Final Integrative Paper
By Leader Anne Mayette V. Boese
I. Introduction
When I learned that my next subject for Ateneo Clark was Leadership, I was very excited. I have always wanted to learn more about leadership concepts. One of the reasons I took MBA was to hone my skills in management and leadership. When I received the book "Heroic Leadership", I thought in the beginning that the book was quite small and maybe the subject would be easy - I was wrong. The book may look small and thin, but the content is rich. Every chapter has invaluable insights on authentic leadership. There was so much that I did not know or understand about Heroic Leadership and Authentic Leadership. And after reading all the posts and blogs, I realized I have a long way to go before I can fully call myself an Authentic Leader. In addition, the materials and sources were relevant and we were blessed to have a professor who pushes us to bring out the best and is persistent in teaching us a lot with only 8 weeks as a timeline.
II. Leadership Concepts, Discussions and Lessons
Before the class officially started, we were required to read in advance so that we would have a background for the class discussions. I always believe it important to be prepared for upcoming classes. As a leader we must be equipped when we go into battle - we call it "boy scout or girl scout attitude." I read the posts on the Ateneo Leadership Blog, Heroic Leadership, Heart of Danger, the Story of Rudy Espina, Traditional View of Leadership, Components of Leadership, Hope for the Flowers and more.
Heroic Leadership
A. Self-awareness- Leaders understand who they are, what they value, their strengths, and weaknesses.
B. Ingenuity- Leaders are open and adapt to changes and new ideas. Always ready to respond to new opportunities.
To become ingenious we must make ourselves and others comfortable in a changing world. To be ingenious we must eagerly explore new ideas, approaches, and cultures rather than shrink defensively from what lurks around life's corners. Anchored by nonnegotiable principles and values, they cultivate the 'indifference' that allows us to adapt confidently. We must be innovative to the changing world. Our generation has been dizzied by seemingly unending change. Within the last 50 years, a handful of humans have stood on the moon; the earthbound learned to email friends. Allow our ideas to contribute to the development of our society.
C. Love- Effective leaders know how to respect, value, trust, and truly care for one's well-being, which are expressions of love.
d. Heroism- "Endeavor to conceive great resolves and elicit equally great desires." Leaders aim high. They do not just wait or watch things to happen. They make things happen.
I like the stories of the 3 unlikely heroes, namely: Goes, Ricci and Clavious. Their stories debunk the traditional definition of leadership.
An Authentic Leader must
1. Have Passion for purpose
2. Practice values consistently
3. Lead with hearts and head
4. Self Discipline to achieve results
5. Has Meaningful Relationship
Magis (pronounced "màh-gis") is a Latin word that means "more" or "better." It is related to Ad majorem Dei gloriam, a Latin phrase meaning "for the greater glory of God." Magis refers to the philosophy of doing more, for Christ, and therefore doing more for others. It is an expression of an aspiration and inspiration. It relates to forming the ideal society centered on Jesus Christ. The roots of the phrase are ascribed to St. Ignatius's exercise of doing more for God. He would encourage people around him during his time by asking: "What have I done for God? What am I doing for God? And What MORE can I do for Him?"
"The Heart of Danger" by Ronald A. Heifetz and Marty Linsky - It is true that there are dangers or risk involved when we try to lead people to change and to be better. Good intentions can sometimes be mis- understood as personal gain. We become a danger to people when our belief contradicts theirs, when our plans go against theirs. People will either respond with fight or flight. It is important that we understand the risk involved in Leadership. By understanding the dangers of leadership, we can prepare ourselves to lead better. As a leader, there are two changes that a leader or organization faces:
a. Technical - Where there are known solutions and processes to address an issue. This part can be easy since it only requires education and practice. If we show people that we know what we are doing they can depend on us.
b. Adaptive - These are more complex challenges concerning conflict of values and habits with proposed change. We asks ourselves, are we flexible and brave enough to continue to motivate people to change?
And these dangers are masked in an organization:
Ø Marginalization - Leaders should orchestrate conflict rather than embody this.
Ø Diversion - Unexpected promotion diverts you from the main issue.
Ø Attack - The rewards or messages are rejected.
Ø Seduce - Your guards are let down by your base or adversary.
Story of Rudy Espina
The story of Mr. Rudy Espina is simple yet very true. Like him, we always view leadership as leading people only and not knowing that there is a lot of work needed to become effective leaders. His transformation is relatable since we all think the same. In every leadership journey, we start with good intention and hope we can do a lot for others. The beginning of the journey is Self Awareness. Only when he discovered his strength and weaknesses was he able to improve his leadership. It starts from within and then everything else follows.
Leadership from within – We are all called to lead in our own way. We do not need to be powerful or influential to be called leaders. Leadership from within means that any innate qualities we have inside can be used to help others. We can contribute talent, knowledge, expertise, kind gestures or our compassionate nature. The actions that come from the heart are very powerful. Our consciousness to do goodness and perseverance to improve the lives of others is an example of Leadership from within.
Traditional Leadership – is establishing direction by developing visions of the future, aligning people by communicating directions. It only means inspiring and motivating others.
