Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Call to Arms Speech by MM Leader Justin Quilon

Hi Prof Jorge,

Good Day!

Sending you my Call to Arms speech.

Call to Arms 
Written by: Justin Joseph P. Quilon

Good evening Leaders
Good evening Prof Jorge

"When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it."

- W. Clement Stone

Now, why do think I shared that with you? "Wala lang"

Seriously, it is because I believe that each of us has a mission ingrained deep inside of us. While we are still alive we have a choice to join a mission. I hope that at the end of this short talk you will find it in your heart to participate or lead a mission.

Recently, we joined a prestigious office contest. They call it the Halloween Decor contest. For our team, it was not a contest. It was a mission. And our mission was to make children happy.

The mission was very memorable for us. It made us grow. Let me share with you why. 

A mission has 3 pillars, not 4. 4 pillars pertain to heroic leadership. Let me explain to you the 3 pillars of a mission. By the way this is easy to remember because all the pillars begin with "S". Just like Prof Jorge's other class "SSS"

Okay, let's begin with the Three Pillars of a Mission.

1st Pillar - Service
Not just any kind of service, it should be joyful service. Even though we were dead tired decorating our area and all of us lack sleep, we still served our guests the best way we could. When the kids arrived we put in a smile and enjoyed serving them. We are not just complying but we are committing to serve happily.

2nd Pillar - Sacrifice
When you are sacrificing, there should be something valuable to you that is given and not just the left overs. When you sacrifice you should be able to feel the pain. We sacrificed our time, talent and treasure.
Time - We went home very late and did not file for Over time.
Talent - We gave our creative ideas, and used our skills in decorating the place to make sure that the kids will have fun 
Treasure - Each of us shared money from our own pockets to buy the things that we need

3rd Pillar - Selfless love
It is always better to give than to receive. In our Halloween event, we gave everything. In fact when the kids left, they left with almost all our decorations. We gave them all. The only decorations left were the mushrooms made from Styrofoam.

After the Halloween event, we felt exhausted and yet we are all fulfilled and very happy that we had accomplished our mission. The experience was memorable for each member of the team. Our team did not win the Halloween decor contest this year. What we got was far better. We were able to capture the hearts of the children that visited our office. As a bonus, we were also able to bring back the child in each person in the office. We saw that while our department head was getting more cotton candy than the kids. 

Let me share with you my last story. It's about my favorite teacher who was a missionary in Papua New Guinea   
In Papua New Guinea, there was no electricity, no refrigerators, and there were even times that snakes enter their classroom while she was teaching.

So I asked her an obvious question, why not just come back to the Philippines
She told me this.
Seeing her students improve; be able to read and write makes her very happy and fulfilled.

It is in giving ourselves that we receive the most.

I believe that each one of us is already in a mission.
For my call to arms, let's implement the 3 pillars in our own life missions (service, sacrifice, selfless love) and always remember that during a mission we grow ourselves and our leadership. But most importantly, we reach out and help others.

John 20:21
So Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you."

John 17:18
"As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world."

Thank you

Justin Quilon

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