Thursday, November 12, 2015

MM Leadership Call to Arms Speech by Leader May Roxas

Hi Prof,
Here's my CTA speech for later. 

Call To Arms Speech
Sabi nila if you want to experience forever, run a marathon. If this is anywhere near true, this means I have already experienced three forevers. Can you imagine that? Three forevers in a single lifetime!

As much as I want to talk about finding forever, my topic is really about why you should run a marathon. But first, I'd like you to remove the misconception that marathons are just for hardcore or elite runners. Marathons are also for people who are mentally strong and people who are willing to put in hard work and commitment to the training.

I am no athlete and I grew up trying to avoid gym class as much as I can, but this year I was  able to run two 42k distances and one 50k. In this speech, I will tell you why I did such and hopefully be able to convince you to do the same.

#1 Running is simple yet rewarding. To quote Meb Keflezighi, American top marathoner, "Running is simple. It is the simplest thing you can do and the most inexpensive – just your shoes and shirt. But it's the most rewarding to say "You know what? I ran four miles today before work, or five miles or ten miles." It's such a gratifying moment."

#2 Carbo-loading and Post-Run Meal. Who doesn't like to eat? Food is one of the best reasons for running. But runners also know that you cannot out-exercise a bad diet. Therefore, running teaches you to consciously make healthy choices, whether it be food, sleeping habits or lifestyle.

#3 Imagine this - your feet is screaming in pain, you have multiple blisters the size of a five peso coin, your legs feel like jell-o and you chafe on areas you never knew existed. Hate is the only emotion you have for the people around you and you started cursing the person who talked you into it. But despite this, you go on because you know that pain is only temporary. In short, what doesn't kill can only make you stronger.

#4 A marathon will change your life forever. A coach from The Bull Runner University teaches first time marathoners that a marathon must be respected. Like any other sports, training for a marathon teaches you self-discipline, sacrifice, commitment and self-accomplishment. In the end, you do not only get stronger but you also get to realize what kind of person you are. The best part? Finding out that you are actually capable of so much more than what you imagined.

#5 Running allows you to do the thing you love and to inspire others at the same time. In your journey as a runner or as a marathoner, you will have the chance to raise money for charities and help increase awareness on different advocacy. You will get the chance to inspire people who have fears, doubts or insecurities to take up something that seems impossible at first. You don't have to be a fast runner to inspire others. For instance, I have one batchmate in TBR who is 67 years old and whenever I passed her in the route, I say "Go, mommy!" Although I cheer for her, the truth is she is the one who inspires me more.

In summary, what I would like to tell you is that you should not be afraid to challenge yourself and push yourself to the limits. Trust me, there is not a high quite like finishing a marathon - nothing else makes you feel so whole while literally tearing you apart. But like any other major feat, deciding to run a marathon begins with taking that very first step. So what are you waiting for? Grab those shoes and run!

1 comment:

  1. Unlike before that running is a trend, many Filipinos now embrace running. It's now becoming a way of life. Look at the community developers who include jogging trails in their plans. Running, as what you shared is greatly mental toughness. It's will power. Pushing one's self to the limits. I admire your passion to run Maye. This is something I might try. Keep on running!