Leadership involves:
1. establishing a clear vision,
2. sharing that vision with others so that they will follow willingly,
Three Components of Leadership
Character - Leaders bring themselves to their work. Character defines who they are, what they stand for, and what they will and will not do. The demands of leadership put leaders in positions that test their values and principles.
Vision - The visionary leader sees the future, develops a strategy for getting to that future, and establishes a plan for articulating that vision to others.
Relationship Effectiveness - Effective leaders know how to inspire others to participate in the vision. Relationship effectiveness is about "how" to get something done.
SJ Leadership Concept and how different it is to traditional Leadership - All of us are leaders by default. We may be doing it well or poorly. "Leadership is defined not by the scale of the opportunity but by the quality of response." Leadership springs from within. All that we do is a kind of leadership. "Leader's most compelling leadership tool is who he or she is… A leader's greatest power is his or her personal vision, communicated by the example of his or her daily life." Leadership is a way of living, and not just a thing that we do, but the way we do things. "Leadership is the leader's real life." It's an ongoing process. We can never be a perfect leader, as we always transform to become better. "Personal leadership is a never ending progress that draws on continually maturing self-understanding."
Today, companies are mostly perceived as commercial enterprise. But, before it used to refer to a religious organization, military groups, or groups of friends. For Society of Jesus, compania is a religious organization made up of "companions of Jesus", who are companions and friends to each other. The Jesuit Company was animated by the rich undercurrent of "friendly companionship", and drew talented recruits eager to pursue an "uninterrupted life of heroic goals and heroic virtues."
The five levels of leadership -- There are five levels of leadership, with five being the highest level. These levels of skills and performance are not necessarily developed in sequence, but Level 5 leaders embody all five levels of the hierarchy.
- Level 5 Executive -- builds enduring greatness through a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will.
- Effective Leader -- catalyzes commitment to and vigorous pursuit of a clear and compelling vision, stimulating higher performance standards.
- Competent Manager -- organizes people and resources toward the effective and efficient pursuit of predetermined objectives.
- Contributing Team Member -- contributes individual capabilities to the achievement of group objectives and works effectively with others in a group setting.
- Highly Capable Individual -- Makes productive contributions through talent, knowledge, skills, and good work habit.
Hope for the Flowers
When we see dry land, we immediately hope for a beautiful garden with lush greens and colorful flowers - it is a symbol of abundance and life. Who doesn't love flowers? We all do. But we all know that flowers need butterflies. Just like the caterpillars that have emerged from their cocoons and transformed into butterflies (that pollinate flowers to fertilize and reproduce), leaders bring hope by serving as catalysts for change and transformation for the betterment of everyone and everything around them. True leaders are passionate and determined to transform the people and the organization they lead even if it entails hardships, (just like the caterpillars in their cocoons) that will eventually work for the common good.
Butterflies symbolize great leaders. Our country has hope if more and more leaders are TRANSFORMED to become selfless leaders. We must think of common good rather than focusing on our own benefit. If we help others then we are empowered.
Learning Agreement
When Prof Jorge posted to make a student-professor contract, I was impressed. No professor has ever asked anyone to make an agreement. The content of the Learning Agreement focuses on the student's status, background and more importantly goals. Prof Jorge is challenging us to step up early on. Every contract is binding therefore we are responsible to fulfill what we wrote there.
My Objective in taking this course
1. Learn what makes a good Leader.
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2. Study great leaders in History
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3. Understand my leadership strengths and weaknesses
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4. Practice on improving my leadership qualities both personally and professionally.
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How will I reach my objectives and desired grade....?
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I will study diligently, put forth my full efforts, and utilize concepts and practices learned immediately in my professional career.
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I abide to comply with this learning agreement
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Class Discussions
Although the subject requires a lot of hard work on lessons and assignments, it is the transformation of one's belief and perception that is truly important in taking this class.
Session 1 (July 03, 2015)
Opening Prayer "Pananagutan" – after our opening prayer song, we were asked to share our insight on the meaning of the song to our lives. Leader Dr. Suzette shared her very inspiring story on how she was able to build their church. Everyone in the class is impressed with her perseverance and faith. That is one quality worth emulating.
In the introduction part, this is what I shared with the class:
"I would like to become the kind of leader that people will follow because they respect me, not because they fear me. I strive to become a leader that can help a lot of people realized their full potential. I want more people to learn about the power of believing in their potential. I want to be a leader where when people hear 'Anne Mayette Boese' they smile and say she is a leader that inspired and motivated people to be better."
The best part of the night was listening to my classmate's backgrounds and success stories. Ms. Rcee, the new student, shared a very inspiring story how she strove on her business while growing another one. Not only do they have a grocery, she was also able to put up her own Manpower Service.
We were then divided into 4 groups for a Leadership debate. Each group was assigned a topic Group 1 – Leader's are Born, Group 2- Leader's are made, Group 3 – Leader's are situational and Group 4 are the judges. The group that I belonged to, Group 1, consisted of Dr. George, Dr. Allan, Ate Belle, Mark, Janelle and Rophelle - and we had to defend "Leader's are born". The debate showed a lot of talented leaders and many ideas on Leadership. I believe that all of us ended up victorious because we were able to highlight several excellent points. Personally, I believe that leaders are born because there are innate qualities that you already see in individuals from childhood. However it is important that these innate qualities are honed through time, experience and education. Finally, certain defining moments or sparks can also develop the leadership in us.
