Dear Prof. Jorge,
Good evening! It was good to see you today. Thank you for the learnings . I am sending you my Enneagram and some inputs I have on the results.
Kerk ,MD.
Leader Kerwin Mark L. Gubantes, MD.
What is the new Learning?
It is the first time I took a personality exams and it is interesting to see the results. I believe that the tests results validates my belief in the type of persona in me however, I would like to believe that it is a combination of at least 3 different classifications/types. I don't think we belong to just one specific type of classification because we are dynamic individuals shaped by a host of life experiences , trials and tribulations. Although the results gives me a better understanding of myself, it should not in anyway interfere with my desire to improve on it. The following are the results:
Type 1 - The Reformer - 5 Type 6 - The Loyalist - 7
Type 2 - The Helper - 3 Type 7 - The Enthusiast - 3
Type 3 - The Achiever - 3 Type 8 - The Challenger - 4
Type 4 - The Individualist - 4 Type 9 - The Peacemaker - 5
Type 5 - The Investigator - 2
Type 6 - The Loyalist in me
Loyalist individuals have been defined as people who are committed and security - oriented. I can recall in the early years of my life that is in the elementary, I was always encouraged by my parents especially my mother to focus on the goal at hand and that is to be committed in the activities in school. Education was always a priority in the family. My mother was always persistent in telling us that a good education is the key to a successful life cognizant of the fact that Iwas born to humble beginnings. That commitment carried me through High school and even though I was not the most technically gifted student in class, I was able to be a consistent honor student and humbly graduated as the Class Salutatorian. Realising the potential I have , I was blessed to be given the opportunity to pursue a college education in a reputable school - The University of Santo Tomas. The commitment I voluntarily gave the people who supported my education was in fact the security they wanted to get for the sacrifice they did for my sake. Although I was a scholar in College, I never wavered in my desire to excel and did my best to accomplish whatever I could. Modesty aside, my efforts were rewarded having graduated Cumlaude in the Nursing Profession. It is at this point in my career that I started to explore the possibility of being able to achieve more. I negotiated with some kind-hearted individuals like my Uncle Herman and Lola Josie to support my plan to pursue the dream of earning a Medical degree. They gave there selfless support to my quest for higher learning thus I candidly reiterated to them of my unwavering commitment to give everything I have to achieve the goal. It is my realisation at this point in my life that without there unconditional love and support during those times, I would not have been able to reach my goal. Even great people and great leaders would crucially need the equivocal support of trusted people around them for them to succeed in there plans and achieve there goals. A good example is St. Ignatius Loyola who commanded the trust, respect,support and commitment of the other nine co-founders of the Company of Jesus to be able to succeed in there endeavours.
Type 9 - The Peacemaker in Me
I am my Father's son. My father is well-loved and respected among his circle of friends as well as our relatives because he has this uncanny ability and gift of dealing with almost every type of person around him. He was often called-upon by family and friends to mediate a misunderstanding or conflicts. I remember growing up always making sure to stay out of trouble. Fortunately for me, I never had to deal with big fights or misdemeanour during my childhood, adolescent and young adulthood years. It is only now that I am already a Professional handling some important position in the medical society and community that my skills in handling conflicts , problems and sensitive issues are put to the test. It has always been my hope that everyone can live in peaceful coexistence. However, in the family there is an existing negative issue involving the second generation which involves my Mother and her siblings whereby it is difficult to patch up there differences and misunderstanding. Sensitive issues involving family property and inheritance is tearing the family I have grown to love. A few moths ago, some family members tried to discredit my mother for taking care of my grandmother. In my small capacity, I tried my best to mediate to resolve the issues to avoid further escalation of the conflict. There is a lot of hatred going on in this world already and the last thing we want is to add to these conflicts. I just continue to hope and pray that I could be an instrument of peace and understanding for as long as I live.
Type 1 - The Reformer in Me
Reformers are characterised as rational and Principled individuals. The year was 2007, I just finished my Surgical training in my Specialty - ENT Head and Neck Surgery and was eager to practice my craft in my hometown of Dumaguete city. After having been introduced to the existing Surgical and Medical staff of the hospital, I was delighted to be accepted as a Junior consultant staff. As weeks, turned to months, I started to notice that the patients are few and just thought of it as a normal occurrence for young upstarts like me. However, given the situation that we have a growing population of patients not only coming from the city but also from the nearby Provinces of Siquijor and Northern Mindanao, I really expected that my patient base should at least be proportionally increasing as well, but it was not to be. Then, I realised that existing Medical and Surgical Consultants have the tendency to manage patients even if the cases were not under there specialty. At first my initial reaction was of Disillusionment. It was painful reality that I have to deal with. This is the real world now - not very ideal. I tried to be proactive, so I made a formal communication addressed to the department Chair explaining the situation. Sadly up to this day, the call for much needed reforms have fallen on deaf ears and never materialised. I have not lost hope that someday my calls for change and reform in the existing system will come to fruition.
Leadership subject at AGSB is an Ateneo advantage. It emphasizes leadership from within, authentic leadership. One of its pillars is love. This is odd in a cold steely corporate world. The others are heroism, ingenuity and self awareness. The goal of leadership is not only to develop oneself but to clone other leaders. Everybody has potential to be leader. What we do, even if we do not have followers influences/affects others. It is time to define Filipino leadership too
The Cebu Leaders Class in Action
Cebu Regis Leaders
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