Friday, August 14, 2015


Passion is the backbone of being successful at anything.  Without passion you are just doing a job for a pay check.  No great leader is doing a job for a pay check. Passion is the first trait in being great at anything, especially being a great leader. Since I was a little kid, I dreamt about becoming a successful business man someday, I knew I wanted to help those who have lost a loved one, by facilitating their needs at such a dark time in their lives. I wanted to be the voice of a generation, someone who is not afraid to talk about death.

 In line with this I was introduce to our business in an early age. A third-generation funeral home, we are proud to say that C.S. Velasquez Funeral Homes has grown and developed alongside here in Guagua Pamanga since 1959. You can trust us to care for your family as we would our own. In my years in funeral service, I've learned that beyond sanitation, dressing and cosmetology, funeral services have very little to do with the deceased. Instead, they're about the surviving family members. Helping them through their journey of grief and providing them with valuable resources is where our value lies. I have seen first-hand how in this industry working with the right people helps 100%. Everyone that I work with does their job very well. We all work together as a team with the one thing in mind: "families come first." This has been the key to our success here in our business for so many years.  y passion has translated into hundreds, if not thousands of happy families coming back over and over again because of the service we offer. Above any other skill or amount of intelligence you may have, if you want to succeed in funeral service, passion should be your number one tool. Since then I figured out that my passion is truly into business, I can say that because every time we rendered service to our customers and the final words that comes out from them is that they are satisfied, every time I hear them say them makes me feel accomplished and happy. To my good fortune, I also had great leaders and mentors around me who instilled a lot management principles, work ethic and business practices that allowed me to grow into an effective and confident leader. Through my experience, I identified definitive qualities that were essential in my progression to leadership in our death care industry. I learned some of these on my own and some were taught to me by various, influential mentors throughout the years. We can teach ourselves more than anyone else in the world can. One of the major realizations I had in the first couple years of running my business was the exponential learning curve that is possible simply by doing something all day, every day. Most of our lives are spent on a schedule with an agenda or syllabus, a start and an end, a date and time, and the presence of an authority figure. My family business main branch is in Guagua, Pampanga, even when it was scary, I could feel myself improving faster than I had ever felt before. This realization gave me more confidence in my ability to sort through things on my own and take risks when trying to solve a problem. The more confidence I gained, the more creative risks I took, and the happier and more fulfilled I felt. The more I take risks the more experienced I gain and of course the fruits of being risky. One sign that I truly believe business is my passion is how I feel and experience about it, the risk, the casket, the cars, everything is so right and it makes me comfortable and complete. In our business you will discover a lot of things. Especially in our business you will meet a lot of people. From rich to poor, from rude to the kindest one. I've learn a lot of lesson from them. I love to listen to every story they are telling me, it gives me more inspiration and strength in order to push thru my dreams.
I consider another passion is Fitness and Health. Fitness is my passion because it takes the 'anxiety' out of me, fitness helps me to start my day knowing I've done something good for myself. It keeps me healthy, strong and focused. Fitness is healthy and it reassures me in mind, body and spirit. Sometimes as I'm doing my workout it is the best time to meditate. I want to be healthy and lose this extra weight. It also improves my mental state and keeps my body activated to boost my energy for daily use. Health and fitness are my passion. I love how the two can change one's body and mental state for the better. I want to learn as much as possible regarding nutrition and fitness-to help others achieve their goals, inspire them, and help people live an overall healthy lifestyle. I was saying to my previous papers. I am currently a certified RPM instructor at fitness first. RPM stands for Raw Power and Motion, this is a spinning class that compose of large stationary bikes in one studio. It is a 1hr intense hard-core exercise. I was blessed to get my certification from 50 participants down to just 14 of us left and became instructors.  As a fitness instructor I must serve as an inspiration and model for my students. Inspiring them in order to reach their goal of being physically fit. Every time I step up on that stage, I'll make sure to give the results on what my students expect me to give them. In everything that you are doing, do not forget about God because without him we are all nothing, give thanks and make your passion as an offering to him and be responsible to the things given to us by God. 3

1 comment:

  1. "The more confidence I gained, the more creative risks I took, and the happier and more fulfilled I felt". Same here! Anyway, I used to do 30k bike and muay thai, but I stopped for around 6 months already. Inspired to start the momentum again in September!:)