Leadership in Movies (Enders Game, Dave, Lord of the Rings)
It was interesting to know that references for class learning can also be taken from movies. I am a movie fan and Prof Jorge shared several leadership lessons through the following movies:
Enders Game - Ender demonstrates the enduring truth about leadership that is not the product of an environment; leaders emerge from every type of society. Ender lived under strict societal controls and came of age in the challenging environment of military school. Ender was a "third," the youngest of three children, despite a two-child policy. Leadership is not about possessing abilities like intelligence and good ideas. Ender is just one of a number of students selected by the International Fleet that shared these same qualities. Leadership lies within all of us. Ender demonstrates this through his actions. Ender is compelling because he epitomizes effective leadership. He demonstrates that leadership is not just about intelligence or great ideas, that these are merely foundational skills. Ender teaches what is important in leadership and demonstrates that emotional intelligence is the foundation of leadership. Ender is an authentic leader who develops his own values and stays true to them. He has the personal integrity and strength to break from his past and not repeat past behaviours in order to develop his own values. In the final battle scene, Ender's skill fully directs and coordinates his team which is responsive to him—and for the most part—he is responsive to them as they work toward a particular goal. Through Ender, we learn about the growth, development and emergence of a transformational leader.
Dave – It was a simple story with great moral lessons on authentic leadership. We may admire someone but we must be true to our own calling. A regular guy can be revered if he shows real love and passion to his country and his people. He earned the respect of the Presidential Guard because he showed heroic deeds and love of his country. Dave Kovic was an ordinary guy who was asked to impersonate the President. When they gave him a chance to make the country better...he did."
· You can achieve short-term goals – even come close to world domination – using intimidation and fear to "motivate" people, but the people you terrorize will eventually turn on you (as the Ring itself turned on Sauron)
· One of the most important decisions that any leader makes is the choice of people with whom to associate, because over time people take on the attributes of others in what sociologists call their reference group
· The most profound duty of the leader is to inspire hope during the darkest of times – and that responsibility begins with the leader constantly rekindling their own hope
· We all must choose whether to follow our own inner angles or our inner demons – and how we make that choice will substantially determine what we achieve and who we become.
· Wise leaders know that you can never use evil means to achieve worthy ends, no matter how noble your intentions might be.
· Great leaders are guided by authenticity, rather than being driven by ambition and in the process they create a sense of destiny that inspires followers to greatness.
· The greatest gift a leader can give is the light of hope and courage when people are traversing the valley of shadow and despair.
· The most important contribution any leader can make is not in the act of leading, but rather in the cultivating of other leaders.
· No circumstance is so dark and dire that a change of heart coupled with forceful action cannot turn the tide.
· No one can prevent a determined leader from performing the great deeds that it is her destiny to perform.
· One of the most courageous of leadership acts is giving up the illusion of being in control and trusting that others can fulfill duties upon which your future will depend.
· Real leaders put duty (to king and country) ahead of their own personal desires, comforts, and even safety.
· When your own hope and strength fail, you must fall back on your faith in the hope and strength of others – seen and unseen.
· The best leaders are those who never cease seeing themselves as followers and as servants, even after they themselves are viewed by others as leaders.
· Those who grow in stature and status are the ones who begin by volunteering for the difficult and dangerous jobs, with no hope of personal gain from the endeavor.
· The most courageous leadership act of all is that of replacing ancient hatreds with a new spirit of fellowship.
· A small band of volunteers who are committed heart and soul to the mission will almost always outperform an army of draftees.
Session 2 (July 10, 2015)
Bad Boss Presentations – Each group presented scenarios on how good leaders can turn bad because of circumstance or choice. We will all be tempted to turn bad and it is up to us to make the right choice. That even bad decisions and crime, needs leadership dynamics. We all enjoyed and learned from the examples presented by each group. The question now to our self is "Will I go bad or remain good?"
Defining Moments – Everyone has defining moments, we just did not realize that the defining moments we experience play a vital role in our transformation. I did not know that my defining moments have transformed me to who I am now. Whether it is a good or bad experience, there is a lesson in those experiences. As human beings we are blessed with intellect to react and respond. Steve Jobs said that we can connect the dots if we look back at our past. If I was not bullied I would have not been this compassionate to kids. When my father was killed I became independent and strong. When I lost my job I persevered to be better.
Link on my defining moment: Ateneo leadership: Reflection paper 1 by Leader Anne B - My defining moments
Session 3 (July 17, 2015)
Opening Song : Man in the Mirror – Is the song for self reflection. That change will begin from within. We cannot expect change from around us if we are not willing to change our self. There is always room for improvement.
