievements?  We go on our daily lives thinking of how we can be promoted in our job, or get wealthier, or enjoy more blessings.  Heroism is sometimes lost.
My Sharing
We get fulfillment like me as a doctor when I see a very serious child like Dengue fever in Shock get well after 3 -4 days of critical care, the family is very worried and we pray together that all that we put in the management, the child will respond and get well.  We share the happiness of answered prayers of the family as we doctors are only instruments of GOD.
L. One of the secrets leadership and success is the ability to say no
Veto power is a a powerful tool you can exercise over your organization.  Can you see some people in your board who find glee in objecting to everything
So when do you start sorting out things and finding which baggage can be left behind?
What are the things you can say
My Learning :
I always decide for the good of the majority like  giving of doctors / Ct scan readers  equal opportunity for schedules even it may mean I will not be able to please a few.
The journey towards leadership can be seen in the changes/development of Frodo, from a bungling, unsure individual who is a leader
There is a wealth of leadership lessons from this Slideshare Presentation by Joe Tye.  Can you remember, own some of them - Who will be your model:    Frodo, Gandolf, Elrond, Theoden, Gandolf
My Sharing
My model is Denethor's Lesson : The most profound duty of the leader is to inspire hope during the darkest of times – and that responsibility begins with the leader constantly rekindling  their own hope.  It's the best that I can give to my coworkers that we hold on HOPE and  it makes things happen
Management is what you do
Leadership is who you are
Management is transactional
Leadership is transformational
Management is a job description
Leadership is a life decision
Leadership is not just about power
A Leader is someone who has followers
A Leader is a person who takes you to a place you didn't know you wanted to
Leaders create community by inspiring emotion and by influencing action
My Learning:
As we go through our journey of leadership we must find how to get through by using our own resources, our God given talents to emerge our full potential in leadership like the story of Hope for the Flowers  where the caterpillar reach its potential to fly and enjoy the flowers.
Reflection Paper I 
What are your defining moments. 
 What incidents / events taught you to be better/ transformed you ?
Defining moments can be used in discovering your purpose.  It can be a memorable , life changing decision, event or action that alters the course of our life. 
My Defining moment was when I got married and found myself in another chapter of my life ready to make significant decisions for a lifetime outcome.  This is the moment I started to decide for a residency training Program in Pediatrics as my specialty .
Reflection paper 2
How do they prepare you for future challenges
I wrote  on what  influences  my family, my environment , my school and work experience that shaped me today.  The effect of my values , strength and weaknesses were likewise included.
This is very much part of my self awareness and my self discovery which leads me to become a good Leader
 Reflection paper 3 
What is your passion (What is it that you love doing ? How is it reflected in your work, daily life and life's journey ?
PASSION comes from authenticity, feeling like you're honoring yourself in your decisions rather than trying to be or satisfy someone else.  This is highly personal and no one else can tell you what feels authentic to you.
My interest in science, my passion for lifelong learning, and my need to incorporate benevolence within my profession is why it was a natural progression to combine two passions of mine, my affection for children and medicine into my chosen specialty of Pediatrics
This is part of self awareness , to know one's Personality type by taking the Enneagram test
THE RISO- HUDSON ENNEAGRAM type indicator identifies one's basic personality.   Few simple concepts are needed to begin your journey of self-discovery.
My Learning
By understanding the Enneagram we become aware of our own particular type and how it influences our motivations, patterns of thinking, and ways of interacting with others. With a greater recognition of our own ways of thinking and behaving we can gain the freedom to grow and expand our range of interactions with others. In essence, learning to take better care of ourselves will enable us to better our professional and personal relationships.
I took the Enneagram and I am classified Type 2 (The helper) . generous, demonstrative, people-pleasing, and possessive.
The concept of self-care is one that is often overlooked in our hectic daily lives. Whether it is due to the demands of family, career, environment, or friends, we often neglect to take the time to explore our own needs. The truth is, without the understanding and gentle nurturing of ourselves, we do not have the capacity to reach out to others. Personal reflection and group activities will make one understand his persona.
This should help me use my  good traits to become a  better leader. 
My Learning
Genograms represent intergenerational family maps. They (1) depict family members across generations, (2) reveal the relationships patterns that exist between and among those members, and (3) provide information about specific family members and their experiences. A genogram builds on members' demographic information and adds information such as critical events in the family's or a member's history and major life-cycle transitions. Through symbols and notations, genograms permit someone trained in genogram analysis, such as a counselor or health professional, to quickly grasp the key interaction patterns that cross generations as well as other factors such as illnesses, divorces, or unique characteristics.
My Sharing
I went through my grandparents and our family achievements and noted that I have a paternal grandfather, my own father and a brother who became leaders.  The challenging circumstances in every chapter of my life maybe circumstantial though destined to happen and divinely inspired to bring the best in my genes and become an authentic leader.
 Blog Comments
There is much sharing and learning whenever Prof post his thoughts on different topics of Leadership , including the songs and the various activities.  I also learned from Leader Classmates on their views and comments.   It is a great way to communicate as a Leader.
The Leadership course was a long and challenging journey.  The exposure towards becoming an AUTHENTIC leader is  self discovery  and self awareness and  as we walked through all the different activities, readings, discussions and sharing in the Blog . There is more to learn to becoming a Leader and I shall continue on the journey with GOD and my fellow Leaders.

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