Enneagram – The Enneagram of Personality, or simply the Enneagram (from the Greek words ἐννέα [ennea, meaning "nine"] and γράμμα [gramma, meaning something "written" or "drawn"[1]]), is a model of human personality which is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types. Although the origins and history of many of the ideas and theories associated with the Enneagram of Personality are a matter of dispute, contemporary Enneagram understandings are principally derived from the teachings of Oscar Ichazo and Claudio Naranjo. Naranjo's theories were partly influenced by some earlier teachings of G. I. Gurdjieff. As a typology the Enneagram defines nine personality types (sometimes referred to as "enneatypes"), which are represented by the points of a geometric figure called an enneagram, which also indicates some of the connections between the types. As there are different schools of thought among Enneagram theorists about some aspects of how it is understood, its interpretation is not always unified or consistent.
Link on My Enneagram -
Archetypes of Joseph Campbell - "The Hero With a Thousand Faces" This was one of my favorite assignments, not only because of my love for movies but because of the transformation of the heroes in the stories. Most of us in the class presented a very interesting story and it made the sharing fun and exciting.
Carl Jung first applied the term archetype to literature. He recognized that there were universal patterns in all stories and mythologies regardless of culture or historical period, and hypothesized that part of the human mind contained a collective unconscious shared by all members of the human species, a sort of universal, primal memory. Joseph Campbell took Jung's ideas and applied them to world mythologies. In A Hero with a Thousand Faces, among other works, he refined the concept of hero and the hero's journey— George Lucas used Campbell's writings to formulate the Star Wars saga. Recognizing archetypal patterns in literature brings patterns we all unconsciously respond to in similar ways to a conscious level. Every story-teller bends the myth to his or her own purpose. That's why the hero has a thousand faces.
I chose LOTR (Lord of the Rings Movie) as an example of Campbell Archetype.
Link on Campbell Movie Analysis:
By any conventional standard, Benedetto de Goes, Matteo Ricci and Christopher Clavius are three unlikely leadership specimens. None of them ever managed scores of subordinates; none of them rose far in the Jesuit hierarchy. They were neither the holiest, most prominent, nor most influential Jesuits in history. But they were leaders.
The story of the three unlikely heroes proved though they do not fit the traditional definition of leaders, they were leaders. First they lead themselves for others. Goes ventured into the unknown so that others would not have to do it anymore. Ricci made a radical strategy called "Inculturation" and Clavius devoted himself to excellence so he could contribute to the world. A leader does not necessarily mean having followers; we can all lead in so many wonderful ways. We must believe that our actions, decisions and choices have value.
THE THREE ( CLAVIUS, RICCI and GOES) continue to influence Jesuits today. - LEADERSHIP is not merely getting the job done; it's how the job is done. For all leaders, including the three means Influencing, Visioning, Persevering, Energizing, Innovating and Teaching.
Session 4 (July 24, 2015)
Opening Song : Sino Ako – The song's message is about our relationship with God. That our life is a gift from God and what we do with it will be our gift to him.
Genogram - A genogram (also known as a McGoldrick-Gerson study, a Lapidus Schematic or a Family Diagram is a pictorial display of a person's family relationships and medical history. It goes beyond a traditional family tree by allowing the user to visualize hereditary patterns and psychological factors that punctuate relationships. It can be used to identify repetitive patterns of behavior and to recognize hereditary tendencies. Genograms were first developed and popularized in clinical settings by Monica McGoldrick and Randy Gerson through the publication of a book titled Genograms: Assessment and Intervention in 1985. Genograms are now used by various groups of people in a variety of fields such as medicine, psychiatry, psychology, social work, genetic research, education, and many more. Some practitioners in personal and family therapy use genograms for personal records and/or to explain family dynamics to the client.
Link on my Genogram:
Link on my 2nd Reflection : Ateneo leadership: Reflection #2 by Leader Anne Mayette V. Boese
Triad of Leadership – A great leader must to possess three aspects, namely Purpose, Competence and Character. I believe that I must continuously train and educate myself to be competent in my field. I have the right character that people will respect and follow. And finally, what is my purpose? I am in this world for a purpose. I have a part to play in making this world a better place.

Session 5 (July 31, 2015)
Team Building - It was a privilege to volunteer and be one of the Clash Masters in our team building activity. I had the opportunity to have an inside look in conducting a fun, meaningful and spiritually enriched activity. Everyone in the class contributed to make the activity successful. We saw a lot of competitive spirits in the class. It was also nice to see our dear Prof Jorge join the activities. In the end we were all winners because we came home with lessons on the importance of team building. Hand in hand we can achieve great things together.
Mind Mapping – Although we were not able to do this activity, Prof Jorge posted on the blog several examples of Mind Mapping. He explained to us that this can be used as a brainstorming activity where we can think outside of the box. Our advocacies and passions can be our starting point when plotting the ideas.
Session 6 (Aug 7, 2015)
Opening Prayer: Lord I offer my life to you – At the end of the day the only thing that matters is our faith and love for God. The song is a reminder of our purpose in this world.
Advocacies - This is probably one of the highlights of the leadership class. This is the time where we leaders, showcased what we can do for our fellowmen and for our country. Another level of tasks that we leaders must explore, is how to communicate and convince others to support our advocacies. It is important for every leader to be a good communicator. I have always been a believer in the more people we can get involved, the more we can get results. I emphasized in my speech, my call, "BE INVOLVED, BE PROACTIVE" - together we can do more. No matter what our position or role is, there is something we can do. We all have value in this world.
Call to Arms - In selecting an advocacy it must be truly close to our heart. The best messages conveyed are coming from the heart. There were 27 equally important advocacies, and as leaders we must help each other with our advocacies. Although I was a member of the Toastmasters Club way back, I still have butterflies in the stomach when asked to speak in front of others. The only secret to deliver a good speech is preparation, practice and speaking from the heart. It was educational and empowering to listen to the advocacies of my co-leaders.
Dr. Charm Arribe – Breastfeeding Advocacy
Ms. Jackilyn Aspiras – Waste Management
Ms. Janelle Ann Bansil – Education Enrichment
Mrs. Anne Mayette V. Boese – Be involved. Be Active. Make Positive Changes
Mr. Rony Cabuyadao – Reduce Carbon Footprint
Dr. Marizel Catungal – Inspirational Speech
Engr. Cezar Cortez – Cheap and Fast Internet Connections
Dr. Allan Garcia – Love and education begins at Home
Mr. Josh Go – Family Control
Ms. Stepanie Go – Make Things Happen
Ms. Karen Kay Guanzon – Better Employment Opportunities in our own Country
Ms. Corazon Guevarra – Owning and taking care of our Environment
Mrs. Belina Katigbak – Find Jesus
Dr. Lourdes LAgunilla – To prevent complications to children
Mr. Tristan Leonida – Developing Youth Leadership
Mr. Michael Manauis – Pride in Farming
Ms. Jomary Mangalindan – Environment
Dr. Elizabeth Ann Medina – Servant Leader, the Healing Hands
Ms. Rhea Rita Mutuc – Power of Love
Mr. Rophele Ocampo – Travel
Mr. Oliver Pabillon – CPA Competence
Mr. Mark Paroli – Visually Impaired
Mr. Jose Pontillas – Mga Kwento nang Tsinelas
Dr. George Tamayo – Be involved
Mr. Bien Velasquez – Global Warming
Link on my Call to Arms :
Session 7 (Aug. 14, 2015)
Final Song: Heal The World – The song has a very powerful message on the call for Leadership. The message of the song is also timely, because it is now the time to take action on what we have learned in our leadership journey.
Personal Mastery
- Learning to Think - by using the five senses, Syllogism and Inductive, Deductive Reasoning, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Systemic Thinking, Integrative Thinking, and Associative Thinking
- Critical Thinking is endless questioning
- Know the Magnitude and Importance of the Data
- Know the Urgency and Relevance of Data
- Think about the Do ability of Solutions
- Learn to Intuit – to see from within, develop the sixth sense
- Learn to Feel - grow in grace through sympathy, and empathy, mastering adverse emotion
- Learn to Do – Learn before doing (Business Planning, Strategic Planning), Learn while doing (Problem Solving Process, PERT-CPM, Gantt Chart, Pareto Principle, Decision Tree), and Learn after doing (Audit, Performance Evaluation, Post Mortem Review and Standard Setting – PMRSS)
- Learn to Communicate – learn how to receive messages, make a speech, deliver a unique message, and resonate with the audience)
- Learn to Lead – Taking responsibility of self and others, be an inspirational and transformative leader
- Learn to be – to be curious and be a child again with a sense of wonderment, develop a vision-mission in life, how the low and high points in life made one fail or succeed?
CAT/Decision Making
There is no XY Theory or secret ingredient to Leadership. Prof explained that we leaders have figure to out leadership our self, on when we will need it the most. Prof Jorge said to the class that the biggest challenge is dealing with adaptive problems. As leaders we will face several problems and alternatives; how do we handle this, especially if the problem is Adaptive in nature?
Leader Belle shared with the class "Discernment". She added that we are often faced with several alternatives. The hard part is when both alternatives are good. Leader Belle shared with us that she used Discernment meaning involve God for guidance. We are gifted to choose for ourselves, we have the power to decide and spiritual guidance can help us. Weigh using Pros and Cons, and then asked yourself, what do you value the most? Does this decision affect my values? After weighing the Pros and Cons you present it to God.
III. Leadership Integrative Conclusion
Several weeks ago, I entered this classroom with a belief that I was well-versed in Leadership Concepts. Everything I understood about leadership CHANGED. Looking at the Syllabus, I knew the subject would be packed and interesting. At the beginning of the first few sessions, I knew this would be an amazing journey and I had to empty my thoughts. I wanted to start all over again for me to be able to fully understand the subject. I completely emptied my cup so that Prof Jorge and my classmates could fill it with new understanding and knowledge. I had to re-evaluate what I already knew and incorporate the lessons I learned throughout. Steve Jobs said that we can connect the dots if we look backward. We need to look at our past so that we may understand our future. I am truly thankful that we incorporated defining moments, reflections, enneagram and genogram, teambuilding, and sharing, because I am able to look back and connect the dots now. What value can we add for others? I have also learned that it is important to lead from within. Leadership from within is the beginning of my journey to authentic leadership.
First, my Self Awareness and my understanding on Authentic Leadership. – These several weeks I pondered about myself, my history, my roots, my mentors, my passion, my advocacy and my faith, leading me to a great transformation. The enneagram, genogram and reflection papers truly taught me a lot about myself. I have never really looked deeply into my life like what we did in the reflections and activities. I believe now, more than ever, that the strength inside me should be utilized towards meaningful journeys. We should not forget to address our weaknesses so that we may improve on them and change for the better. It is not enough that we look at life as beautiful, but rather we must find our purpose. For us to know our purpose, we must first know who and what we are, what do we care about the most, and what do we aspire to become. I have realized that I have many miles to go, and much personal mastery to achieve before I can be called an Authentic Leader. Although I have been guided and shaped by my Family, School and Mentors, I have to be my own unique person and put forward my own abilities. I have to make my own mark in this world or I will end up as one of the ordinary leaders that we have. I will start with small steps, and then continue to empower myself to make a big difference.
I will continue to live a simple life, to live simply means that we appreciate simple things and live a humble life. Contentment is a key to living a simple life. By being content we appreciate simple things. We should not center happiness with material things because it will not last. Happiness for me is seeing happy smiles from other people and smiles because I have made an impact in their lives. Appreciate the quality time with family and friends - and most certainly extend our help to those in need. By living simply we live a peaceful and content life. I will put Christ in the center of my life so that I will live happily and peacefully. My hunger for knowledge and exploration will continue. There is so much more to learn and improve in this world. I strongly believe that continuous education and a quest for knowledge will help my personal mastery journey. I will be more sensitive to the things around me, to the people around me and to the situations around me. As I mentioned in my reflection paper, we must use education to help others. Leadership Course and MBA has enriched my understanding of the true meaning of Education. Education is valuable, but if we do not put it into action then it is worthless. Education is not only about updating our technical or professional knowledge, but rather a more important conversion on a specific Christian Education. I am gifted with a conscience, intelligence and power to go out of myself and to give myself to others in love.
The principles and values that my dad inculcated in me will be stronger than before. I am against any sort of corruption and I will campaign to refuse to be part of 'unjust profit-taking' at work. If we are content, then we are not easily tempted with greed and unfair profit taking. We should only get what we work for and what we deserve. We should always give people what they work for and what they deserve. Do not permit bribery or stealing to get ahead. We should never increase our wealth on the expense of others or allow others do the same. We have to be on guard at work because there will be several temptations to have power and to gain more.
I will work hard to improve on my weaknesses, which are my emotion and impatient nature; it has not been really helping me to reach my full potential. It has been a drawback and although it is hard, I know I can do it. When I am easily irritated, I tell myself that it is better to hold anger than burst and say hurtful things. I want to practice more humility in my dealings. We do not need to prove to others that we are right and concentrate on more important things like reaching for others rather than destroying them.
Second, I learned a lot in our Spiritual Exercises – The opening prayers and the spiritual sharing we did every class made a big impact on my spiritual journey. Every after song/opening prayer I felt peace in my mind; it fills my heart and feeds my soul. One of our co-leaders shared in the class, we must be a follower before we can become a leader. That moment I realized the importance of being a humble follower. How can you understand your followers if you do not know how to follow? It is humbling on my part, that for several years I have not understood this simple yet very important lesson in leadership. I was spiritually enlightened and it feels great inside. The question I ask myself now is, how can we put it into practice in today's contemporary world? What will be our role in the battle of GOOD VS EVIL? Our actions must be grounded and guided by the love of God. I have been touched by the works of Jesus Christ.
The songs 'Pananagutan, Sino Ako, Man in a Mirror and Lord I offer my life to you' were perfect songs for our leadership journey. The discussion and leadership lessons where fruitful. I remember Leader Rcee repeated in the class several times the word LOVE and concentrate on what you can do rather than focusing on the problem. Instead of saying there are no jobs, say, "What I can do to create jobs?" She posed a challenge to all of us in contributing to nation building. Then I admired the compassionate and humble nature of Leader Belle. Humility is an important character of a leader that I admire and will inculcate in my character. I admire the generous heart of Leader Dr. Zel - she freely gives without asking anything in return. I will always think about the Superwomen in the class. I admire everyone in the class because we are all special and unique, but we are united with a common goal - to become authentic leaders. My words and my actions must be guided by the works of Jesus Christ and by the love of God.
Third is coming out of my shell – Because of Leadership online submission, I have learned to be brave in posting my thoughts. I used to be selective of what I say and post online - especially sensitive matters regarding my family and other people. Prof Jorge told us that leaders need to be brave and come out. Kailangan daw makapal ang mukha nang isang leader. At first I was hesitant, but after the 1st submission then followed by more submission, I realized magaan pakiramdam and that there is nothing to fear. We should not fear judgment whether our thoughts or idea is simple or big we should let the world know. Thank you Prof Jorge; now I am more confident with my thoughts. Our activities also help me to be confident in myself at work. This is the beginning of a new confident Leader Anne Boese.
A new perspective on Servant Leadership - Dr Suzette embodied Servant Leadership, her story is not only inspiring but it is an eye opener for most of us. I realized that there is a lot of work to do in our lifetime. She is already 60 years old and yet she continues to challenge herself to be better. I want to be like her. When I am 60, I can tell myself that I have to do more for others, I can do more. On my AVP I used stairs to signify that journeys will have different levels of difficulty - but we must persevere. I realized that I have a strong passion for children and doing more for others. I will continue my plan of teaching in the future. I want to help educate children and the youth to become more. I want to empower them so that our country will have a chance. We are in this world to serve and not to be served. Finally, I will always listen to my heart, my passion so that I will be successful in my journey.
My Advocacy – I will continuously call for more involvement. Prof Jorge help me strengthen my confidence to go out there and tell the world what I believe. A true leader is "Makapal" even we are already being alienated because of weird ideas, we must persevere. I believe that my call for more involvement will help our country. As JFK said "Do not ask what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country". Our country needs more good leaders. I will continue to educate and equip myself so that I can create more useful ideas that can help others and my country. I want to be actively involved in Nation Building.
Link on my Advocacy : Ateneo leadership: Call to Arms Speech by Leader Anne Boese
My Passion – Advocacy goes hand in hand with passion. When we love what we do, it is the secret ingredient to success. I am very passionate about my family, education, children, nature and of course helping others. I want to extend myself and help others in any way I can. I am an active volunteer of community outreach projects. I am always happy to serve others. I dream of becoming an inspirational speaker. I want to motivate and inspire others to excel and be confident in their own abilities. I want to empower more people to be part of nation building. I admire the disciplined nature of the Japanese People. One time in a student convention here in the Philippines, at the end of the convention all the Japanese students stayed to clean the mess in the room while the Filipinos just rushed to leave. I dream that one day more Filipinos will be educated about being involved and being pro-active in reforming our country. I will pursue my plan of becoming an educator like Prof Jorge. Teaching kids has always been my passion and I believe I will be able to influence a lot of people through teaching. I want to help shape our future leaders.
Link on My Passion:
Link on My AVP : Ateneo leadership: Leader Anne Boese AVP
Finally, I thank Prof Jorge and my co-leaders for this amazing journey to authentic leadership. The leadership course is my starting point in INTEGRATING the principle of Ignatian leadership to my own leadership journey. I will also integrate all the great lessons I learned from Prof Jorge and my classmates. I will aspire to enhance human life and work on advancing common good so that I can be called an Authentic Leader. We must not focus on joining the pack but rather make our own Legacy.
I offer my word and my action for the greater Glory of God "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam".
"Not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life for the ransom of many" (Matthew 20:28). 4
Risch GalvezAugust 20, 2015 at 6:40 PM
ReplyDeleteI met ate Mayette (how I call her now [: ) at a bank where I used to work. The transaction we were processing back then was taking time due to minor system glitches, I was anxious because usually clients get grumpy or sarcastic about it. Surprisingly, we conversed about anything under the sun. She was as beautiful as her thoughts and I was really blown away by her principles. It made my day at the office meeting a person like her. I was surprised even more and delighted when I met her at my wedding! Turns out she's my husband's cousin (yes, it makes me proud to be related to her now) I admire her for everything that she is and I'm definitely sure the people around her would think the same. She is an epitome of beauty, kindness, positivity, leadership and all the good things I could ever think of. This world would be a better place if we had people like her.
Thank you wali ko for taking time out to comment! I was also surprised to see the bride "I know the bride, she is the nice sweet lady at the bank". JP is so lucky to have you as his partner. Always remember you are blessed and be a blessing to the people around you. Love you!
DeleteShe is born leader its not that complicated..we used to organized party she is always assigned for entertainment..she gets that positive energy that lightup all the moods. Its one kind of leader you could be in the positive frequency and everyone sync with it. We agreed in so many ways and believes in universal law..and we call ourselves #jologs" and she is my usual #wowmali. She is my kloe's godmom and my forever bff.
ReplyDeletehahaha! Thank you mars for taking time out to read and comment. Mars I don't mind being Jologs kase we enjoy more if we are ourselves. By the way mars I mentioned you in my Hero's Journey as the one who taught me about importance of balance and as my book club buddy. Yes my forever nga mars forever BFF.
DeleteWow congratulations Leader Anne for these positive comments Keep this up.
ReplyDeleteThank you Prof! A lot has change since our journey and its all positive. Hats off to your creative and meaningful teaching methods.
DeleteAwesome! Congratulations. I am so proud of you!
ReplyDeleteThank you Classmate for taking time our to read and comment! God bless you!
DeleteAnne and I worked together back in 2004 at St. Kitts Marriott Hotel. She is by far the most energetic, positive and enthusiastic person I have ever known. She is an absolute model of optimism and always a great advocate for herself, her friends, co-workers and the guests of the hotel. Anne’s good energy made her a very well liked and respected person. People often looked forward to work with her (including myself). She made busy shifts go by like a breeze and challenging moments of being an immigrant, as something that will keep us stronger. I’ve always known Anne would make a great leader because she possesses all the qualities of a great leader. During the short, but precious time we spent as colleagues, I have seen her at her strongest and weakest moments. Even these moments of highs and lows, I admire the continuous dedication and pride that she puts in to her work and whatever values she believes in. She has true compassion and mindfulness to others and a heart as big as the sun. That being said, Anne’s deep passion and emotional regard to her beliefs and ethics also brings her distress at times; a distinguishing response that defines her as human, and something that she constantly works on to achieve balance and make herself better. I have not met anybody like Anne. Sometimes, when I encounter a tough situation, I think about her and what positive words she would say to me bring light to my day.
ReplyDeleteAnne, you’re truly amazing and unique! You leave a mark in people’s lives even with short encounters. I see you flourishing in whatever you choose to do and you’re absolutely a great leader. Great job on your project and I look forward to the amazing things that the future brings for you.
-Dee Dacera-Ross
Hello Dee! The life we live must have a purpose. We must do good for others however we can. We have the same respect for one another because you are one of the smartest, most hardworking and talented people I have ever met. I learned " work hard and work smart" from you. I am very proud of how you used to show your talent at Marriott (bartending flairs) and everyone was so amazed with your skills. But overall it was your passion to work that made you a natural star.Thank you my friend, for your kind words and for pushing yourself to be better!
DeleteLeader Anne, thank you for noticing The Power of Love through me.. You are a positive vibe as always. you light up the room and you are the life of the party.. Thank you for people like you.. keep on inspiring and motivating the people around you. This world needs the kind of person just like you.. Thank you for being so friendly. This new student felt your warm welcome with those dynamite candies. :)
ReplyDeleteGod bless you always.
Thank You Leader Rcee - Although I have used almost every positive word to describe how much I admire you, just add to that you are well rounded. Kung may Jack of all trades there is RCEE of all Trades. God bless you sis.
DeleteChuvs Anne Mayette and I have always been BFFs (best friends forever) since we remember!!! We go out, chat a lot, go shopping and anything and everything you can probably imagine and even more!!! We are like sisters connected by heart because we are actually biologic first cousins. Despite our age gap, we clicked and sometimes clashed because of our personalities. Everyday is a learning and discovery experience for us. She is my miss-positive-ever-has-solutions-to-all-problems girl. I have always known that she is a great leader (plus she used to be the president of the student council in Holy Angel University, how cool was that?!) I've always been proud of her and all the things she has been doing right and all her accomplishments. She is Miss Centrum Complete from A-Z!!!! She has good looks, good love life courtesy of our dear Bub, good career and moat of all she engages herself into a lot of community activities voluntarily. She devotes herself to other people without expecting anything or gaining something in return---that I think is a true leader---serving people with dedication, compassion, sincerity and camaraderie.
ReplyDeleteMy dear Chuvvy, I've always idolized you from the start, just want you to know that even we are miles apart and with different time zones, I'll always got your back. Keep doing what you are doing. I know that the two Guys up there are so proud of you and will beget/repay your kindness and generosity. Continue inspiring and radiating your positive energy and vibes not just to me but to all the people around you!!!! Always believe in your principles and continue chasing your dreams in serving people by being a good role model which is what you are right now. I want you to know that tour existence brings out the good in humanity even so makes this world a better, livelier and happier place to live in.. miss you always and love you!!
-chuva Kring
Wow Chuvs ang haba haba nang hair ko, thank you Wali ko malago na kalupa nang Kim Chui. I always tell you good things happen to good people. Be good all the time and do good all the time, be kind all the time, be generous all the time, be patient all the time and be positive all the time. God loves us!
Deletewoah.... thats a long and interesting . This is so rich(malinamnam). Well learn a lot from it. To sum it up.... being a leader is has to have Love of what u lead and know and live with it. You have been a good leader to everything and u inspired me a lot Anne because u know what u preach and u understand your audience. I can say with a smile Anne Mayette Boese is a leader that inspired and motivated people to be better and be better." - Budai
ReplyDeleteHi Dudai - now that you ventured outside your comfort zone, I pray for your endurance, safety, and courage. Always remember this story when traveling:
DeleteThere were 2 travelers exploring the worlds. Reaching a new town the 1st traveler asked the gate man:
1st Traveler: How is your town?
Gateman: How was the town you previously visited?
1st Traveler: It was horrible, the people are bad and I would not wish to come back there.
Gateman: It is the same in this town.
2nd Traveler: Good Morning Gateman, How is your town?
Gateman: How is the town you previously visited?
2nd Traveler: Oh it was awesome. The people are warm and friendly and I really enjoyed that town.
Gateman: It is the same in this town.
I miss you a lot Budai and all your jokes!
“Leadership from within is the beginning of my journey to authentic leadership. “ – I believe that’s just the essence of everything that you wrote in your piece. You have a good head and a good heart, which is where true leadership begins. You have it always with you and, that’s why everything that you wrote depicts yourself as true leader, the way that I have known you since we were together in and outside work. You’re a good example and an inspiration to your peers and colleagues. Shine always!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Maam Jane for taking time out to read and comment on our site. When we are strong inside we can survive anything from the outside. You are one of my mentors and I thank God I met you. God bless po! Miss you!